View Full Version : constant worry

02-11-08, 17:14
I seem to have this constant worry about what I think is a lump in my neck. I first noticed it back in december but I was on my way to spain to visit my parents, so I pretty much forgot about it and it seemed to disappear. Which is good. Only thing is the other day O was out shopping with my mum when I felt the lump again. I instinctivly started to panic´. Well the thing that worries me is I think it has gotten much larger. Now I´m worried something is seriously wrong with me. it is just above my collar bone on the left side of my neck. My mum keeps telling me it is fine amd that I don´t need to worry, my dad keeps telling me that if I am that worried I need to go to the doctors, I want to go to the doctors so he can tell me everything is fine, I´m just terrified this time he won´t. It is on my mind from when I g¡wake up right to when I go to bed. It is really starting to get to me. I keep telling myself if it were anything serious I´d have known about it by now as it has been nearly a year since I first noticed it. I just don´t know what to do. everyone is getting fe up of me mentining it and i could make an appointment with my doctor for tommorrow but I´m sure he is getting fed up with my complaints. anyway, thanks for reading.

02-11-08, 18:14
Hi, I have had the same thing for about 7-8 months now. I started to feel a lump in my neck when I swallow but I never got a sore throat so I thought it was weird, then when I started feeling it I found a lump too. I have been to the doctors and had 2 or three blood tests now and nothing came up. The last time I went my doctor told me that the only thing to do was go to ear nose and throat and see if they can see anything but that would be uncomfortable. She said that if my last blood test came back clear then she would be happy with that, so when they did I have not been back. I have resigned myself to the fact that the lump is a gland that occasionally becomes inflamed when I am run down or stressed and nothing to worry about.

My advice to you would be to go to the doctors, explain how you feel and tell them everything. They will check you out and if you are the same as me I'm sure it will be nothing.

Earlier in the year when I first found the lump I was a nightmare, I couldn't sleep, I was constantly feeling it and started to have anxiety attacks in the night. If you experience any symptoms of anxiety such as breathlessness, pressure in your chest, sweating, shaking and waking up in the night (see the section about symptoms on here) then it might help you to get some books on anxiety and cognitive behavioral therapy as these have helped me. CBT helps with health anxiety as it teaches you to think rationally and realistically. Good Luck xx

p.s. whatever you do don't google your symptoms, the internet is full of information that will only make you worse I promise you...stick with your doctor and advice from here xx

02-11-08, 18:26
thank you sooo much angelwings, it is sooo nice to hear someone else has had the same sort of complaint as me. I have read many times about a feeling of a lump inside the throart which i have also had but this is much different to that. I will make an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and see what he says. Again thank you
Hugs Samm
P.S. i have googled it, always do with my symptoms and it does make it much much worse lol.

02-11-08, 18:39
If you have health anxiety, you're not supposed to google!!!