View Full Version : Mole

01-11-08, 08:32
Hi after being anxiety free for all of 48 hours when my acid reflux seems to be getting better there is now something else.

I noticed yesterday morning on the top bridge of my nose a large triangular darker freckle I think not a mole exactly but larger than any others and not one I have noticed before, next to it or maybe part of it a small round red spot that I had not noticed either.

Shall I go back to the docs this week, I have an appt on Thursday that I was going to cancel. I feel so embarressed I have been back to much. Or should I leave it for a few weeks and just keep an eye on it. I was wondering if it could be caused by my medication 6 Antibiotics a day and 2 acid suppressants.

I don't know what to do, I have used sun beds and sunbathed. It does not look like a melanoma now but what if its just starting it would be better to get it removed now. But I wonder if its just me being silly and in a hightened state of alert due to all the worry over my acid reflux.

I was so happy on Thursday, how can this of happend again.


01-11-08, 08:36
Hi Jane

Maybe keep your doc's appointment for now and see how it looks in a day or two. You only noticed it yesterday so it might just be a spot of some kind and clear up in a few days. I'm sure it'll be fine :).