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Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 10:54
Hi Folks,
Firstly this thread is not about sympathy seeking or anything, just want to let members now what its like on a detox, I know someone here is thinking about detox and wants to see how I get on first.

Well I took my first dose 8.30 this morning, at the moment I am shaking badly and on near point of having a panick attack.

I am feeling hot then cold, one minute I am under the quilt on sofa , then back out again.
Just waiting for GP to ring, cos nothing was mentioned about taking propranolos, on last detox I had 2 a day, just feel I need one now and just want to double check with GP first.

I keep looking at my watch cos I really need another dose, next one at noon.

My stomach feels tight and a little earlier heavy chest. my legs are like jelly and wobbly.

This is an 8 Day course by the way.


03-11-08, 11:03
Hi Wayne

Just want to wish you all the luck in the world with this!

Love Lisa

Cathy V
03-11-08, 11:04
We're right here with you doc...:)

03-11-08, 11:07
Hi Wayne

We are all with you and thinking of you mate.

Carol xx

03-11-08, 11:08
You are very brave Wayne :hugs:

I wish you every luck and support with this.

Karen x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 11:10
Thanks guys,
just realised I spelt diary wrong! LOL

Cathy V
03-11-08, 11:34
Also doc, for those who dont already know, what meds have you been given for detox? :)

03-11-08, 11:39
im here too matey xxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxx

03-11-08, 11:40
good luck wayne , hopefully it will get easier as day goes on and more doses of meds, we are all thinking of you ill be following you closely on this for obvious reasons youll be fine best wishes to you and katie


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 12:01
Also doc, for those who dont already know, what meds have you been given for detox? :)

Oh yeah sorry,
Day 1 & 2 is Librium 10mg x 2 Four times a day (8 tabs) and day 3 to Day 8 reduces down each day until on day 8 just one tab at night.

Also I am taking thamine and vitamin b strong one each a day, also GP said I can take a sleeping tab at Night if I need one, just waiting to speak to GP to make sure its ok to take propranols too, if so will be one in the morning and one at Night.

Well I am a bit more relaxed now, I was really anxious earlier.
My next dose is shortly.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 12:07
Hi Amanda,
I think this morning it took a while for first dose to kick in, I am still shaking a little now, but next dose due about 12.30

you all need to bear with me with my spelling for first few Days, I may say things a bit muddld and stuff but that will be the drugs affecting me.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 14:06
well my care worker visited, wasnt here very long. just to make sure I started it ok, he is coming again tomorrow and wednesday. and next Monday again to "sign me off"

had second dose, not feeling too bad, still a little sweaty shakes are slowly going.

I have to go careful up and down the stirs,have to hold on to bannister.


03-11-08, 14:18
glad your not to bad atm wayne , guess body needs time to adjust

03-11-08, 15:13
Hiya m8 hope you are doing ok 2 day .......Its gud u have someone coming 2 see you for 1st few days .

you know we all here for you and wish you all the best m8y xxx
And Katie aswell x

How many doses you had so far ?

hugs :hugs:

03-11-08, 15:23
Good Luck with it Wayne,Fair Play to u xxxxx:yesyes:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 15:37
thanks karen, only 2 so farr titch, next one about 5.30ish, then one at 10ish.

careworker said if i had beta blockers on last detox just take them, dr not phoned back.#
so i took one and totaly relaxed me enough yo have little snooze, will take another bed tim.


03-11-08, 16:21
Good luck Wayne and I wish you nothing but the best.

Take care,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 16:48
Thanks alot.

I forgot to mention, I got an appointment date with a Psychologist from the alcohol unit.
Trouble is its on my last Day of detox, Katie will be at work and I can't drive as will still have librium in my system, Day 7 is 2 tabs Day 8 1 tab at night.
Can't understand why it was so close to end of detox.
I have a questionare to fill in for it, My God, some of the questions.
I'm surprised it didnt ask me how often I got to the loo!:D

03-11-08, 17:34
Hi Wayne,

I spoke to you earlier this morning, not sure if you remember, as you may be feeling too disorientated now.

Have to say you're doing brilliantly well !! I find it amazing that you can type with those nasty uncontrollable shakes:huh: and sweats, I know too well and it's rotten, but you'll get through this Wayne, take each small step at a time.

You're doing an excellent job :flowers:. And I'm wishing you all the very best of luck.

Sending you tons of four leaf clovers !!!

Take good care yourself X

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 17:51
Thanks Katie and tetley much appreciated.

The propranolos help with sweats and shakes Katie.

Keeping busy on here and facebook anyway.


03-11-08, 18:00
Well done Wayne. You are doing brilliantly. Keep it going.

We are all right behind you :hugs:

Karen xx

03-11-08, 19:04
glad your keeping busy and able to its such an achievment, send me some things on facebook lol to keep you busy ,this is so thoughtful of you to do this diary


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 19:12
glad your keeping busy and able to its such an achievment, send me some things on facebook lol to keep you busy ,this is so thoughtful of you to do this diary


Send you some things? like what? lol
I will write on your wall in a sec, Katie is getting worried, seem to be getting alot of female friends adding me on facebook, one joined today and I thoought I had a crush on her sister, like when I was about 13, she just told me it was her and still has a love letter I sent her in her old diary! LOL

03-11-08, 19:19
katie no need to worry i got her on my facebook aswell lol , i dont even know where the wall is on there thats how well i understand it,oh god why do some people bring back years ago lol, id write on both your walls if i new how to

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 19:23
katie no need to worry i got her on my facebook aswell lol , i dont even know where the wall is on there thats how well i understand it,oh god why do some people bring back years ago lol, id write on both your walls if i new how to

At the top of everyones main page there is a box that says "write something" then appears below that box.


03-11-08, 19:23
Hiya doc ......
Hows your 1st day going ? Is it really hard being your 1st day ?
Do u still get cravings or do pills stop it ?
Hope u dont mind me asking m8 ...x

03-11-08, 19:27
i was going to ask if felt like a drink aswell, im going to follow you through all week wayne and i see the woman who can arrange mine friday , so far im not worried about going through it now cos you been so much help,

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 19:29
Yeah its certainly not beer and skittles Titch, funny enough I dont really get cravings on this drug, just want the groggyness to go, by the time gets to day 2 starts getting better, appetite stars returning.
Just worried about getting to sleep tonight, but I have sleeping pills.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 19:32
Amanda, not thinking about gasping for drink at all, didnt last either through the 6 day course, this time 8 day course should be better, I think I came out of hospital to early, saying that I missed the 1st dose on Day 1 in hospital, so it was technicly a 5 3/4 day course.

03-11-08, 19:32
i was going to ask if felt like a drink aswell, im going to follow you through all week wayne and i see the woman who can arrange mine friday , so far im not worried about going through it now cos you been so much help,

Hiya hun hope u are ok .so are you going for Detox 2 hun ........have u dun it before x

see im doin reduction but just aint working I have few days when Im gud but soon go back 2 way 2 much x

Wishing u luck hun for this weekx:hugs:

03-11-08, 19:47
hi titch ive been offered a dettox but i was to scared to do it last time i got asked ,not done it before but wayne giving me hope for this time , i know reduction doesnt work for me either i seem to drink more when trying to cut down so i think its all or nothing now hope your wellxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 19:56
Thing is on my first detox, I didn't know anyone that had been through it and was going in blind, and it was daunting as I didnt know what the effects of the drugs were going to be like.
I thought I was going to be like a zombie and not even be able to go to the loo without help.
But its not like that at all, ok Day 1 you will feel groggy and not be able to sleep well.
But after Day1 it gets better each day, if you do go for it make sure you ask for sleeping tabs, they will precribe them and in my opinion they are quite important.
By Day 3-4 your appetite will praticly be back to normal.
By Day 4 I was eating loads in hospital, where as beore that I hardly eat anything.
Propranolols are very important too, as like my care worker said this morning, withdrawel symptoms gimmicks anxiety.

03-11-08, 20:06
think thats what panicked me i didnt know anyone before who had done a dettox , i feel groggy daily anyway so that wouldnt be a problem for me i dont think and i dont get no sleep anyway

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 20:34
Strange thing is that by Day 3 you will be starting to feel better but is the most crucial time of detox, 72 hours in and is the highest chance of fitting, but that is rare.
Thats why the dose is high for the first 2 days, I guess to prepare body for the 3rd Day.

03-11-08, 21:29
Hiya ....
So after 8 days what hapens ......wont u want a drink or will u still want 1 but have 2 work hard at not having 1 ?

will u be more incontrol of saying no 2 alcohol ?

Hope asking questions isnt making it harder m8 please say if it is xxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 21:34
Well my problem last time is that therapy wasn't arranged when I finished detox.
I have therapy lined up for right afterwards this time. but, therapy alone wont keep you sober, you need to have loads of willpower too.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 21:38
Hiya ....
So after 8 days what hapens ......wont u want a drink or will u still want 1 but have 2 work hard at not having 1 ?

will u be more incontrol of saying no 2 alcohol ?

Hope asking questions isnt making it harder m8 please say if it is xxxxxxx

I dont mind aswering questions at all titch,
obviously what I say is just my experiences, you must always seek pro advice , and your own detox regin could differ from mine.

03-11-08, 21:40
Oh thats gud that u have therapy straight after m8 .........will that be weekly ?

Has that been organised through yr drink counsellor or GP ?

We are all here 4 u m8 and here 4 Katie 2 hun x

so just focus on yr detox and therapy and take 1 day at atime xxxxxxx

Cathy V
03-11-08, 21:41
...and you said you might also consider AA this time doc, yes?

03-11-08, 21:50
hi wayne just wanted to say welldone and just quick question, the counselling you have lined up for after will that cover everything or is it just for the drink kinda thing?

only asking cos i know u have had parent probs etc etc and i know the therapy and detox kinda go hand in hand.

u doing brilliant hunny xxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 21:50
Titch, yes I will stay focused, I know I can do it, done it before but therapy was missing hence more chance of relaps.
THe therapy was arranged by care worker from alcohol unit, not gp.
HOW often I will go I dont know, the first appt is assesment session and hopefuly find out then.
Trouble is its in leicster and like 3/4 journey each way.

Cathy, yes I will considor it, I will talk to careworker about it tomorrow, also will ask therapist what she thinks.

feeling a bit groggy again, last meds is shortly, can take propranolol on this one and will take sleeper about 20 mins before I go to bed.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 21:53
hi wayne just wanted to say welldone and just quick question, the counselling you have lined up for after will that cover everything or is it just for the drink kinda thing?

only asking cos i know u have had parent probs etc etc and i know the therapy and detox kinda go hand in hand.

u doing brilliant hunny xxxx

I got a questionare to fill in to take to assesment, and believe me it covers everything, and I mean everything, there are about 10 pages of questions, covering everything from anxiety issues, childhood and loads of stuff.
Will take me a long time to fill it in.

03-11-08, 21:53
Just wanted to add my support Wayne:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Kaz x:hugs:

And big:hugs: for Katie too x

03-11-08, 22:01
I got a questionare to fill in to take to assesment, and believe me it covers everything, and I mean everything, there are about 10 pages of questions, covering everything from anxiety issues, childhood and loads of stuff.
Will take me a long time to fill it in.

oh thats really good though wayne, the fact that they want to go into that much detail, i think dealing with all that stuff will help so much in your recovery, keep up the good work hun :hugs:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 22:03
Just wanted to add my support Wayne:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Kaz x:hugs:

And big:hugs: for Katie too x

Thanks Kaz,
Just took last meds for today and took a propranolol too, so should start to relax shortly.
Good think about the propranolols is reduces the sweats and shakes right down, really good stuff.

03-11-08, 22:05
glad to see you doing ok wayne mate, keep it up so many people behind you on this

Take Care

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 22:14
glad to see you doing ok wayne mate, keep it up so many people behind you on this

Take Care

Emma xxx

Thanks Emma very kind,
trying to work out whats going on in your avatar pic, hard to focus and is that a camp fire in a sitting room?

03-11-08, 22:17
oh wayne your so funny lol, its Hermionie Granger from Harry Potter making polyjuice potion in the girls bathoom lol, I can lend you the books if you like,,

Hoping you are well

Emma xxx

03-11-08, 22:19
You're doing well Wayne. I hope you have a good night.

Karen xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 22:19
oh wayne your so funny lol, its Hermionie Granger from Harry Potter making polyjuice potion in the girls bathoom lol, I can lend you the books if you like,,

Hoping you are well

Emma xxx

PMSL, I was kind of serious, eyes a bit fuzzy like, not really into reading actualy, seen a few of the films though.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 22:20
You're doing well Wayne. I hope you have a good night.

Karen xx
THnka Karen
well taking a sleeper so fingers crossed, I hate restless nights.

03-11-08, 22:28
Thanks Kaz,
Just took last meds for today and took a propranolol too, so should start to relax shortly.
Good think about the propranolols is reduces the sweats and shakes right down, really good stuff.

Those Propranolol sound pretty good stuff Wayne, could have sworn they didn't give that to me. May have been because I was already on a fair bit of medication, could have interacted with other things :shrug:, I never really asked as I wasn't particular aware of things at the time, going through other things too. I remember I used to have to wear my coat with my hood up in bed with a jumper on too lol,... was freezing, teeth chattering. Was nasty.

But they sound brill ! Glad they're helping you.

Best of luck with the rest of the night. I think I read you had sleeping tab's, hopefully they'll help you through the majority of the night, if not all.

Take care :) x

03-11-08, 22:29
aww wayne I could come and read em to ya lol, serioulsy mate reading takes my mind off so much, I hope your eyes feel better soon, sure its just all part of process, chin up you doing great

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-11-08, 22:33
Those Propranolol sound pretty good stuff Wayne, could have sworn they didn't give that to me. May have been because I was already on a fair bit of medication, could have interacted with other things :shrug:, I never really asked as I wasn't particular aware of things at the time, going through other things too. I remember I used to have to wear my coat with my hood up in bed with a jumper on too lol,... was freezing, teeth chattering. Was nasty.

But they sound brill ! Glad they're helping you.

Best of luck with the rest of the night. I think I read you had sleeping tab's, hopefully they'll help you through the majority of the night, if not all.

Take care :) x

Yeah I guess they may conflict with some medications, but I take a few different meds and obviosly dont mix them with drink as make you feel ill.
They work within 5 mins, whereas meds like diazapam take a while to start working I find.

Yeah I get hot and cold moments.

GP checks blood presure before prescribing, luckily my presure is fine.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 07:46
Day 2

Morning all,
Well I Didn't sleep too badly actualy, woke a few times but got back off again without too much problem.
I think if I didn't take sleeping tab would of been a different story.
Dont feel too bad this morning, hardly groggy at all.

first meds is about 8.30, and I feel like I can manage a bowl of cornflakes this morning, can't remember last time I had breakfast, at least a couple of Months ago.

Have a good Day.

Cathy V
04-11-08, 08:03
Morning wayne. Glad day 2 has started off well for you, and that you had a reasonably good nights sleep....you must have had mine too as i didnt get much, so might go back in a mo and try and catch up..Zzzzzzzz....

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 12:13
Well I am surprised how quickly my appetite is returning, this morning I had cornflakes, a bacon sandwich and 6 chocolate biccies with my coffee!
Before I didnt used to eat anything to at least 1pm, had all that by 12pm!

And this is only beginning of Day 2!


Cathy V
04-11-08, 12:22
So you'll have a bit more meat on yer bones by the end of the week then doc! how is katie doing by the way?

04-11-08, 12:32
Keep eating Wayne it will do you good, you are doing so well.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 12:32
Yeah Katie is fine, she is enjoying her week off work! she is getting loads done that she normaly don't have time for.

Talking of meat on me, last detox, from start to 7 days after I put on 10lbs!

when you are sedated you don't really feel that you are heavily sedated until you get up off sofa and loose balance a bit and walk into things! lol
Yesterday katie had to stand behind me going up down stairs incase I lost my balance but not too bad today.
Thought I would be clever last night and jump onto the sofa over the back of it and nearly fell ass over tit, LOL wont try that for another few Days!

Cathy V
04-11-08, 13:00
:D good you can see the funny side too though...try to hang onto your humour for next week ok? we'll all be with you anyway xxx

04-11-08, 13:17
Hiya m8
how are u 2day ?
Hope its goin ok ....

How u feeling 2 day ?

04-11-08, 14:05
glad your feelig ok wayne and eating well ,keep yopur chin up now that would of been funny to see you fall over the sofa lol but only if didnt hurt yourself

04-11-08, 14:09
Yeah Katie is fine, she is enjoying her week off work! she is getting loads done that she normaly don't have time for.

Talking of meat on me, last detox, from start to 7 days after I put on 10lbs!

when you are sedated you don't really feel that you are heavily sedated until you get up off sofa and loose balance a bit and walk into things! lol
Yesterday katie had to stand behind me going up down stairs incase I lost my balance but not too bad today.
Thought I would be clever last night and jump onto the sofa over the back of it and nearly fell ass over tit, LOL wont try that for another few Days!

pmsl i know u r keen matey but hyper activitys are not good at the moment hehe.

just checking to say hi and hope all well and everything going to plan so far?

also hope katie is doing ok too :hugs:

ps hi amanda :hugs: xxx

04-11-08, 14:19
hi donna hope your well today x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 14:37
THanks guys for all your comments, yes Titch everything is ok Today, all on schedule, care worker coming this afternoon, a Lady careworker is coming tomorrow as he cant make it.

04-11-08, 15:33
thats good at least you can stay positive as all is going to plan wayne

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 15:43
I must admit, I am starting to get a hint of slight depression starting, I dont know who remembered last time but did get bad depression about 2 weeks after end of last detox.

But I am starting anit depressants on day 4.

I am not saying this is gospel, but in hospital a consultant told me that after being sober for at least 3 Months the chances of relaps or slips are reduced, obviosly as time goes on chances reduce further.

As I say, thats just what I was told.

04-11-08, 15:53
is it trazadone you are starting on sorry my memory is rubbish atm

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 15:58
is it trazadone you are starting on sorry my memory is rubbish atm

Yes thats it Amanda Trazodone Hydrochoride 150mg once daily.

The alcohol unit have consultants that specialise in alcoholics and they say this is the best one for my particular case, they do think about it carefuly and not just prescribe anything.
So I am hoping it will help, they stress it wont cure me but will "take the edge off it" therapy is needed alongside of this treatment.

04-11-08, 16:06
You are doing well Wayne. Hang on in there :hugs:

Karen xx

04-11-08, 16:14
i think i said ages ago im on trazadone is it nightime or daytime you have to take it wayne

04-11-08, 18:54
Wayne u ok ..............
why u not posting anymore ..
do u mean just 2 night or always


04-11-08, 18:58
whats up wayne ? wheres he gone titch

04-11-08, 18:59
something must be up i wish he wouldnt just go like that im worried now

04-11-08, 19:00
whats up wayne ? wheres he gone titch
Havent a clue hun tryin 2 find out m8 x

04-11-08, 19:00
wayne wots up matey, wots upset u? u must keep posting hunny, we are all so worried nowxxxx

04-11-08, 19:05
wayne has something upset u hun? u been doin so well, dont let anything spoilt it hun

Cathy V
04-11-08, 20:43
What the hell has happened now? it cant be anything to do with the admins or they would have posted to say something...wouldnt they? maybe its the detox, the drugs making him behave a little wierd? has anyone emailed him?

Cathy V
04-11-08, 20:44
...oh, and my pic has appeared so somethings happening behind the scenes then! thanks to whoever has done this. Anyone know any more about the doc?

Cathy V
04-11-08, 20:52
Ok titch has heard from katie and hes ok so thats something :) xxx

04-11-08, 20:55

Nothing to do with Admin. I have been worried to, i even pm'd him but got no reply. Hope he is ok.


04-11-08, 21:20
Waynes ok and hopefully will come back2 post x
HUgs 2 both Wayne and Katie xxxxxxxxx:hugs:

04-11-08, 21:28
Hugs to both of them :bighug1:

Thanks for letting us know titch! appreciate that gal


Cathy V
04-11-08, 21:31
Ok thanks titch. Yes sorry Lisa but it seemed so abrupt we thought there had been a problem. Glad to hear hes ok, but baffled as to why he stopped posting suddenly, perhaps the meds...? :shrug:

04-11-08, 21:32
hugs katie and wayne, we all supporting u here matey and wondering if u ok. hugs to uxxxxxxx

04-11-08, 21:33
hugs katie and wayne, we all supporting u and wondering if u ok as u went off so quickly. hugs to u xxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
04-11-08, 21:33
I'm ok, thanks for your concern,
bit of advice, detox in hospital away from your partners, you will get very sensitive and ratty and in hospital your partner wont scream and shout when you are at a very difficult stage of alcohol withdrawel.

04-11-08, 21:34
oh sorry first post didnt go through and i posted againb and 2 came up lmao i dont think i been on the wine pmsl

04-11-08, 21:36
aww im sure its hard for u both at moment wayne, u got lots to deal with and katie trying to b strong too, its hard for u both.

it will pass, giv each other a hug

Cathy V
04-11-08, 21:39
Ok but im gonna flippin smack ya for doin that to us...and leave katie alone shes doin her best. You didnt really think youd get throught the week without a slanging match or three did you doc? :D dont do that to us again ok?

04-11-08, 21:42

welcome back

thought for a moment there you had given up and was gonna ask if you wanted me to book you a room in the east or west wing of the rehab unit LOL

I know its torturous and you are going to hell and back just now, but i assure you you wouldnt want a bossy boots like me on your case lol

Right here with you ma man

Pooh xxx

04-11-08, 21:42
Im sure Katie is doing her best, it must be sooo hard for her too.

04-11-08, 21:48
u dont want poo on your case believe me doc, she will av u on the floor doing push ups matey, very scary that one, proper bootcamp material. hehe xxx

04-11-08, 21:53
Hiya wayne .glad u ok .look relationships aint easy at the best of times so for both of u at the moment its v v tough .........You both are dealing with different feelings and emotions ..but u have 2 realise u are v v lucky 2 have each other even though it must be bloody hard x

take care both of u x

Cathy V
04-11-08, 23:44
pooh...dontcha wish donna would give you the 'h' at the end of your name :D every time she says it her way, i think of a little steaming pile on the pavement:woof sorry chuck...xxx

04-11-08, 23:53
:roflmao: i luv calling her poo, infact i will call her wotever she wants, she can b scary.

Cathy V
04-11-08, 23:55
Nay, Pooh's not scary, she's just Scottish :D

04-11-08, 23:57
never mess with a scott hehe

its all gone so quiet now, i think i need my bed soon lol school tomorrow

Cathy V
04-11-08, 23:59
yes i think bed is a good idea. i hope everyone sleeps well. Doc i hope tomorrow is a better day for you and katie. Please dont give up, and please post tomorrow if you can ok?

Cath xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
05-11-08, 19:12
Day 3.

Irratable, angry, short tempered, stroppy, to be honest not pleasant to be around. all noises are amplified by 10 times, fireworks are peeing me off.

I am happier with a drink inside me, whereas others are the opposite.

Took an extra tablet 12.30, should of reduced by one Tody but asked careworker if I could take the extra one I had.

Got to reduce by 2 tabs tomorrow, great!

oh and day 3 if risk of fitting day, not so far but still time.

bye for now

05-11-08, 19:15
irratable angry and short tempered mmmm sounds like me most days :D

stay strong buddy, here for u xxxxxxxx:hugs:

Day 3.

Irratable, angry, short tempered, stroppy, to be honest not pleasant to be around. all noises are amplified by 10 times, fireworks are peeing me off.

I am happier with a drink inside me, whereas others are the opposite.

Took an extra tablet 12.30, should of reduced by one Tody but asked careworker if I could take the extra one I had.

Got to reduce by 2 tabs tomorrow, great!

oh and day 3 if risk of fitting day, not so far but still time.

bye for now

05-11-08, 19:20

When you were drinking, Did you drink alot on an average day?

Hope i'm not offending you by asking

I think you're doing amazingly well M'dear

Love Lisa

05-11-08, 19:32
I'm sorry you've had a tough day Wayne.

I hope you have a good night's sleep and that tomorrow is better for you :hugs:

Karen xx

05-11-08, 19:44
sorry your not feeling great wayne hope you feel better 2morrow


05-11-08, 21:24
You seem to be doing well lad. When my mother was a chronic she couldn't get out of bed

05-11-08, 21:25
Wayne :flowers:

I understand you're not in the right state of mind at this moment, but I do want to write because I care and also because I understand what you're going through right now.

At this moment, you may find it extremely hard to read and answer messages and I can fully understand that and so I'm not expecting you to reply to me if you're not up to it, that's ok.

Though, I did want to say if you do ever read back on your Detox Diary, one of the things I wanted to write is that I feel you have tried out, is a huge challenge/experiment . Not only for yourself, but I believe more so for others here on Site and you have to be a very special person to do that.

As you know my dad and other members of my family have been alcoholics, aswell as myself. Now, some may find the following hard to understand. This I know, though despite this I also realise I don't have to justify.
Some alcoholics are able to overcome the addiction and are still able to drink socially and heathily thereafter, though have to be very careful. Most though (like my dad) can't. For myself, I'm still finding my way. I have though learned through family members, and I truly believe it's an illness in itself aswell as a genetic illness.
Now, some people will disagree with this also, but those that have experienced the real problem with alcohol will understand. Those that can't, well I can't change their outlook in what they feel, because at the end of the day, if somebody hasn't experienced the raw way, how can I expect them to understand ? It's simple - They just can't . I realise that this is not their fault, and I also realise it's also not our own fault's either.

Despite all this, I wanted to write to you because, (ok,... you may find i'm preaching, sorry if you feel that I am :blush: ), freedom of choice in what you feel. I am though writing because I care and I understand that you've considered attending AA.

The AA Therapy is amazing. But, like with everything else in life, you have to be patient. Sometimes,.. you can go to an AA Meeting and not relate to anything (and sometimes for weeks),... but i'll promise you, you will relate at some point and that circle will soon become more of a group for you.

Nobody is an alien.... Lmao:) , we're all human and although very different in some ways, when really getting to know eachother, be able to get on so, so well.

For you in recovery,... it's still very, very early days and I realise you're going to receive some help from Therapists (which is brilliant too for aftercare). Only, I truly believe, never in a million years will any Therapist will fully understand, unless they have been through the same addiction as you, and to me this also applies to Doctors and Psychiatrists too. Of course they know their text book stuff, else they wouldn't be doing the job they're doing, only I truly feel that the very best way for people to recover (in whatever illness) is to talk to those who have been through the very same things.

My whole point in writing to you is because I'm leaving the Site now (because of my own reasons) and I wanted to wish you the very best of luck. Also,..to say, try and stay patient (I know it's hard) but try and be very patient if you do decide to attend AA. You will find that not only will it be helping your addiction, you will also find and learn how to cope with everyday situations and life in a better and stronger way (addiction left out). Trust me. I'm not religious, have never been (I personally don't quite get that, different story :winks: ), but I feel that within some sorts of community, there is another form of communication and understanding (quite in a similar way to the religion and in god).

Take very good care of yourself, I'm wishing you all the luck in the world.


05-11-08, 21:41
Wayne you are doing so well and I really admire you for what you are doing.

Wishing you all the best mate.

Carol x

06-11-08, 00:21
Keep up the good work wayne day 3 will soon be day 33 mate

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 08:31

When you were drinking, Did you drink alot on an average day?

Hope i'm not offending you by asking

I think you're doing amazingly well M'dear

Love Lisa

Hi Lisa,
Your not offending me at all, I have been very open about the quantity I was drinking.
Just before detox I crept up to 3 1/2 - 4 litres of 7.5% wine a Day, this started about 7.30am all through the day up to about 11pm. which is quite alot!
When my careworker came yesterday they said my medication regim for some poeple would of completey zonked them out to a point where they wouldnt of been able to move out of there bed! a very strong dose, but I go about the house as if normal.

06-11-08, 08:34
Morning m8 ..
Hows things 2 day ....how are u feeling ?
hope you doing ok x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 08:36
Wayne :flowers:

I understand you're not in the right state of mind at this moment, but I do want to write because I care and also because I understand what you're going through right now.

At this moment, you may find it extremely hard to read and answer messages and I can fully understand that and so I'm not expecting you to reply to me if you're not up to it, that's ok.

Though, I did want to say if you do ever read back on your Detox Diary, one of the things I wanted to write is that I feel you have tried out, is a huge challenge/experiment . Not only for yourself, but I believe more so for others here on Site and you have to be a very special person to do that.

As you know my dad and other members of my family have been alcoholics, aswell as myself. Now, some may find the following hard to understand. This I know, though despite this I also realise I don't have to justify.
Some alcoholics are able to overcome the addiction and are still able to drink socially and heathily thereafter, though have to be very careful. Most though (like my dad) can't. For myself, I'm still finding my way. I have though learned through family members, and I truly believe it's an illness in itself aswell as a genetic illness.
Now, some people will disagree with this also, but those that have experienced the real problem with alcohol will understand. Those that can't, well I can't change their outlook in what they feel, because at the end of the day, if somebody hasn't experienced the raw way, how can I expect them to understand ? It's simple - They just can't . I realise that this is not their fault, and I also realise it's also not our own fault's either.

Despite all this, I wanted to write to you because, (ok,... you may find i'm preaching, sorry if you feel that I am :blush: ), freedom of choice in what you feel. I am though writing because I care and I understand that you've considered attending AA.

The AA Therapy is amazing. But, like with everything else in life, you have to be patient. Sometimes,.. you can go to an AA Meeting and not relate to anything (and sometimes for weeks),... but i'll promise you, you will relate at some point and that circle will soon become more of a group for you.

Nobody is an alien.... Lmao:) , we're all human and although very different in some ways, when really getting to know eachother, be able to get on so, so well.

For you in recovery,... it's still very, very early days and I realise you're going to receive some help from Therapists (which is brilliant too for aftercare). Only, I truly believe, never in a million years will any Therapist will fully understand, unless they have been through the same addiction as you, and to me this also applies to Doctors and Psychiatrists too. Of course they know their text book stuff, else they wouldn't be doing the job they're doing, only I truly feel that the very best way for people to recover (in whatever illness) is to talk to those who have been through the very same things.

My whole point in writing to you is because I'm leaving the Site now (because of my own reasons) and I wanted to wish you the very best of luck. Also,..to say, try and stay patient (I know it's hard) but try and be very patient if you do decide to attend AA. You will find that not only will it be helping your addiction, you will also find and learn how to cope with everyday situations and life in a better and stronger way (addiction left out). Trust me. I'm not religious, have never been (I personally don't quite get that, different story :winks: ), but I feel that within some sorts of community, there is another form of communication and understanding (quite in a similar way to the religion and in god).

Take very good care of yourself, I'm wishing you all the luck in the world.


Hi Katie,
Wow.thats a long post, but I read it all and I get what your saying and took it all in, sorry you are leaving the site Katie.
When I am up to it I will give AA meetings a try, one step at a time.

Take care,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 08:38
Morning m8 ..
Hows things 2 day ....how are u feeling ?
hope you doing ok x

Hi Titch,
I am ok this morning, its the frigging evenings thats really bad, sometimes I feel like I am going to turn green and expand and all my clothes rip off!
(Careful now LOL)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 09:02
Day 4.

Ok well got through Day 3 which is the crucial time for coming off drink, now my meds start reducing today, have had 3 days of full dose (8 tabs a Day) today I have to reduce to 6.

Let me put it into cartoon terms,

Imagine bottom of a mountain and its so frigging slippery to get to the peek, when your near the top you could fall and hurt yourself (fitting), but once at the top (end of Day 3) then down the other side are steps and you can slowly walk down them without hurting yourself (reducing the dose slowly)
Once at the bottom, you then decide which route to take.

I hope that makes sense?

06-11-08, 09:06
haha so you are the hulk now .
It must be hard m8....that should settle with time .
Do you have cravings or are the meds stopping that ?

I should have seen my drinks councellor 2day but have canclled last 2 days have been a total nightmare 4 me I cancelled my other counselling yest aswell arghhhh just need 2 get myself out of this negative mindset .

06-11-08, 09:07
Day 4.

Ok well got through Day 3 which is the crucial time for coming off drink, now my meds start reducing today, have had 3 days of full dose (8 tabs a Day) today I have to reduce to 6.

Let me put it into cartoon terms,

Imagine bottom of a mountain and its so frigging slippery to get to the peek, when your near the top you could fall and hurt yourself (fitting), but once at the top (end of Day 3) then down the other side are steps and you can slowly walk down them without hurting yourself (reducing the dose slowly)
Once at the bottom, you then decide which route to take.

I hope that makes sense?

well you are getting there m8 and you will take the right route I know u will x:yesyes:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 09:15
Its a shame you missing your sessions titch.

I have a session on Monday, and I know my careworker is doing it on purpose so soon, he is throwing me right in the deep end, have to go on my own, have no idea where I am going (even though been there before) have to find the right department, and sit in waiting room, but I know this is a test.

06-11-08, 09:33

I think you are doing brilliant. :yahoo:

I hope you are really really proud of yourself because you deserve to be. This is such a massive step that you are taking and a real inspiration to others here with similar problems.

