View Full Version : am i getting better or is it something serious??

31-10-08, 22:11
ive not been online in a while
but since i last posted something, ive been having counselling in regards to anxiety and panic attacks, and admittedly this has been helping alot!
i dont feel like i used to in that i can tell when a panic attack is coming on and can now stop it happening by thought swap and realistic thinking
however, i am thinking about death more than normal, and am convinced daily i am going to die..soon, even when im not necessarily suffering any of my old symptoms, i am absolutely convinced i'm going to die, maybe today or maybe soon, but before anyone else in my family. does anyone else have these feelings??? am also worried as my last doctors appointment has now resulted in him booking me in for a second ECG scan, am worried he senses something isnt right :( xxx

31-10-08, 23:22
What are you symptoms? Does your doctor know how anxious you are? Perhaps he has referred you for another scan to reassure you.

31-10-08, 23:42
I am having same thoughts. Everyday feeling of death is near. Its horrible and even though I am trying to think positive it pops back into my mind few times a day

01-11-08, 09:27
I so sympathise with you, it's something I experience all too often. Feelings of impending doom, particularly being certain that death is quite literally imminent, are symptoms of extreme anxiety. When I'm in my highest anxiety states I'm convinced I'm about to die and can remain in that state for hours. I think your doctor is just ordering the ECG as a precautionary measure - I've had them in the past. GPs often feel out of their depth with acute anxiety cases and order these tests to reassure themselves as much as the patient. Was your original anxiety related to the death of a close relative or friend? I'm sure these fears are your anxiety manifesting itself in another way. I'm pretty certain your ECG won't show anything sinister. I don't think these symptoms necessarily mean things are getting worse, anxiety is a very creative monster bully and if you've managed to conquer so many of your fears it will be feeling impotent and struggling to do what bullies do - find something new to frighten you. Sounds as though you've been doing really well thus far, don't let these latest fears beat you. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well.

anx mum
01-11-08, 09:44
Hi im Bev. I feel exactly like you been getting very anxious about physical symptoms. feel like im going to die its so scary. Had ecgs which have come bk normal