View Full Version : ear pressure to start

02-11-08, 09:55
hello everyone

I have so many issues it is hard to know where to start , i think I cauld write a book. I have always been afraid of illness and doctors etc. and avoided everything to do with them, so for many years I Suffered in secret that my ear felt full of pressure made me giddy etc. and very dibilitating, the worry was awful. I evetually went doctors,which took some doing, and he sent me to hospital. At E.N.T. They said nothing abnormal cauld be found . So I put up with it for many more years before going back. They agaian said they cauld not find anything.So In desperation I asked for a MRI Scan. but they refused and to stop worrying and it might go away . that was many years ago and I am still suffering and worried. Has anybody any advice

02-11-08, 19:07
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

02-11-08, 19:22
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

03-11-08, 21:33
thanks you Tetly , pooh and Emma for welcome messages. Hope to chat sometime

15-11-08, 01:42
is there anyone who knows anything about perylymphatic fistulas

milly jones
18-11-08, 17:36
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx

19-11-08, 10:19
hey wayne i get this all day everyday ear pressure,i did suffer with probs with my right ear when i was younger and always had congestion probs,the ear pressure is a sympton of ur aniexty,everyone has a weakness in there body where the aniexty affects mine is stomach,neck and dizzyness and ear pressure,so try nt to worry and this of course will only make the pressure even worse,are u taking any tabs for aniexty as this can sometimes make it worse?
if u def need a a doc opioion then ask to c a different doc with in the surgery
hope this helps a bit to ease ur mind,its horrible to live with but unfortunatley comes with aniexty
take care vicky x

19-11-08, 22:51
hi vickey thanks for your advice. as well as well as feeling pressure and fulness in my ear i can make a popping noise at will, and by tilting my head into my shoulder with force akind of grinding feeling.loud noises and heights affect it making me feel unsteady and unusual and i get a urge to swallow to relieve the pressure. the symptoms are worse if i have a cold or when i am tired . i only have this in my left ear. it feels as if a syringe needs sticking into my middle ear to drain out what is there. could it really be anxiety, as it still affects me if relaxed.
sorry you have similar problems , isnt it frustrating.
thanks and take care wayne x

20-11-08, 11:08
hey Wayne, all the symptoms u are describing i have exactly the same,i had an inhalant the other night thinking it would relieve the congestion but nothing came away,its is just pressure not congestion,its like when u go skiing and ur at the top of the mountain and ur ears are popping thru pressure of altitude,but with this pressure that we have ur ears just wont pop that often and the pressure is there all the time,i have had this i would say for the last 2 yrs or so,its horrible,when i'm out walking the dog,(when my agoraphobia permits me) i get really dizzy and unsteady due to this pressure,the only thing that relieves it for a moment is walking up a steep hill.my doc said to close ur mouth,pinch ur nose and blow out through ur nose while still holding ur nose,it pushes pressure through the ear canal and relieves the pressure for a while,but u mustn't do this too often as it can damage the canal..Hope this helps Wayne...
Vicky x

11-01-09, 20:08
I have this too .ear pressure dizzy etc etc. I know they are not blocked as have been down this route for years.really bad at moment and makes anxiety worse. Can't focus on anything .sometimes its so intense I think I'm going mad:mad: