View Full Version : Ok, it could be a coincidence, but...

Cathy V
01-11-08, 23:03
When i was given propranolol last year, for high bp and migraine and anx, they seemed to affect my digestion, and since taking them ive gained weight and suffered badly with stomach problems, which i never suffered with before.

It was mainly a feeling of pressure and feeling like i had eaten a 6 course meal when i'd only had a sandwich. I'd joke that it was like having a gastric band fitted but without the weight loss! I ate so little but always felt so full. I felt like i wanted to stick a pin in my stomach to release all the pressure :ohmy:

I always mentioned it to the doc whenever i went back for another pescription, but he always just kind of shrugged his shoulders. Until last week. When he decided to give me something for it. Its called Lefax, but not sure what its called in UK, and its something that the girl in the pharmacy just plucked from off the shelf in the shop so obviously a pescription isnt necessary. Its a small white smooth coated pill that you suck and it tastes of peppermint, and on the box it says you can also give it to kids from age 12, so i thought "yeah right, like this is gonna work" but amazingly it has.

I cannot believe the difference i feel, the pressure went away within the first 24hrs, and this is where the coincidence comes in, it seems to have also relieved the ectopic beats that were with me almost constantly. Ive always suffered with these, on and off for many years and usually have attacks of them that last up to a few weeks before going away again, sometimes for a year or more before coming back again. There's no pattern or rhyme or reason, never has been really so i just live with them as best i can. But since i started taking propranolol, the ectopics have been with me every day, so that has been just over a year and a bit of continual ectopics, which was always abit strange since betablockers are given to make these better not worse.

So, now im thinking more about the connection between stomach and heart, and am well aware there is one, via the Vagus nerve. The only conclusion ive come to in this last week is that these simple stomach pills that anyone can buy, have both sorted out my stomach problems, and as a bonus, ever since the first one i took last tuesday night (he told me to take one in the morning and one in the evening) I havent had one ectopic beat...not one...how did that happen?

I had reluctantly grown to live with the ectopics happening every day, and particularly when i lay down at night, especially on my left side. Sometimes i would feel them even if i was sitting in a chair sort of on my left side if that doesn't sound strange. So id be uncomfortable watching the TV, or sitting in the car. I constantly felt bloated and as though i couldnt breathe very well.

Im eating the same and drinking the same, and the bloating has completely gone, breathing has returned to normal, but the amazing thing for me is that the ectopics have disappeared too....which means my anx has almost disappeared...cant believe it.

I have sort of asked myself if it could be psychological, but given that at best i only expected them to relieve my stomach problems and didnt have much faith in them to do even that, i definately wasn't thinking about my ectopics at all, but just kind of realised after a day or two that they had gone away at the same time as my stomach problems.

So, the connection between stomach and heart...what do you think?

Sorry about the long post but im just so impressed with these unassuming little stomach pills, i wanted to share it with you.

Cathy xxx :D

01-11-08, 23:41
hey cathy,

thats brill it may be connected but it may not be but all that matters is your feeling ok - im so pleased
lots of love

01-11-08, 23:49
hi cathy
thats great im glad the ectopics have dissapeared. i cant believe it. but i have heard that ectopics can be caused by the vagus nerve. i know when my stomach feels gassy i do get the ectopics beats. so there must be some correlation between the stomach and the heart. i am so happy for you hun. i live in canada im going to see if they sell those pills here but with my luck they wont. im glad you have some peace at last from these dreaded ectopics
love debera
x x x x