View Full Version : Have Quit Smoking

01-11-08, 18:57
Finally done it, i have smoked 20 a day for the last 10 years, im 28 years old. Decided enough was enough after a chest infection i had, it has been 12 days since i last had one it was hard to start with but getting easier now.

Only thing bothering me is that i am coughing up alot of mucus off my chest it is sort of a grey colour, does anyone know if this is normal or should i be worried.

01-11-08, 19:12
Well done. I gave up smoking 3 years ago as I had developed emphysenia and could not breath at night which was really scary.

It it normal to cough up mucus as this stuff has been sitting at the bottom of your lungs for years. Once that is over with you are going to feel even better healthwise.

My taste of food came back and funny enough I used to love cauliflower cheese and can't stand it now. A curry used to be mild for me and now it blows my head off:ohmy: .


01-11-08, 20:54
Hi Jason :D:hugs:

Ohhhh hunny, WELL DONE, you should be sooo proud of yourself :yesyes:

Mmmm, I smoke, wish I had the willpower you have hun. I do that many, many people who give up the cigs cough up mucus this last for a little while then goes. Hun, if you are worried and Mrs anxiety is playing with you, please pop along to your gp, peace of mind goes along way.

YOUR doing great, keep up the good work


01-11-08, 22:32
Yay! Well done you - I stopped for very similar reasons and at a similar age to yourself. it's perfectly normal to cough up weirdly coloured ming for the first few months after stopping - you're getting rid of all the old mucus, tar, dead cells etc. keep going with it! I am still hooked on the nicotine pills (after three years!) but it's far better than stinking and wheezing and coughing. I have to dissect lungs in front of school pupils, which is what finally made me quit!

02-11-08, 09:24
Thanks everyone, i feel proud of what i have done so far, only thing is cant stop eating, lol.

05-11-08, 15:46
just like to say well done this is also day 12 without fags and my first posting not too much problem with coughing yet but the appetite has definatly increased which is good at keeping the anxiety at bay
all the best baz

05-11-08, 18:30
Hi Jason,

Firstly well done! Sounds like you're doing great and from the third day after quitting it just gets easier. I know because I did it over 3 months ago having smoked 20 a days for 3 years and haven't looked back.

The mucus is normal as far as I've heard. When you continued to smoke the tar kept the mucus in your lungs but now they have the opportunity to get the nasty stuff out, so it's actually a good thing. Still, if it's really unpleasant then go to your doctor and I think they can give you something to help.

According to my little ticker I downloaded I've saved £179.82 since quitting, and I was smoking rolling tobacco so if you were on real cigarettes you'll save a bomb! Keep at it, you're doing great :) xx

05-11-08, 19:10
well done for giving up i would love to give up but at the same time im sacred of the withdrawal ill go through any advice on what thats like