Hope you have a good day
Lots of Love

06-11-08, 11:38
hi wayne just wanted to say hi and to let you know im here supporting u with the others, u really should b proud matey for doing all this and wanting and getting the help. hugs xxxxxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 12:08
Morning Donna,
I am over the worst of the detox now, first 3 days is hell.
I'm sure I was told I could start my trazodone on day 4, may start tomorrow.
Takes weeks to kick in though :ohmy:

Take care,


06-11-08, 12:25
awww glad u doing ok wayne i know it tough, but u r doing really well.

so has kong now turned into doc hulk hehe

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 12:32
awww glad u doing ok wayne i know it tough, but u r doing really well.

so has kong now turned into doc hulk hehe

yeah, double personality now LOL

I am a hairy hulk! that would be a disturbing sight!:scared15:

Cathy V
06-11-08, 12:35
Hi doc, really happy to see you and that you are surviving. It must be hard going for you both. Whats the tazodone for by the way? i get confused with all the drugs they give you!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 12:44
Hi doc, really happy to see you and that you are surviving. It must be hard going for you both. Whats the tazodone for by the way? i get confused with all the drugs they give you!

Hi Cathy, the trazodone is going to be the long term anti-depressant that I am just about to start on.


06-11-08, 12:51
good luck with the trazadone wayne is it night or day you got to take it

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 12:53
good luck with the trazadone wayne is it night or day you got to take it

Hi Amanda, you asked me before and I forgot to answer, sorry:blush:

Its one a Night.

06-11-08, 12:55
i take one at night also wayne i can take 2 if i want

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 12:59
Also, might be useful info for anyone,
there is a drug called antibuse (I think thats what its called) and if taken makes you physicly sick if you so much swig alcohol, but I don't think GP prescribe them, you have to get them recommended from your alcohol team to your GP.

Katie asked careworker "surely one day you could not take one and have a drink"

answer: it stays in your system for a long time so no getting out of that one! LOL

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:00
i take one at night also wayne i can take 2 if i want

Oh right Amanda, but if your drinking, they wont work will they? no antidepressants do, ellegedly!

06-11-08, 13:15
I was prescribed antibuse by a psychiatrist in the 80's. I did drink on them, it only took less than 1/2 of a pint of cider to make me ill. I first went very red and hot and then just starting pucking and could not stop. My heart was racing and I had a tremdous headache. I really thought I was going to die and had to have a friend stay with me.

Tell Katie not to worry as it takes about 4 days before you can drink again. On day 4 you will just feel uncomfortable with feeling hot and red blotches all over your body. Ha Ha I know because I experimented to this effect with them.

I think that it might be a good idea, Wayne to go on them to start off with as if you get a craving you will know that you are going to feel really ill if you did take a drink. Believe me if you drink when taking them you will feel so ill.

Your doctor should be able to prescribe them for you.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:20
I was prescribed antibuse by a psychiatrist in the 80's. I did drink on them, it only took less than 1/2 of a pint of cider to make me ill. I first went very red and hot and then just starting pucking and could not stop. My heart was racing and I had a tremdous headache. I really thought I was going to die and had to have a friend stay with me.

I think that it might be a good idea, Wayne to go on them to start off with as if you get a craving you will know that you are going to feel really ill if you did take a drink. Believe me if you drink when taking them you will feel so ill.

Your doctor should be able to prescribe them for you.


I will chat with my careworker today when he visits about them, I think it would be a good deterrant , and think twice before having a drink.
I am sure I asked my GP ages ago about it after my last detox and I am sure she said she needs recommendation from the alcohol unit before she does, just same as the Trazodone, GP didnt prescribe them until was advised to.


Cathy V
06-11-08, 13:23
Wayne if its ok to ask...theyve given you anti deps to help long term, is this because you have ongoing depression anyway, i mean is this what started you drinknig, or did the depression come later?

06-11-08, 13:26
i been offered antibuse wayne but im still not sure what im donig yet ,i was taking the trazadone before i started drinking as heavy as i do now my gp said if anti depressants are gonig to work they will work whatever i been on trazadone for about a year year and half now maybe longer i cant remeber im so dopey lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:29
Wayne if its ok to ask...theyve given you anti deps to help long term, is this because you have ongoing depression anyway, i mean is this what started you drinknig, or did the depression come later?

Cathy, I have suffered from depression for a long time, that and anxiety / agarophobia did start me drinking heavy, when I was diagnosed with agarophobia several Years ago GP then told me it is a form of depression, so it is a long term thing.
Did I answer that right? think that makes sense.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:36
i been offered antibuse wayne but im still not sure what im donig yet ,i was taking the trazadone before i started drinking as heavy as i do now my gp said if anti depressants are gonig to work they will work whatever i been on trazadone for about a year year and half now maybe longer i cant remeber im so dopey lol

Obviosly antibuse comes after detox, god Amanda if you took them now your head will constantly be down the bog! LOL
I defo gonna ask Today about them, oh and katie said when she asked him about them they stay in your system for 72 hours, so if you want to drink you have to plan 3 days ahead! but thats difficult when you gasping for drink there and then! lol

Cathy V
06-11-08, 13:42
Yes thanks wayne, i understand what you're saying. I hope all goes well for you, you deserve it to work....Cathy xxx :hugs:

06-11-08, 13:43

How are you with your agoraphobia now? I'm agoraphobic too. Ive just started to force myself to go out on my own :wacko:

Love Lisa

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:45
God, so busy on here forgot my meds, lol, well better a bit late, first time with just one librium this session, tea time 1 again, then 2 at bed time, 2 less than yesterday, then reduces by a further 2 tomoz.

06-11-08, 13:46
Ah, okak Wayne. It is good that you get alot of support.

In the 70's they used to just plonk you in the local mental hospital and really dope you up that you slept away the first week.

I used to be put on barbituates, valium 10mg and sedative anti-depressantso
They used to have a meeting once a week where you would queue up until it was your time. I would just go in and listen to them and eventually I used to say that I want to go home now so they always said yes and sent me off with my goodie bags of drugs.

The only follow up was seeing a psychiatrist every 6 weeks.

I always had load of valium on me (used to abuse them) I used to go to doctors out of my town and sign on and say that I had run out of my valium and stock pile them. Many a time I just used to stop drinking and load myself up with valium until the next drink. If I was not drinking I would be taking 8 tablets of valium just to get me out in the morning to get my son to school.

During these times I had attended AA meetings but never stayed around for long. My last drink I got in contact with an AA member who took me around a few meetings. I am a lapsed Catholic and did not really get involved with God. I used to call it a higher power. It was really the people in AA, a good sponsor who had been sober for a good number of years that helped me. I had telephone numbers of people who said call me any time of the night or day. They had been where I had been and wanted to genuinally help me.

AA helped me to find Sheena again. I found that it was okay to me and if I felt like a drink, in the early days, I used to phone someone or pop around for a cup of tea. I found that anger and resentment only screwed me up as the other person was not even aware of how I was feeling.

I made some real good frends in AA and they still phone me and pop around for a natter as I can not get to meetings due to my agoraphobia and social phobia.

I know that this might not be for you Wayne, but I just wanted to share with you how AA helped me. I realise that on a previous thread I was in your face a bit.

You were on my mind when I woke up this morning as I know what a struggle you are going through and all I want to do is to wish you better and to for you to find ways that are suitable to you to hopefully stop drinking one day at a time.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 13:47

How are you with your agoraphobia now? I'm agoraphobic too. Ive just started to force myself to go out on my own :wacko:

Love Lisa

Thing is with me Lisa, sometimes its not just a case of getting out, I think I suffer more from crowds and social phobia, but I think it all runs aside doesn't it.
If a neighbour is out the front, I wait till they gone before I go out.

06-11-08, 14:17
Ahhhh got ye Wayne. Yeah i would say that yours is more of a social phobia but you're right in saying thay do go side by side.

In saying that, there is some of my neighbours i would rather avoid too :winks:

Keep up the good work hun

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 14:18
Ah, okak Wayne. It is good that you get alot of support.

In the 70's they used to just plonk you in the local mental hospital and really dope you up that you slept away the first week.

I used to be put on barbituates, valium 10mg and sedative anti-depressantso
They used to have a meeting once a week where you would queue up until it was your time. I would just go in and listen to them and eventually I used to say that I want to go home now so they always said yes and sent me off with my goodie bags of drugs.

The only follow up was seeing a psychiatrist every 6 weeks.

I always had load of valium on me (used to abuse them) I used to go to doctors out of my town and sign on and say that I had run out of my valium and stock pile them. Many a time I just used to stop drinking and load myself up with valium until the next drink. If I was not drinking I would be taking 8 tablets of valium just to get me out in the morning to get my son to school.

During these times I had attended AA meetings but never stayed around for long. My last drink I got in contact with an AA member who took me around a few meetings. I am a lapsed Catholic and did not really get involved with God. I used to call it a higher power. It was really the people in AA, a good sponsor who had been sober for a good number of years that helped me. I had telephone numbers of people who said call me any time of the night or day. They had been where I had been and wanted to genuinally help me.

AA helped me to find Sheena again. I found that it was okay to me and if I felt like a drink, in the early days, I used to phone someone or pop around for a cup of tea. I found that anger and resentment only screwed me up as the other person was not even aware of how I was feeling.

I made some real good frends in AA and they still phone me and pop around for a natter as I can not get to meetings due to my agoraphobia and social phobia.

I know that this might not be for you Wayne, but I just wanted to share with you how AA helped me. I realise that on a previous thread I was in your face a bit.

You were on my mind when I woke up this morning as I know what a struggle you are going through and all I want to do is to wish you better and to for you to find ways that are suitable to you to hopefully stop drinking one day at a time.


I took in all what you said, its a long post and struggle to respond to all points due to my meds, my brain is not funtioning 100% at the mo LOL
But I did take it in, and my careworker just came and has agreed antibuse and is writing to my GP to get it prescribed.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 14:20
Also he just told me that a hospital detox and follow up costs NHS £9000 :scared15:

If you have liver problems, can cost £19000

06-11-08, 14:32
Hiya folks hope u are all ok x
Wayne how are u 2day spoke earlia ..justwondered how u are this afternoon .

U have prob answered this allready but after yr 8 day detox what after care do you get and for how long .whats it involve ?

Lisa do you go out at all I know you did fab with parents evening not long back do u manage 2 go out at all x

Hugs 2 every1 xxxxxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 15:08
Hi Titch,
Yeah I am fine this afternoon.
Well I see phsycoligist This Monday for starters, so thats still during detox technicly, I will know more after then.

06-11-08, 15:18
i been offered antibuse wayne but im still not sure what im donig yet ,i was taking the trazadone before i started drinking as heavy as i do now my gp said if anti depressants are gonig to work they will work whatever i been on trazadone for about a year year and half now maybe longer i cant remeber im so dopey lol

Hiya m8y ..hope u are ok .how much do you drink m8 ?xxxxxxxx

06-11-08, 15:26
Glad to hear you are doing well today Wayne :hugs: Keep up the good work. I realise this is very hard for you.

I have social phobia too so I understand about not liking crowds, or sometimes it is worse if it is just one or two people, although I've made some progress with this in the time I've been a member here. I also have some agoraphobic tendancies too which have been worse since my last admission to an eating disorder unit last Christmas and the weight gain. I don't 'feel myself' and get panicky about leaving home and tend to stay indoors a lot.

I'm glad you are getting the medication you asked for and I hope that helps.

It's funny you mentioned the cost to the NHS of inpatient detox as I can well believe that to be true. The first eating disorder unit I was at 2 years ago was at a psychiatric hospital which had an alcoholic treatment unit. Most of the patients there seemed to be on lots of drugs and many seemed quite 'out of it' most of the time, and taking strong tranquilizers etc.

Keep going Wayne. You're doing well.

Karen xx

06-11-08, 15:48
hi tich i drink far to much ill pm you the amount, not that its a secret but someone i dont want to see how much i drink if that makes sense lol, thats good news about the antibuse wayne ive got to talk about what im gonig to do tommorow when see specialist nurse in morning lucky me i got to see her then my vb12 injection straight after and that bloody hurts

06-11-08, 16:24
hi tich i drink far to much ill pm you the amount, not that its a secret but someone i dont want to see how much i drink if that makes sense lol, thats good news about the antibuse wayne ive got to talk about what im gonig to do tommorow when see specialist nurse in morning lucky me i got to see her then my vb12 injection straight after and that bloody hurts

Ok hun No probs xxxxxxx:hugs:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 17:40
i been offered antibuse wayne but im still not sure what im donig yet ,i was taking the trazadone before i started drinking as heavy as i do now my gp said if anti depressants are gonig to work they will work whatever i been on trazadone for about a year year and half now maybe longer i cant remeber im so dopey lol

Hi Amanda,
I am a little confused, you say your GP said anti depressants will work whateva you drink, but I read ages ago you said they were not working!
Did you tell the GP exactly how much you drink or did he think you only drunk a can or 2?


06-11-08, 19:00
no he knows wayne exactly how much ,and no they dont work for me which is why ive got promazine aswell now to take when i need them

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 19:43
no he knows wayne exactly how much ,and no they dont work for me which is why ive got promazine aswell now to take when i need them

Hi Amanda, thats strange cos my GP told me to not take any meds 'till off the booze, besides when I was drinking I didnt need to take any meds, its when I am not drinking I need the bloody things badly.
Cos at bedtime when I have drunk 3 litres of s**te all day I am asleep as soon as head hits the pillow! LOL

Take care,


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06-11-08, 19:46
im oposite wayne i cant sleep whatever ,mine always says they wont harm me whether i drink or not and i guess thats true cos im still here lol, i need them whatever i get 3 hours sleep a night if im lucky and thats with the trazadone you name it ive taken it lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-11-08, 19:52
OMG 3 hours sleep? thats bad.

Well I am taking my first trazodone tonight, along with 2 libriums, propranolol and a sleeping tab for good measure, if that dont make me sleep then there is no hope! LOL

06-11-08, 19:58
i think you will sleep very well ,trazadone dont make you feel groggy which is a good thing,

06-11-08, 20:09
im oposite wayne i cant sleep whatever ,mine always says they wont harm me whether i drink or not and i guess thats true cos im still here lol, i need them whatever i get 3 hours sleep a night if im lucky and thats with the trazadone you name it ive taken it lol

omg amanda 3 hrs a night, i dont know how u manage to function on such little sleep hun, how u doing today?

hope u doing ok too mr hairy hulk :winks: hehe

06-11-08, 20:12
im ok donna ty had a bad night and day, but i should be used to it now i guess , how are you xx

06-11-08, 20:13
donna i dont function well if you saw me youd think i was something out of living dead film he he

06-11-08, 20:15
aww thats not good matey, i hope u get something sorted soon, its awful for u to suffer so much.

im sorry as i prob not read all the posts so u may have put this down already, but was wondering, i know u said you drinker, i just wondered if u were similar to wayne, as in similar amounts of drink etc and have u detoxed before?

06-11-08, 20:40
never had a dettox before but been offered one now ,so wanted to see how wayne coped first as im a coward lol, i dont drink as much as wayne did but im a very close 2nd xx

06-11-08, 20:44
thanku for that amanda, i hope u manage to do the detox and im sure u will feel so much better.

how long have u been drinking? hope u dont mind me asking and im sorry wayne not meaning to take over your thread matey, i was just interested.
hugs all hehe

07-11-08, 07:26
Morning all........hope u are all ok.

How are u 2 day Wayne ?
Amanda hope you are ok hun and got some sleep ..Im the same dont sleep much .must be hard though as I do get more than 3hrs that must be tuff hun x

Hope every1 else is ok 2 day Donna,Cathy ,Smiley and Carol hugs 2 u all xxxxxxx:hugs:

07-11-08, 10:45
hello everyone and hope u doing ok today wayne? hugs matey xx

07-11-08, 11:09
How are you today Wayne? Hope things are ok this morning :hugs:

Karen xx

07-11-08, 16:54
Just back from my hols - but have read it all and am up to date. Keep going Wayne- ur doing great

Linda xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-11-08, 18:53
Hi Guys,
well 5th Day, feeling ok, meds are reducing now, took my first trazodone last night and slept fine.
The only probs at the moment is I am so irratable and short tempered in the evenings.
So now I am eating well, sleeping well, starting to get some motivation back to some some things.
So getting better everyday.
Careworker came again Today for the last time during this detox and said pleased how smoothly it went, he is going to get GP to give me antibuse meds very soon.

Have a good evening.


07-11-08, 18:57
glad your doing ok wayne, ive been offered a dettox to start a week monday but im still in 2 minds as of yet take care


07-11-08, 18:57
Wayne I am so pleased to hear things are looking good for you. Well done


07-11-08, 19:02
hi wayne u sound like u doing really well, im so pleased. hugs xxxx

hope u ok amanda? hugs xxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-11-08, 19:04
glad your doing ok wayne, ive been offered a dettox to start a week monday but im still in 2 minds as of yet take care


I understand Amanda your reservations about it, but in all honesty its just first 3 days its hard, 1st day is worst.
The bad temper thing is because adjusting to not drinking and as you know drinking blocks any crap out in life, its a case of sobering up and facing the s**t things.

I can't tell you what to do Amanda, but I am sure you dont want to carry on and get liver disease or worse, that wouldn;t be funny. My GP said if I carry on a the level I was drinking it would become liver disease.

This post has been automatically edited by the NMP post filter

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-11-08, 19:07
Wayne I am so pleased to hear things are looking good for you. Well done


Thanks Carol,
Yeah doing ok, Katie and I were never appart, but seems we are in different rooms lately:weep: thats not good.

07-11-08, 19:13
But you will both end up in the same room Wayne and everything will be fine.

Carol x

07-11-08, 19:27
things will improve wayne its been a tough week for you both

07-11-08, 19:50

That is just amazing news :yahoo:

I'm really really pleased for you and proud of how well you have done in such a short space of time.

Well done lad :hugs:

Love Lisa

milly jones
07-11-08, 20:17
hi doc

i stay away for a little while and u go and get detoxed

well done hunny, keep at it

hugs mills xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-11-08, 23:40
Hi Mills, great to see you back on here again!:yesyes:
Yep, day 6 tomorrow and I am feeling so much better appart from wanting to commit murder with a black and decker drill! :D

I can't stop bloody eating, I will be a fat little bast**d soon! :ohmy:

Just taken my night time meds so I may fall asleep during posa;'?FOIFASdnnnncmnnnnn

10-11-08, 13:01
Wayne where are you and how are you doing?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
10-11-08, 13:30
Hi guys, sorry not posted for a while, I am fine and this is my last Day of detox, just one more librium to take tonight and thats it.
I am seeing the phsycologist today at 4 for my first therapy appt.

Been busy helping Katie rehearsing and been sorting out promo packs to send out to venues and agents, so I am keeping busy.
Been really thirsty last couple of days, been through about 3 cartons of pineapple juice.
The trazadone has made me a bit drowsy and clumsy but all in all I'm over the worst.

Amanda, do it girl, you will feel so much better for it afterwards. the first 3 days you will feel groggy but the high dose of librium wipes you out and just want to lay on the sofa!


10-11-08, 13:32
hi wayne really pleased things are going good for u hun, u should b proud of yourself hun xxxxxxx

Cathy V
10-11-08, 13:39
Good that youve got through the detox doc, that was the easy part if i understand you right from before, now comes the hard part...yes? :scared15:

10-11-08, 14:07
Well done Wayne


10-11-08, 14:40
well done wayne glad it well ok x

10-11-08, 14:41
went ok even sorry i cant spell lol

10-11-08, 16:41
Well done Wayne :hugs: I hope the therapy session goes well for you.

Karen xx

milly jones
10-11-08, 17:41
so proud of u doc, well done xxx

10-11-08, 18:04
Hiya m8 ...u should be very proud of yourself well done .....:yesyes:
How did therapy go this afternoon hope you are ok
take care x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
11-11-08, 07:59
Thanks Guys,
Today is 9th Day without a drink!

Well therapy didnt happen,I'll tell you why,
Appt was 4pm, I left at 3pm which is enough to get to leicster from here, I even used my sat nav and I didnt get to the hospital until 4.35, I went to check in on the off chance she could fit me in somehow but had gone home.
The traffic was terrible, traffic lights every 100 yards, nightmare journey.

Another thing is that careworker said I would be fine driving when I had not completey finished detox and had librium still in my system, but the trazodone! Jesus that is wiping me out! I was hitting the kerbs and swaying all over the road, my life and other road users were in danger!
And he said "You will be fine" yeah right, F*****G Tos*er

Anyway, just want thank all of you lovely friendly people for helping me get through the last week and for your support! :bighug1:

Going to see GP this morning and get somw goodies, going to ask about antibuse and see if he will prescribe them to me direct in stead of waiting weeks for careworker to arrange it.

This trazadone makes me feel a bit tipsy, I stumble about and tripping on things, I am not ready to drive yet, luckily the surgery is just a 2 minute walk.

I am going to start my star chart again for each day I am sober!

take care all and have a great day.


11-11-08, 09:00
Morning .....
Hope you are ok 2 day ......
Make sure you get another app with therapist soon .
Hope it goes well at docs ...and WOW 9 days m8 thats fantastic well done :yesyes: x

11-11-08, 09:11
aww wayne you doing great mate, keep it up, feeling any better yet? I sure hope so,

Emma xxx

11-11-08, 18:19
Hope that star chart is filling up

Linda xx

11-11-08, 21:21
Hi Wayne,

I also wanted to say congrats on how well you are doing too. By the way, I was prescribed Trazadone here in the states once way back when for sleeping issues but I had to go off of them because they made me so tired and groggy during the day. They did knock me out during the night though and I slept like a baby. No way could I have driven on those things!!! Hope you continue to do so well.

Take care,


11-11-08, 21:36
hows it going wayne?, id forgotten about that star chart, is it twinkling hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
12-11-08, 08:14
HI Guys, Day 10 Report.

Great news, my GP didn't even hesitate prescribing me the antibuse drugs, had trouble finding somewhere that stocked it though, in the end asda pharmacy phone up a chemist a couple of miles away and although I was precribed 50 tabs, they only had 36, they are reserved for me and picking them up today.
I have to be so careful what deodrant, soap, shampoo etc I use, must not have alcohol in the ingredients, you all look at your toiletries, you will be surprised how many contain alcohol. If I use aftershave even that will make me ill, let alone drinking, been told if I drink alot while on tablets, it will be more than throwing up, I could die. very serious drug.

I think that will deter me from even thinking about it.

Yes that trazodone is heavy duty and I sleep really well now, even my GP said its a high dose, he prescribed it but on the advice from alcohol unit.

Anyway, feeling much better and cos all the meds I take not really thinking about drinking so that is a :yesyes:

Anyway need to get dressed,

oh and Donna, yes the stars chart is starting to look goooooooood


12-11-08, 08:19
Morning m8 ...
Gladu u are ok and u got the meds u wanted x

What do u do with the star chart m8 ?
Day 10 hey how guds that xxx


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
12-11-08, 09:45
Morning m8 ...
Gladu u are ok and u got the meds u wanted x

What do u do with the star chart m8 ?
Day 10 hey how guds that xxx


Morning Titchy,

What I do is draw a grid, get some coloured star stickers, and stick them in each box in the grid with the date above it.
Its a kind of motivation thing looking at the stars build up, I stick one on at night before bed.

I have this book, with all sorts of stuff in it, like diary from last detox, information about all types of drugs you need to take etc, star chart is at the back of the book, also use it to tick off when I take my trazodone as wouldnt be funny if I took two in one day by mistake! LOL


12-11-08, 09:59
Thats really gud m8 ..bet it gives u so much motivation as u see them build up ...lol no wouldnt be gud m8 2 2 take 2 meds in 1 day lolx

How are u feeling in general now are you feeling ok and positive ...have you made new appointment with therapist ?

12-11-08, 10:15
well done wayne, wouldnt of even thought about aldcohol based things with antibuse , must be only me trazadone doesnt touch the sides with lol , glad your doing so well though


12-11-08, 11:40
oh wayne thats fanctastic matey, u doing so well, keep it up and your chart will sparkle hun xxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
17-11-08, 07:10
Hi Guys,
Sorry for not posting for a while, I am doing well, 2 weeks today sober :yesyes:

Been keeping busy, the antabuse drugs don't seem to be causing any side affects.

The trazadone just knocks me out at night, take it half hour before bed time and then I am zonked.

So Amanda, are you going for one? My care worker was soposed to ring me last Monday, not heard a thing so far, as he is concerned I am not on antabuse, I went down GP's and sorted it myself.

Have a good Day guys,


17-11-08, 07:25
Morning m8

2weeks ...wooooooooo thats fantastic m8 :yesyes:

You are doing so well

Hope you have a gud day m8 keep busy spk soon


17-11-08, 19:35
fantastic-well done you

Linda xx

Cathy V
17-11-08, 19:40
Hey doc, thats so great, well done. But that care worker needs shooting....where the hell is he? I mean, isnt this the reason it all fell apart for you last time, because the after care was a bit lacking? But good for you that you're sorting it yourself.

best wishes
Cathy xxx :D

17-11-08, 20:03

That is amazing news!! I am so happy for you :yahoo:

Love Lisa

17-11-08, 20:23
hiya doc, welldone matey, longtime no talk hehe, i really hope things are gettin just a little easier for you and u b back on here posting soon.
hugs to u and katie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-11-08, 09:20
good luck doc, u took 1st step in getting help so im sure u will make it. hope its not too bad for u, light at end of tunnel and all that tho. so can only all be worth it for u at the end.

take care xx Mo

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
24-11-08, 08:28
Morning guys,
Well 3 weeks Today sober,
Yes Cathy, I am not impressed with my care worker, was soposed to ring me 2 weeks ago, we have an appointment to see him here 3rd Dec though.

