View Full Version : fuzzy wierd head sensation

01-11-08, 11:06
hi i am a tad panicky today my head symptoms have all come back feeling of un reality and feeling like my head is blocked some way my whole right side my ears and pressure on left temple area, am feeling dizzy for 3 days now and am so freaked out, i keep feeling like i might die like my head will go bang i am so scared so scraed what are these feeling why am i dizzy why do i keep getting pressure in my head and around my eyes, i feel so alone

does anyone else have the same symptoms and constantly why dont they go away

01-11-08, 11:11
also it is a feeling like my right side of face and head is sticking out like it is detached or alien, is so horrible my eye feels like it is sticking out and i feel so strange

01-11-08, 11:13
and all numb my face feels so scared i am rubbish at explaiing what i mean

01-11-08, 11:14
have you seen the doc? have you had a cold recently? I would put it down to a mixture of anxiety & maybe a cold coming on & if you are still feeling like this on Monday see your doc. Sorry can't be much help! xxx

01-11-08, 11:16
Your head won't go bang, don't worry :).

Have you got some sinus problems? Sounds very much the way that I feel when my sinuses are bad. My face feels numb/tingly/weird on one side.

01-11-08, 11:16
thankyou, i have got a slight cold x

01-11-08, 11:18
ithanks leebee i do have trouble with my sinus but how can that make me feel like i do, i feel like when i look in the mirror my face looks different on the right side and my pupil dosent seem too look right am i letting my anxiet take over me again

01-11-08, 11:44
Sorry you are feeling so bad:weep:
all i can add is caaaalm caaaalm down the old saying of slow your breathing :blush: and Stop looking for problems:weep:
I know this is easier said than done - I only wish I could help you more but as you said "your anxiety is taking over":mad:
Try some sort of distraction - word games etc anthing to take your mind off this awful fear.
read some of the SYMPTOMS on the left of screen at least you will be concentrating on something else then.:hugs: :hugs:
I wish you well

11-11-08, 23:49
I am going through similar myself. Constant headaches, tingling sensations in my scalp. I have been really worried but all the doctor will say is it's anxiety..

Hope you are feeling better now.
