View Full Version : Scared Of Brain Tumor

01-11-08, 14:07
This whole thing started about two months ago . I noticed i had a mild headache which lasted couple of mins and went away I didnt think much of it as the pain was minimal so i forgot about it. but then i started getting these headaches almost every day and i began panicking. i was panicked even when i didnt have this head pain and when i was at work i had a panic attack. I was feeling dizzy and was sick becuase i was so scared. so i went to the doctor and they told me it was stress, that it would go away. but it didnt. Then i started getting this awful preassure around my eyes and temples, occasionaly with pain. Then this week the pain in my head got a little worse, but i think that might be becuase i hadnt slept. I went to the doctor again and she gave me propranolol. But im still getting these heachaches now and again. This is really ruining my life and i am so scared i barely sleep. I made the mistake of googling my headaches as well. I just dont know what to do anymore.
Any advice? Bty i am only 16 :(

01-11-08, 16:34
aw hun, you must be so worried. I agree with tetley, could you go back to GP & tell them how you are feeling? have you spoke to your parents or gaurdian about how you are feeling? xxxx

01-11-08, 20:58
Thanks for your advice =)
I have a return appointment with my GP on monday after a week on propranolol for migranes and anxiety. My parents are all to aware of these problems and i think are beggining to tire of my constant worrying. I just want to know theres nothing seriously wrong, so im hoping my GP will refer me to a neurologist. But i dont think shes taking me seriously, she thinks there just migranes and stress. But saying that dosent make them go away. I also have started experincing eye pain, and slightly blurred vision. Also severe ear pain, all on the right side.
This is awful i hate being like this.

01-11-08, 23:56

Hi sweetheart. This temple/ear pain/eye pain is from clenching your jaw& gritting your teeth with the anxiety. If you do it a lot it causes soreness of the temples. I get it loads & its sore.
It sounds like TMj/stress hun. I too was scared of brain tumors well in fact anything head, aneurysm/hemorrhage you name it. However hun you have to learn to deal with your anxiety & move on as it will only make you worse.

Nic xx

03-11-08, 22:04
So i went to the doctor and i told her straight what i was afraid of and she said it probably isnt a tumor. But she refferd me to a neurologist, not urgently, just a normal referal. What will happen when i go to them , what will they do?

04-11-08, 05:49
So i went to the doctor and i told her straight what i was afraid of and she said it probably isnt a tumor. But she refferd me to a neurologist, not urgently, just a normal referal. What will happen when i go to them , what will they do?

See my pm :yesyes:

Skyline On Fire
04-11-08, 16:13
hey i had the EXACT same thing as you, im 19.

went to neurologist after months of doctors and panic, he did a load of reaction tests and eye tests, zero problems, its all due to anxiety and the fact im stressed all the time. he also said that if it was a tumor you would definitely know about it. the symptoms wouldnt just randomly turn themselves on and off, doesnt work like that. so relax.

04-11-08, 19:11
Ohh ok then so it wont be like an MRI scan straight away. I got really bad head pain today for like a couple of mins, was awful and s sharp pain in my eye and its has gone a bit blurry. Its uncomftable but i didnt panic like i usually do. Doctor didnt seem worried so im not worried :D
My appointment is ageeees away though!
ah weell
thanks for all the help you guys have been soo nice!

04-11-08, 20:08
I had the same thing last year. I slipped getting in the shower and then had a funny turn at work and was taken to hospital. I had damaged the nerves in my neck but one doctor mentioned brain tumour and I then spent weeks stressing about it. I had panic attacks and was depressed, the doctor was fantastic.
It cleared up about 90% but then 3 weeks ago I had a car crash and its all back and worse.
This forum is great because if you are like me I thought I was the only one in the world having these symptoms and knowing that there are people you can talk to helps.
Pratice slow breathing and relaxing. I found if I lost sleep the panic attacks were alot worse. I could not swallow and chewed my tongue.
I use a heat pad to snuggle into which I find really nice and calming.
Take care and

05-11-08, 19:28
Thanks kitty, i know what you mean about feeling like the only one, this place is great for making me not feel so alone with this!
Had a bad day, got awful head pain and eye pain but only lasted for about 10 mins! was awful though felt like my brain was throbbing! i nearly cried.
Have to put up with it though for 6 weeks till i see a neuro :(
Ah well

06-11-08, 19:24
Had an awful night, kept getting head pain and i was sooooo tierd but i couldnt sleep. I am now scared again. I got this weird feeling in my chest and throat, like i couldnt breathe. The headaches are worse, feels like my heads going to explode. Luckily they only last 10 mins. I was gonna go out tonight but i was to scared. This is awful my appoinetment with the nuero isnt for a month I cant wait that long :weep: