View Full Version : Another night from hell ...

02-11-08, 12:27
Sorry folks, it's me again. I had another terrible night of anxiety due to discomfort - couldn't call it pain - like thick wide belt right around my body under my boobs, bloatedness and really bad reflux. As soon as the symptoms start I'm convinced I've got the family cancer. I went to St Thomas' at 5 this morning I was in such a state and after waiting for nearly five hours was told by the doctor that they didn't treat anxiety. I left feeling like a leper, as it was the physical symptoms which were bothering me and causing the anxiety. My doc prescribed me some Lansoprazole for the acid on Friday, but when I read the 'side effects' part I thought 'there's no way I'm taking those!', so was trying to get by on Gaviscon and Rennie since 11 o'clock Wednesday night.

I took my first Lansoprazole at 10 this morning and I'm terrified something awful is going to happen - one of the side effects is vomiting and that's one of my phobias. Anyone else on these meds and found them helpful?

02-11-08, 12:46
sorry that you are feeling so bad hun, what are those doctors like don't treat anxiety!



02-11-08, 12:54

I am sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at the moment, I think it is terrible how the hospital turned you away. I wish doctors and nurses understood a bit more about anxiety and panic and realised how bad it can feel for the sufferrer.

I really do hope things get better for you soon.

Carol x

Cathy V
02-11-08, 12:55
Hiya. Sorry to hear about your awful night. Ive been getting stomach pro blems since i startedtaking betablockers (propranolol) last year as they can affect digestion. I suffered for over a year with pressure under my boobs sort of at the top of my stomach and even eating a sandwich would give me the feeling id eaten a 6 course meal. It was like having a gastric band fitted but without the weight loss! My stomach would be so hard and bloated, and i felt like i couldnt breathe properly. Acid reflux was also there but not so bad as the other symptoms.

Then last week my doc decided to recomend something for my stomach. Its called Lefax over here in germany, and not sure if it goes under the same name in UK but its been brilliant for me. I didnt think it would help at all to be honest and have been very surprised by the relief. My stomach no longer feels like a hard bloated mess and i can eat normally again without feeling full up after only a piece of toast. The difference to how i feel is great, and its relieved the breathing problem too.

I did start a thread about this the other day, and mentioned as a bonus that it also seems to have relieved the ectopic heartbeats id had for ages too, and its well known that these can be connected to stomach problems.

Hope this helps a little anyway
Best wishes
Cathy xxx

02-11-08, 13:01
Hi Cathy, I saw your thread re: Lefax and tried Googling to see if it was available in the UK, but couldn't find anything. This stuff I've been prescribed is definitely a prescription med and I dread what it's going to do to me. The side effects sound even worse than how I'm feeling now.

The way the hospital doctor treated me has really upset me as well, he just couldn't have given a damn. I think he should have at least examined me, before dismissing me.

Cathy V
02-11-08, 13:11
Ill ask the pharmacist here tomorrow, he speaks good english and maybe he'll know what name it goes under in UK and let you know xxx

02-11-08, 13:13
I take lanzoprozole and I've found it brilliant and I never had side effects either, I would try it if your discomfort is that bad


02-11-08, 13:59
Hiya. :)

I'm so sorry to hear you were treated unsypathetically, I know that particular hospital and I'm not really surprised, I have found that patience and understanding is not their strong point. :mad:
I have been taking Lanseprazole for years now and have never suffered from any side effects, I take it for reflux. The problem is I am awful at taking medication and only remember to take them when I have got terrible heartburn or discomfort but like I said, I have never had problems with them.
It's worthwhile to remember that listed side effects are just possibilities, it doesn't mean that they will happen to you for sure. All medications have listed side effects but in reality there are very few people that have these reactions in comparison to the number of people that take the medication without any ill effects.
I hope you feel a bit better as the day progresses. :)

02-11-08, 14:02
Thanks for that LisaT and Ladybird, I don't feel so worried now, although I know meds work differently for different people. It's good to know it's working for you.

Cathy V "I suffered for over a year with pressure under my boobs sort of at the top of my stomach and even eating a sandwich would give me the feeling id eaten a 6 course meal. It was like having a gastric band fitted but without the weight loss! My stomach would be so hard and bloated, and i felt like i couldnt breathe properly." That describes how I feel exactly, except I have bad reflux as well. I did have to take a lot of non-steroidal pain killers over a long period because I have a torn shoulder and doc thinks that's what exacerbated the situation, that and increased anxiety. It was Amitriptyline that first gave me the reflux ten years ago and I think taking Thyroxine contributes to it, but nothing like as bad as I'm experecing right now.

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, understanding and reassurances.

02-11-08, 14:22
Due to a family trait I suffer from gastric problems (nothing to do with HA).

Just because a side effect is mentioned in the literature that accompanies the medication it doesn't mean you will suffer from it.

It really does work I have been taking it for years.