View Full Version : Anyone come off Flupentixol? 'Vegas' Nerve?

03-11-08, 09:24
Just before my latest bout of anxiety started I had withdrawn myself slowly from Flupentixol. I'd tried to get off it before, but it always caused awful throat/swallowing/globus problems and I went back on it. But this time I succeeded in getting off it. But I've been in a terrible state ever since and it seems strange that a lot of the symptoms I'm now experiencing are connected to my throat - eg: terrible reflux. I'd had it before, but never at the worrying level it is now. I read a post somewhere about the 'vegas' nerve - not sure of spelling, but understand that it is responsible for sensations in the throat, gullet and as far down as the small colon. A friend also told me that it has also been associated with treatment for depression. Anyone know anything about this? Don't want to start Googling as I usually find something I'd have been better off not knowing.

03-11-08, 10:10
Hey Helen

The vagus nerve runs across the top of your stomach, past your heart and lungs, up your throat to the base of your brain. Among other things it is partly responsible for regulating your heartbeat. It also helps your muscles move food down your oesophagus, plays a role in speech, swallowing and sweating, oddly. I think it may also send messages to your brain about when your stomach is full.

Stimulation of the nerve usually leads to a reduction in heart rate and blood pressure. There is thought to be some emotional effect on stimulation too. That might be a result of the blood pressure/heart rate drop. I read stuff on vagal nerve stimulation therapy for epilepsy, anxiety disorder and major depression.

You could ask your doctor about it, though he/she may not know that much if it is not a commonly used practice.