View Full Version : Worried Again

01-11-08, 17:37
Hi - I've not been here on here in a while but have managed to get myself very worried again. For about the last four weeks I keep getting shooting and cramping pains in my lower left abdominal area, combined with sometimes a pain that feels a bit like a burning sensation in my left hand side. It's not particulary relieved after using the toilet (so that worries me because with IBS, going to toilet is supposed to help) and I know it's not ovaries etc cos I had a scan a couple of weeks ago (we're having checks for infertility). Am convincing myself that I have bowel cancer - does anyone have any advice please?

01-11-08, 17:52
Hey Ellida,
First thing to say is Dnt worry try to stay calm hunni,i knw its very hard as ive been in same postion and i still am with my health anxiety.but staying calm will help you. for the last week or so ive had simialr problems ive had a pain in my back lower and upper on the left side and also this pain goes into stomach near belly button and on my hip bone its only left sideed but i have had it in my right a little to,but its more on the left!!anyway i have had constiaption to for a while so that doesnt help so i went to docotrs who said that ive got a urinary tract infection which explains why i have the pain that creepin into my back as these urinary infections can try and wriggle upto the kidneys so she gave me some anti biotics and got me to do a water sample so they can determine exactly what infection it is so they will knw excatly what anti biotics are best for me.i was realived as i dnt real right at all very weak and dizzy etc!!! and the pain is annoying burning,stabbin and achin etc. im not saying this is what u ave got but it might b worth seeing ur doctor and saying that u feel like this and maybe get them to do a water sample ?? to rule this out its not serious but it is not very nice and makes u feel down so its worth mentioning it.also do u ave any other symptoms to this as with urinary infections sometimes u get burning when u wee or cloudy urine etc. i didnt have the stinging but my wee is very warm and i was going to toilet quite often at frst.but other peole are different but i jus thought id share my experinece with you.if u need a chat pm .hope this helps
Best Wishes