View Full Version : Is this being kind or cruel?

Granny Primark
01-11-08, 08:58
My hubby is a bus driver and works shifts.
He does a lot of early shifts and goes out the house at 4.30am
Every morning he wakes me up with a cup of tea in bed even at 4.30am!!!!
Im wondering if he does this cus hes a kind thoughtful hubby or does he just like irritating me.:unsure: :D

01-11-08, 09:15
sounds to me like he is doing it to be thoughtful, but also a little bit of 'well if im awake you have to be too' added! if it bothers you, have you told him as much as you appricitate it you would prefer if he didn't do it?

01-11-08, 09:30
Hiya m8y x
Hes prob being thoughtfull and because you have never told him otherwise he will think u like it ......u know what men are like they wont think hand on I'l let her sleep in 2day LOL xxxxx.......also say 1 morning he didnt bring u a cuppa wouldnt you be like oh whats up with him have I upset him lol x

Hugs hun I have 2 make my own cuppas so make the most of them xxxxxxxx:hugs:

01-11-08, 11:25
GP how long has he been doing this years? If it is he deffo thinks you want it and to keep him happy I wouldnt say otherwise men are so sensitive to him itll be a HUGE thing lol

hehe Pooh x

Granny Primark
01-11-08, 11:33
Hes been doing it for years.
But he hadnt used to get up so early before.
I think he just does it to wind me up.:winks:
But he wont have to do it for much longer cus ive got a suspicion my daughter is buying me a teasmade for christmas!:yahoo:

01-11-08, 11:36
I would think he is being thoughtful.
He has probably already disturbed you by pottering around - sooo a nice cup of tea to help calm you back to sleep?????
Sounds good to me. zzzzzzzzz!
Best wishes June

07-11-08, 15:58
My fella is also a bus driver and also gets up some mornings at 4am. I am of the opinion that it is impossible for men to have the same kind of consideration when we are asleep.
I am sure, that it is just an oversight on their part, a man thing, if you like!

07-11-08, 16:05
Seriously!? .... lol.

My husband did/does shift work and the earliest he'd have to get up is 4.30 - 5am, but he would always take his stuff downstairs to get ready. He would shower and do the rest in the lounge. IF, he was in a bad mood or hadn't slept well, he would bang around like a frigging gorilla and make sure i woke up too!!!

To be woken DELIBERATELY every morning would really pee me off. Your husband probably thinks that he's being kind and what women doesn't want a cuppa brought to them? But at 4.30am? Got to be kidding me!!!

I think he has to be told...lol

07-11-08, 16:32
OMG That's the middle of the bleedin night Lynn. I'd hit him with the cup :roflmao:

I expect he is just being nice. Either that or it's a case of 'if i'm up the your up gal' Lol

Loads of love

Granny Primark
07-11-08, 22:58
Lisa you hit the nail on the head!!!!
He always tells me to make certain I dont let it go cold.
He knows that once im awake I cant get back to sleep.
Im going have to think of a way of getting revenge.
Hes got 2 days off now so im going secretly set his alarm clock at 4.30 and then when it goes off ask him where my cup of tea is.:yesyes:

09-11-08, 11:16
thats sooooo funny lmao
Linda xx

09-11-08, 11:25
Hi Lynn

I know that well, my hubby does exactly the same. The most annoying thing though is that when we are both off he usually gets up first goes down makes the tea, but then DOESN'T bring mine up!!!! Ummmm it's cos when we are off we stay in bed a BIT longer, about half eight and it's his way of making sure I get up. Now THAT'S annoying!!!! But I think the early morning cuppa's are just kind and well meaning and I just accept it as I know loads of women whoose men NEVER make them a cuppa. So I'm not gonna complain.

09-11-08, 15:23
maybe a bit of both hun. tho maybe he wants to see u coz he gona miss u all day. tho only u can decide, tho why not ask him why he does it, xx

10-11-08, 10:47
Oh lynn,


I bought a teasmaid as i was fed up of coming up and down three flights of stairs in the morning, put the teasmaid on and its like a rocket is taking off in the bedroom lol.............its soooooooooooo noisy.

Get a cheap kettle instead, apart from anything if the teapot breaks on the teasmaid you'll have to bin the whole thing as they're especially designed..............

bless hubby for making you tea, but at 4.30 am!!!!!!!!!

di xx