View Full Version : From Panic to Depression

01-11-08, 20:23

It's great to find a site so loaded with information! It's also a relief to find a group of people who happen to be going through a similar situation.

a little about me:

I've suffered from panic attacks since Feb. 2006 and was just taking Diazepam as needed from my family doctor. He felt more comfortable referring me to a psychiatrist which I finally agreed to in June 2008.

I was placed on 60mg. of Fluoxetine once a day and 5 mg. Diazepam twice daily and quickly went from an anxious/panicked person to a sedated zombie. I slept the better part of 3 months.

After a session of EMDR Therapy; my panic and anxiety were reduced to nothing and I realized how badly I was feeling on the meds.

I took myself off of the valium and still felt quite sedated.

I finally took myself off of the Fluoxetine and had a bad reaction. Jaw/neck/shoulder/ear ache. Flu like body aches. Sinus pressure. Still sleepy.

After 3 weeks of suffering; I put myself back on 20 mg. Fluoxetine per day and still felt really sleepy most of the time.

Now I dissolve my Fluoxetine in water and take 5 mg. per day. I am finally beginning to feel more like myself again minus the anxiety and panic.

Now I think I have medicine induced depression. I'm not taking care of myself or my home. I'm not cooking and cleaning as I should because I haven't got the strength. Of course all of this leads to guilt which in turn leaves me feeling more depressed.

I almost feel too relaxed. I honestly need to start really forcing myself to at least shower, brush my teeth, clean my house and prepare healthy meals.

I have been eating mostly salads, fresh fruit and canned soups since I don't have the energy to menu plan and shop much less cook.

Reading the depression symptoms located here on the main menu bar leads me to believe I now have medicine induced depression as I have never suffered from depression prior to having taken these meds.

I've been reading the articles and posts all day today when I could have been using my time more usefully.

01-11-08, 20:35

Welcome to the site, I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


Veronica H
01-11-08, 21:36
:welcome: To NMP. You will find comfort and support here. I think a day spent looking for ways to help yourself is a day well spent, so you should not feel guilty about it. I was alarmed by the amount of meds you were given although I am not familiar with these particular meds. Could you see another doctor? I have found keeping things ticking over at home to be really tiring even with only mild depression panic/anxiety. I try to do one room a day, and do not beat myself up about it. I would try to get some exercise though if you can. This really helps depression.


01-11-08, 22:35
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

02-11-08, 00:10
Hiya welcome to NMP you will get alot of support and advise

All the best

02-11-08, 19:24
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx