View Full Version : hello

01-11-08, 01:30
hiya everyone.
My name is Samm, Iīm 22 years old, I live in england.
I have suffered with anxiety for over 5 years now. It first started when My mum and dad were moving to spain without me, I ended up going with them as they refused to leave without me lol.
I came back as I decided I needed to do something to change my axiety, only it werrnt that simple, for the first ten months i did nothing, didnīt go out or anything, only then my anxiety got much much worse. So i decided to go to college to try and get out the house, so i did an access course and passed and got accepted to uni. Iīm now doing some AS levels as i did not feel ready to go to uni just yet. I find my anxiety so dibilatating at times. there are some days when i donīt even have any anxiety at all, but on others, its so bad i canīt even bring myself to get out of my house. Donīt really know what else to say other than thanks for reading, and i look forward to getting to know you all.

01-11-08, 02:32
Hi there Samm, :welcome: to NMP.

Not many Brits or Irish are on here this early in the morning, just us Kiwis, and Aussies, Americans, Candadians and insomniacs of course :winks:.

Hope you find the site is helpful, welcome aboard.

01-11-08, 11:19
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

02-11-08, 19:27
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx