View Full Version : i am going mad please help

02-11-08, 19:20
hi me again,
im in a mess again today im so confused my mind playing tricks on me again,
does anyone ever get the feeling of like errrrrr so hard to explain like the feeling you may die i keep having this strange feeling that i might just drop down dead i know this sounds silly but i cant pin point what it is....

i have been feeling dizzy and pressure in head for 3 days now i have a cold which is probably what is casuing it but have these horrid feelings i know it may all be in my head but i cant understand the horrid feeling of unreality and not feeling like i am here, i feel like i am talking but not me talking i am going mad i feel alone why do i think i am going to die please can some one tell me im not alone and could you help me by telling me how you feel if you get these feelings.....

i am sorry but am feeling so strange why cant i just accept me and try and get on

Natural Mystic
02-11-08, 19:32
I know exactly how you feel hon, it's awful isn't it. It does pass though ... sadly it returns ((hugs))

02-11-08, 19:34
I know exactly how you feel hon, it's awful isn't it. It does pass though ... sadly it returns ((hugs))

thanx hun xx

02-11-08, 19:37
Hey chick
Im sorry to hear ur feeling like this..but ur not alone im very much the same its as if i keep waiting and watchin gor things to occur almost like im scared somethinks gna happen to me all the time its horrible ive been feeling rough for a few weeks now as iv had an ear infection and now i ave a urinary infection so my dizzys ave been on again which doesnt help.try and take ur mind off the way ur feelin i knw its very hard and distressing as im exactly the same but i find if my brain has got sumthink else to think about even if it is for a couple of mins u mite feel alil bit beta or ave a nice lie dwn or nap i lve sleep that helps me the most,lol or a gud giggle if i can stretch my muscles to that extent that is.support and help is the best way i think ur a health young woman...thats wot i keep gettin told ring any bells wiv u?! it is very scary i knw but we must try and enjoy life so cum and ave a chat wiv me id love to hear frm u my emails kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com or even catch me in the chatroom im always around.LOts of love C.xxx

02-11-08, 19:39
Hey chick
Im sorry to hear ur feeling like this..but ur not alone im very much the same its as if i keep waiting and watchin gor things to occur almost like im scared somethinks gna happen to me all the time its horrible ive been feeling rough for a few weeks now as iv had an ear infection and now i ave a urinary infection so my dizzys ave been on again which doesnt help.try and take ur mind off the way ur feelin i knw its very hard and distressing as im exactly the same but i find if my brain has got sumthink else to think about even if it is for a couple of mins u mite feel alil bit beta or ave a nice lie dwn or nap i lve sleep that helps me the most,lol or a gud giggle if i can stretch my muscles to that extent that is.support and help is the best way i think ur a health young woman...thats wot i keep gettin told ring any bells wiv u?! it is very scary i knw but we must try and enjoy life so cum and ave a chat wiv me id love to hear frm u my emails kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com or even catch me in the chatroom im always around.LOts of love C.xxx

thankyou so much my email is michelleoneill23@hotmail.com so add me too be great to talk to you is such a horrible thing to be going through and nice to know im not alone feeling like i do thanks hun xx

02-11-08, 19:47
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so down, but believe me, you are not alone.

Secondly you are not going mad, I promise. The feelings you describe are typical of anxiety - and obviously the pressure you are also feeling I'm sure is linked to the fact you have a cold, as I have a cold and have the exact same thing!

The feeling of detachment is horrid isn't it? But it is nothing to be scared of, and it will pass. You may well think that you are going to die because the anxiety is causing you to have negative emotions and feelings, I often find that talking to someone is the best method of coping with these feelings, or failing that doing something active such as cleaning, sudoku etc helps me to relax and calm down.

Also it is ok to have these feelings, even if you don't know why, the important thing is to recognise that this is just your anxiety, you have no reason to believe you are going to die. You mention you don't know why you can't move on, but in time you will. I wish my anxiety would just dissappear (don't we all!) but it takes time.

Finally have you seen a doctor or counsellor regarding your anxiety?

All the best hun,

Cat xx.

02-11-08, 20:23
aw your not going mad! I get all those symtoms and at time thought I was goin crazy! try to notice that mostly when your calm you feel ok and it's just anxiety that causes all those odd sensations

03-11-08, 08:30
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so down, but believe me, you are not alone.

Secondly you are not going mad, I promise. The feelings you describe are typical of anxiety - and obviously the pressure you are also feeling I'm sure is linked to the fact you have a cold, as I have a cold and have the exact same thing!

The feeling of detachment is horrid isn't it? But it is nothing to be scared of, and it will pass. You may well think that you are going to die because the anxiety is causing you to have negative emotions and feelings, I often find that talking to someone is the best method of coping with these feelings, or failing that doing something active such as cleaning, sudoku etc helps me to relax and calm down.

Also it is ok to have these feelings, even if you don't know why, the important thing is to recognise that this is just your anxiety, you have no reason to believe you are going to die. You mention you don't know why you can't move on, but in time you will. I wish my anxiety would just dissappear (don't we all!) but it takes time.

Finally have you seen a doctor or counsellor regarding your anxiety?

All the best hun,

Cat xx.

thanks cat i tried to reply to you last night but the site crashes thanks again am off to doctors this morning to see if i can change my meds xx

03-11-08, 08:31
thanks mishel am trying my hardest keeps grabbing mwe though xx

03-11-08, 09:10
Hi There

I know exactly what you mean, sometimes I lay in bed and this weird feeling washes over me. It feels as though I'm about to stop breathing and my heart is gunna stop beating. It never happens of course.......and I've been having this strange feeling on and off for about 30 years!!

Take care xx

03-11-08, 15:10
been to doctor today have changed my meds which i am happy about and have a nother bloody sinus problem xxxx

03-11-08, 15:50
hi there,

I know exactly how you feel. I have suffered from health anxiety eversince I was a young child. I do manage to control it the majority of the time but I would say that I have had about 10 major episodes where I think I am going completely mad and have worked myself up to such a frenzy i end up with a panic disorder and have to take medication. I am currently nearing the end of a six month anxiety period, but even with medication i still am having worries about dying and that any pain around my chest is a heart attack or I have an undiagnosed heart condition and i am going to drop dead! I am reassured by the amount of people who also suffer to some degree.

take care x

03-11-08, 16:07
thanks kirsty is hard work isnt it but like you say being able to speak with others is reassuring xx