View Full Version : its back! that one pupil...

01-11-08, 04:56
I was doing good for awhile but that one dilated pupil is back and bigger than ever. I went to the eye doctor and they saw nothing wrong and told me to call my neuro who then said to me they just did an MRI last March and that I'm fine. Should I accept this? Or get another opinion?

01-11-08, 05:08
What did the eye doctor say might be causing it? Did the eye doctor see that one pupil was bigger than the other? Or was it not doing it when you went to see him/her?

01-11-08, 05:16
It wasn't doing it at ge time but when it was mentioned the opthamologist said they didn't see anything wrong in the eyes themselves. Then they told me to go to my neuro who said I just had an MRI done in March and it was fine.

01-11-08, 05:21
Is it dilated all the time? Can other people see it or is it only in certain lights, in the mirror? Sorry, lots of questions! I thought I had one dilated eye a while ago. Freaked myself out about it. I had an eye exam and the optician said nope, you're fine, no extra pressure in the eye, light reflexes working normally. He couldn't see the difference between the eyes. After a while I realised that I could only see it in the mirror, in certain rooms, and had to conclude that it was just my eyes behaving normally, I was just freaking myself out. Not saying that's what is happening in your case, of course...

01-11-08, 08:03
I thought I could only are it in a mirror til tonight my friend noticed it and said something to me.

01-11-08, 08:12
Perhaps, as your neuro doesn't want to see you, you could go and see your regular doctor? Just to put your mind at ease. Otherwise you'll just worry about it without being able to do anything about it.

01-11-08, 08:22
That's true. I am trying to tell myself that since my neuro thinks its nothing I should get over it but it still hasn't gone back to normal like its usually does. And I don't want to rush to the hospital for no reason.

01-11-08, 08:34
Thank you by the way for replying! It kinda helped =)

01-11-08, 08:40
You're welcome :). Glad it helped a bit.

01-11-08, 09:03

I've h ad that!!! Not for a long while I have to admit but I have had it and it did trouble me cos I thought it made me look like an alien. It was the pupil in my right eye and it was much bigger than the left, also felt some pressure at the back of it. I did tell the optician who said there was nothing wrong with the eye etc etc.

At the time I thought it must be something to do with my meds and I just tried to ignore it. It wasn't like it all the time but it was like on and off. I shouldn't worry about it? Are you on any meds?

Take care.

02-11-08, 04:29
I'm not on any sort of meds...

02-11-08, 13:35
Hi everyone just to let you all know that this condition is called aides tonic pupil i have had it for over 12 years. I still worry about it but not as much as i used to.
I saw so many doctors at the eye hospital here in london even a neuro opthamologist who seemed to think it has been caused by anti depressants.

also had a ct brain scan done a few months ago for another reason...thank god it was all clear.

So to all of you worriers all i can say is it so much more common than we think.

good luck
luv tracie xxxx

03-11-08, 04:04
Lets add to the pupil with left hand numbness....is this anxiety?