View Full Version : London on Thursday....Eeeeeek

02-11-08, 14:15
Hi All:D

Ive got a biggie coming up and just wondered if anyone had any advice or tips???:shrug:

On Thursday I have to go to London.....90 miles from where i live to attend a training course for work:scared15:

This means my other half cant rescue me if I panic:wacko:

Got to be at work for 6.30am and wont be home till late

Being taken there in a limo but the guy driving it is forever pranging the company cars:doh:

I need at least 2 hours in the morning as I get IBS a lot and it gets worse when Im stressed:blush:

Help:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-11-08, 14:46
Hi Kaz

I hope it all goes well for you


02-11-08, 15:09
You'll be fine hun, the more you build it up in your mind the worst you will feel. Just repeat to yourself "I'm going to London and I will be fine." because it's true! London isn't as scary as people think and you'll be proud of yourself when you've done it :hugs: I get bad IBS too, I just try and relax, listen to relaxing music or take my mind off it and drink plenty of water xx

03-11-08, 22:27
Oh well:shrug:

This one sorted itself out......I have a raging bladder infection and have been signed off work on bed rest and antibiotics:weep:

My boss will be fuming but I feel soooo ill, but still feel I have let myself down although I dident make myself ill:shrug:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

03-11-08, 22:29
Aww poor you Kazz, you cant help it if you are ill hun:hugs:

Hope you feel better soon matey ,

03-11-08, 22:34
Hi Kazzie :)

I don't think I like the sound of that boss of yours..tough luck if he doesn't like it, you're ill!
If you had made it to the training course you wouldn't have been much use anyway because you would have to keep running to the loo for a wee :D

03-11-08, 22:42
Aww poor you Kaz :hugs:

You get lots of rest and look after yourself.

There is no way you've let anyone down. You couldn't help being ill and your boss will know that.

I hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

Karen xx