View Full Version : look.. i really need some help

01-11-08, 05:35
:mad: i went to the dentist a few weeks ago.. today i finally looked at the thing on my cheek.. its not getting any better infact its spreading.. i knew my dentist looked like a idiot... what a waiste of money.. now i dont know what to do.. i was on andti d's and now i cant aford them so im having withdraw symthoms.. i really need to hear somthing.. i donno what...
on the left side in my mouth where my saliva glan is.. the color of my skin is abit lighter and im getting lumps.. im worried and it sounds really horrible.. it looks worse t hen it sounds.. i tried to trust my dentist.. and i would have if it wasnt freaking spreading!!!:mad:

im scared

01-11-08, 05:41
Hey Malv, sorry to hear your cheek thing is not better. Does it hurt? Sounds like it might be an infection, in which case you might need antibiotics to clear it up. Try not to worry, you're young and otherwise healthy, it is probably something that can be sorted with a bit of medical attention. Can you get to see a GP? How is your immigration case coming along?

01-11-08, 05:47
i think i can see my gp somtime this week.. im doing one more final thing for immigration them hopefully i will be able to do things

im just so worried.. for awhile i tried trusting my doctor i was sure it was going to get better.. then today i looked and its not better at all... im just scared sad and depressed and now my h eart wont stop beating so fast and my hands feel numb...i just feel so alone... this is so stupid... this should no longer be a problem i spend 3hundred dollars on the dentist for nothing:weep:

01-11-08, 05:52
The dentist sorted your gums out, didn't he? And at least this way, you can go to the GP and say, look, I've been to the dentist and he didn't sort it out. So the GP will know that your mouth has already been looked at by a dentist and that might make him/her look at it in a different way.

I really think that if it was something serious, you'd have loads of other symptoms by now. Infections move fast, cancer doesn't. If your mouth has got worse in the last few days, it is more likely to be a simple infection than anything else. The infection doesn't care whether you feel nervous about it or not. So try to just relax (so hard, I know) and see your GP as soon as you can to get it sorted.

01-11-08, 08:01
i hope your right :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: this is really really really getting to me... i thought this would all be over by now :weep: :weep:

01-11-08, 08:11
I had a virus for almost three months this year so I know the feeling, believe me. That's what brought on my latest bout of HA. Every day I thought:

I must be getting better now... why aren't I getting better? It's got to be something really serious, otherwise I'd be getting better...

Three months of swollen glands and virus moving from one part of my head to another (ears, nose, sinuses, throat - luckily not brain!). But it wasn't serious, not really. And I did get better. I just had to be patient and let my body get on with it. And go to the doctor to make sure it wasn't something serious, of course. Sometimes we have to be patient with our bodies :winks:.

01-11-08, 09:44
Hi Malv :hugs:

are we talking lumps or is it just rough. Have you been rubbing it with your tongue? From what i have read something nasty would appear as one lump or a red/white patch.
Do you grind your teeth in your sleep, are you catching your cheek?
Have you tried rinsing your mouth reguarly with warm salt water.
I had a real fear/obssession with mouths that lasted for a few years. The trouble with mouths is that they can change on a daily basis and when you are looking so much you notice every change. I also ended up hurting my jaw.
I am sure your dentist is not a idiot and did look. They'd get the pants sued off them if they didn't.
Calm down and try to leave alone for a couple of days. Then look when you are less anxious.
I am sure you are fine
lanx xx :hugs:

01-11-08, 09:59
its not in a area where it can get bit by my teeth.. i have a special mouth wash the dentist gave me.. ive had this problem for awhile .. ive tried different mouth washes i brush my teeth 3 times a day...
if u look in both of your cheeks u will see a bump on each side even to where your top back molder is.. those are saliva glans... one of mine is totaly normal looking... the one on my laft side has discoloration little lumps my skin looks lighter in that area to a whitish color.. there is no cut or not big lump just a bunch of small ones.. and it seems to be spreading slowly
i had my dentist look at it.. he said it was only a infected saliva glan and he diidnt give me anything or any instructions on how to make it go away.. i say he is a idiot because he acted as if he had somthing more imortant to do that day.. i borrowed money to see him and this problem is getting worse...
the onlything i can think it that its mouth cancer and im scared to death.. im only 23 years old:weep:

01-11-08, 10:07
Malv, mouth cancer is not the only thing it could be... it's the least likely thing it could be... as you know when you are able to let go of your anxiety for a moment. Big hugs :hugs:. Hope BraveKelly and your wee one are all cool (literally, must be hotting up over there in Oz now).

01-11-08, 10:14
I know its worrying you but really it won't be anything like mouth cancer. At the very worst it will be an infection. At your age its very rare.
Do you smoke? I did and the fear made stop, so that was good.
Try the salt water. Your wife is not worried either is she. She wouldn't want to let anything happen to you.
Im my experience doctors would rather you see a dentist about mouths so i don't know how you will get on there.
Would it not be possible to get a follow up with the denstist you saw, say your not happy or treatment has not worked? Do you think he may see you free fo 5 mins it may be worth asking,
Just for reassurnace though, i am sure you have nothing to worry about,

anx xx