View Full Version : Health anxiety?

31-10-08, 19:28
First of all hello to all. I have been lurking for a couple of months and this is a great site and a wonderful help to all I am sure. My problem is that in my past I know I have drank too much alcohol and just cannot get over the feeling that I have hurt myself. I cut down drastically a couple of years ago and have quit all together since last May.
I have had discomfort in the abdomen for the last couple of years. It seemed to start im my stomach but lately is in my liver area. I am tired a lot and way too irritable with my 12 year old son, who is a great kid. I see my Dr. three times a year,,once for a physical and the othe 2 times for bloodwork. A LFT test is done each time I see him and they have always been normal. I also had a ultrasound done last year and it came back normal. I even had a life insurance company give me a complete blood work test last spring and they gave me a perferred rate because everything looked so good. They did a LFT too. So in the last 6 months I have had 3 LFT's done, all fine.
Does anyone think I have anything to worry about? Except maybe for my wife who insisted we bump up my life insurance?
Thanks and best of health to all of us.

31-10-08, 23:19
If your liver was damaged or diseased it would show in the blood tests that you have had. The liver is responsible for releasing several substances into your bloodstream so if it wasn't functioning properly the evidence would be there in your blood.

I had a pain in my lower abdomen once, convinced myself that I had appendicitis. The more I thought about it, the more I felt the pain. This is called somatization, I think. I was fine, by the way, no appendicitis :).

01-11-08, 14:38
Thanks for your reply LeeBee. Right after reading your reply I felt so much better, it kind of convinces you it must be in your head. Feel a little twinge this morning but nothing like that last week. I googled somatization and it sure sounds like me.
Glad you didnt have appendictis too.

agent orange
01-11-08, 15:46
I agree with LeeBee, I suffer from a somatoform disorder and I really think that the more you think about a certain part of your body, the more the pain etc gets worse.