View Full Version : Stressed much?

01-11-08, 01:52
It's that time of year again, I'm going to an anime convention next week and this time I've not had the time to do anything I need to do for it (making a costume and arranging my art to sell) since I'm working full time and going to school, and I'm ready to run around screaming.

I've had real trouble as of late being able to let go of my thoughts and I fear I'm getting obsessed about finishing my costume for the convention, I can't stop thinking about how I'm not going to have enough time (1 week).

I've had even bigger trouble being able to sleep properly, not necesarily having to do with that but I seem to think too much before going to sleep and sometimes I get what I call a "Feedback Loop" in my head and I won't be able to go to sleep! It's like a series of thoughts or images that won't go away and will ruminate in my subconcious, I'm just sleeping very lightly or just resting my eyes and not conciously thinking about anything but the sleep won't kick in. Sometimes getting up and doing something helps, and sometimes it doesn't work! I just got over a bad cold and actually the couple days off work really helped me brilliantly, I think I just needed sleep.

So anyway I feel like I'm gonna explode with all the things I have to do and I'm trying to force myself to 'let go' and quit worrying about it but it's like in my nature and I hope I don't end up causing myself to lose sleep this week (cause I really, really need it!) because of the convention coming up. I can't take any more days off either cause I already used up a lot being sick this week. I'm really looking forward to the convention cause it's a time I can blow off some steam and just relax but it's traditionally been a stressful time over the last few years...

I'm actually not afraid of panicking this time but I'm afraid of being TOO EXCITED and not getting any rest. Ugh, I can't win at this anxiety business!

01-11-08, 02:50
All I can say is I know "golden phoenix" always finds a way to cope because of her inner strength so I have total faith in your ability to conquer all the obstacles you encounter in achieving your goals. :hugs:

02-11-08, 19:27
Write a list and tick everythiong off as you go. this is a visual reinforcement of actively reducing your stress levels and anxiety by completing each task.

Pooh x