View Full Version : Can anyone help???

10-06-05, 14:37
Hi all can anyone help me i have looked at some of the other postings on this topic and it's made me think that i think i might need some outside help off some people with the same problems as me. The symptons i have are the following;

Feel like i can't relax
Muscle Twitching
Weak Legs
Major Headaches
Can't Swallow, As it hurts to much!
Can't sleep, In this past week i've been sleeping 30mins-1hr a day [|)]
Stomach Ache, As if someone is stabbing me in the whole area of my stomach.
Pains up where my kidneys are
Scars Hurting, Really itchy and other times feels like they are being cut open again.
Lost my appetite completely, the smell of food makes me feel sick!

Can anyone please help me with any of these as it's really getting to me now. I'm starting to get worried with the fact that i haven't eaten in 4days.

If anyone has any advice or anything please let me know.

Kitty [:X]

10-06-05, 14:48
Many of the symptoms you describe are likely to be anxiety/stress related..
I am sorry to hear you feel so bad...Have you seen a doctor?


**Don't believe everything you think .**

10-06-05, 15:17
Hi Kitty,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now, most of the symptoms you list can be anxiety related, i think the first thing you must try to sort is the not eating, this will make you feel weak, dizzy, sick, the list goes on. I do understand how difficult it is to eat, especially once you have lost your appetite, try a little soup? scrambled egg? anything soft and easy to swallow, if you have some-one with you, ask them to prepare it for you. drink plenty of fluids, milk is good, if you can? i really do know it's easier said than done, but once you have a little food inside, some of the symptoms may ease a little. take care and keep in touch.

11-06-05, 00:16
Hi Kitty,

Sorry you are feeling so bad hun. Yes these definately all sound anxiety related. Do try to eat a little as by not eating will make you weaker and can heighten the symptoms of anxiety.

If still they don't ease then perhaps see you GP for a check up this might reassure you a bit then.

I hope you feel better soon.

Do take care,