View Full Version : Need Advice please <3

31-10-08, 22:49
Ok, I have gone through mostly every day with what they've labeled as "Panic attacks" for over 4 months now, every night. We've tried Buspirone, Citropram, which I can't take the Busripone because I have really bad attacks and the Citropram makes me feel clouded and gives me really bad palpitations.

So, I was wondering, what other medications are there available, that someone might be on to treat Anxiety/panic attacks that might help me out. I don't think I wanna go for five months, this is getting really old. x.x

And they last all day, which leads me to believe they might not be panic attacks. Most people I know who have attacks, say theirs last for 15 minutes or so and they can typically ride em out. But I cant. So any advice would be greatly appreciated as well as any ideas on what to do.

01-11-08, 13:25
Sorry to hear you are doing so bad. You actually can have panic or anxiety all day long. Although it is not one long 24 hour panic attack, they come in waves and you are probably already tense from the last one so it looks like they are right on top of each other.You can also have anticipatory anxiety, which means you are waiting for the next panic attack to come. That doesnt allow your body to relax so it seems all day long. There are other meds out there for you. I have never taken them, I had a bad experience with one dose and am scared now, but a friend of mine takes Lexapro and Ativan and seems to be doing great. There is a section here for meds to let you know what other people thought of theirs which might be helpful. Have a look and te talk to your doctor. Take care.

01-11-08, 21:18
Yeah I'm reading through it all now and thank for your post and well wishes, hon <3

Just 4 months of having to do this every night...and I'm afraid of taking the Citropram. Do they have Anxiety specialists? Going to have to look into it somehow. The Citropram was making my spacy and gviing me bad heart palpatations, isn't there any meds that don't make you feel weird to treat Anxiety? xD

Like an anxiety free alternative, but I guess that's wishful thinking x.x