View Full Version : OCD or Health Anxiety

31-10-08, 23:01
I really need someone to help me snap out of my latest obsessive thought as I know how stupid and irrational I'm being, but I can't stop thinking about it, and now I'm worrying that my anxiety attacks will return.
I was on holiday last week and on the last night I went to the public toilet in the clubroom which was a total mess as toilets are when there are loads of kids about, anyway after having a pee I noticed there was no toilet roll left in the toilet roll dispenser, but there was a clean sheet of paper left on top, so I used it. And ever since then I keep thinking what if it wasn't (even tho I know it was) but what if I have contracted HIV from this. I know it's stupid and I don't want to start being scared of catching diseases from everything I touch, but I can't stop thinking about it. Any advice please!!!

31-10-08, 23:15
You cant catch AIDS or anything remotely serious from toilet paper, so please don’t worry.

31-10-08, 23:24
What brokensoul said :). Just not possible to contract HIV from a sheet of paper sitting around in a restroom.

31-10-08, 23:41
Thanks for your replies guys and I guess I already know this, but why can't I stop obsessing about it and just feel happy for once http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon9.gif

31-10-08, 23:52
It's the obsessive, unwanted thoughts that you need to try to deal with. Have you had a look at the OCD forum for advice on this? Or maybe you could talk to your doctor and get referred for some psychotherapy? There are a lot of books available on overcoming OCD and obessive thoughts, perhaps one of them might help you. Someone over on the OCD forum might have a recommendation. Good luck :flowers:.