View Full Version : need advice!! what can i do

02-11-08, 18:45
im panicking because when i look at word they seem foreign like when people talk its like a foreign language!! whats happening am i going crazy????? anyone had this???? does it go away?? what can i do. is it normal

02-11-08, 19:11
Hi Cheeky I dont think you are going crazy but rather this is what your anxiety is choosing to focus on. and isnt it doing a good job! you thread reads as very concerned.
I have in my time looked at people around me and felt like they were completely alien, might as well be from a different planet. Its derealisation and part of anxiety we all have and experience our own quirky ways of having it.
Try to relax and focus on something else. distraction is good

Pooh x

03-11-08, 07:47
Hiya Cheeky

I have had this too how old are you.