Been a bit depressed last Week or so but that happened last time, I think the trazodone is starting to kick in now as I was more chirpy last couple of Days.

Been sleeping really well recently, also started a habbit of talking in my sleep, I wake myself up with it! lol

I think the antabuse drug is great cos even if you are crawling the walls gasping for a drink, you know you can't as I would be really ill.

I dreampt last night that I had a couple of bottles of lager, then realised I am on that drug and I was crapping myself cos was waiting for the ill feeling symptoms.

Hope you are all well,


Cathy V
24-11-08, 08:33
Hiya doc, good to hear from you again, and so pleased you are coping well. It must be tough but you sounds like you're getting stronger every day. Hope your success continues matey. Hope Katie is ok too.

Best wishes
Cath xxx :)

24-11-08, 09:45
hi wayne nice to hear from you and things are going well, hope you still doing your sticker chart and its got lots of stars in it lol.

hugs to both u and katie xx

24-11-08, 09:57
Hiya Wayne

Been thinking of you a lot lately I am currently trying to diet but have you noticed how this itime of year we are bombarded with ads for food and alcohol, I am so pleased that you have found the inner strength to do this, it cannot be easy mate keep it going

Not been able to have a tipple myself lately due to the meds and do you know I don't miss it, spend more time in the soft drinks aisle then I ever did in the alcohol one, theres a huge variety of soft drinks available some really nice but have you noticed the strange and just plain bizzare ones!!!!!!!!!

Lots of best wishes to you and yours


28-11-08, 19:44
Hiya doc nice to hear you are doing so well, keep it up hun, decided am gonna join ya come new year, and have a go at stopping smoking to

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
11-12-08, 11:44
Hi Everyone, sorry not logged in for a while, so hectic here, we have been gigging loads recently.

Well I am doing brill, this second detox togther with meds is going fantasticly this time.
I have an appointment to see therapist next Week, last apptment I got lost!

Think its been about 5 weeks now, or 6 even, can't remember exatly.

Loads going on, Our 1st wedding annerversary this Weekend, also gigging next week and new years eve, also xmas coming up, plenty to keep me busy.

Hope you are all well, and in case I dont log in before, you all have a great xmas and a happy new Year.

Doc :D

11-12-08, 13:03
hiya wayne, i been wondering how u have been doing matey, so pleased everything going well for you and you sound happy, thats great.

i hope the worst parts are over for you now, i guess u will always have this with u but i hope its getting alittle easier for you.

your gigs sound great and hope katie doing good too and rest of family, have great xmas. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-12-08, 13:49
Hey m8y.....

Iknow I spk on FB butwanted 2 say on thread how pleased I am for you ..you are doing sooo well..I know how busy u have been and doin the gigs with Katie ....it hasnt been easy past few months but have huge hopes 4 both of u in 2009 x

Have fab anniversary m8 x

Reading over this thread shows such a journey and gives others hope m8 x

Titch x

Cathy V
11-12-08, 14:20
Hiya doc, great to hear from you and that you're doing so well. Proud of you matey. Im doing good too, feel so much better without it. So heres to a good christams and new year for us all. Best wishes to Katie and lovely to hear she has so much work with her singing, she deserves it.

Take care
Cath xxx :hugs:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 01:01
I am still alive, just come back to this forum and see most of peeps I knew here are "removed members" :weep: not sure what thats about!


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 01:03
I see there is still no alcohol problems section here after all this time! tut tut. I will probs be removed for saying that now, LOL

19-06-09, 10:16
Dr Kong

NMP is a site for people who suffer from Anxiety and anxiety related conditions.

I have heard there are some very good sites which deal with alcohol problems too which you could possibly try but please feel free to continue to post any issues you have under the Misc section.

I'm sorry some of your friends have left. Some people wish to move on when their condition improves.

I hope you are well
Kind regards


19-06-09, 11:07
Welcome back Wayne

If the user says "removed" then they have asked for their account to be locked as they do not want to come on here anymore. They have't been banned or anything lol.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 16:13
LOL, not what I heard!

All forums are the same, gangs and clicks, banned etc


love ya all.


19-06-09, 17:03
Ahh but you must love us all to stay though :winks:

If they have been naughty they will be banned though :D

19-06-09, 17:06

Wayne, how have you been? Things any better for you?


19-06-09, 21:21
Who cares what you heard lad.

Stay and be happy, or attention seek somewhere else

19-06-09, 23:18
Hi Wayne

Good to see you back and to hear that you are ok, I was only thinking about you the other day.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 23:18

Wayne, how have you been? Things any better for you?


Hi Lisa, thanks for your email, things not great at the moment, appointments, meds etc etc.

take care,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 23:32
Who cares what you heard lad.

Stay and be happy, or attention seek somewhere else

Not very professional responce for a moderator!

And please don't call me "lad" I am not much younger than you!
if you want to chat to me I am willing to pm you my mobile number and you can tell me what you think when you are not hiding behind your keyboard.

Kind regards,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 23:34
Hi Wayne

Good to see you back and to hear that you are ok, I was only thinking about you the other day.


Hi Carol, nice to hear from you, hope you and yours are well :)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-06-09, 23:39
Ahh but you must love us all to stay though :winks:

If they have been naughty they will be banned though :D

Hi Nicola,
Yes I agree, forums can be so false, you can be so rude to someone sitting on your bed with the laptop , but on the phone you would be hmm hmm hmm, we all have probs, thats why I am back here, I got probs as all others.


19-06-09, 23:57
Well Wayne accept any help and enjoy your time here again ok?

19-06-09, 23:58
Hiding lad?

Hardly. don't do statements about gangs and clicks, to my knowledge only people who have left have either left by own accord or have been banned for good reason.

As for hiding pal, feel free to pm me, because I promise you this chap, hiding from you is not something I would do.

I am sure you know how to contact me ;)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:02
Used to be fun on here, make me smile, not anymore, just neg coments from some admin, bring back Donna! she made me smile and Cathy!

20-06-09, 00:04
Donna and Cathy left of their own accord Wayne.

Jaco is a chat room moderator Wayne.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:04
Hiding lad?

Hardly. don't do statements about gangs and clicks, to my knowledge only people who have left have either left by own accord or have been banned for good reason.

As for hiding pal, feel free to pm me, because I promise you this chap, hiding from you is not something I would do.

I am sure you know how to contact me ;)

Please stop calling me lad, I will pm you to chat on the phone.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:06
Donna and Cathy left of their own accord Wayne.

Jaco is a chat room moderator Wayne.

ok I accept they left, please tell the "chat room guy" to stop calling me "Lad"

20-06-09, 00:09
Jaco - please do not call Wayne a lad it is annoying him. Thanks

20-06-09, 00:10
Can I call him chap then ?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:15
Can I call him chap then ?

My name is Wayne Jaco, whats yours?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:16
I think the AKA Wayne gives it away a little.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 00:59
Can admin delete me from this forum please, jaco is a jackass basicly.

20-06-09, 01:18
ok we will remove you in 24 hours if that is what you want.

20-06-09, 01:18
Please do not insult other members though

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:22
does anyone know how to delete your membership here? looked but can't see.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:24
Please do not insult other members though

I didn't insult anyone, it was jaco who started one me Nicola.

20-06-09, 01:24
I replied Wayne!

20-06-09, 01:27
You said

jaco is a jackass basicly.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:29
ok, dont delete me yet, but you should have a poll on whether this site should have an alcohol section,

I suffer from anxiety, depression, agorophobic, social phobia, alcohol addiction, global phobia etc etc,

I think alcohol problems run in line with the above, does anyone else agree?

Take care,


20-06-09, 01:30

I am not adding an alcohol forum - sorry but that is the way it is.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:30
You said

jaco is a jackass basicly.

Sorry, I retract that comment, Jaco can phone me anytime if he wants.


20-06-09, 01:33
No i don't,

the list would go on, then what if we are asked for a drugs section, and a no smoking section.

I understand what you are saying but how much do we expand the forum, i for one couldn't cope with it.

just my opinion

di xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:33

I am not adding an alcohol forum - sorry but that is the way it is.

ok, but there is alot of threads on this forum regarding alcohol.

I did try as I did last Year, never mind,

Thanks anyway Nicola, good night.xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
20-06-09, 01:36
No i don't,

the list would go on, then what if we are asked for a drugs section, and a no smoking section.

I understand what you are saying but how much do we expand the forum, i for one couldn't cope with it.

just my opinion

di xx

How many people on here do you think has alcohol addiction to mask out the anxiety? words "sweep it under the carpet" come to mind! think about it.

Wayne xx