View Full Version : going mad with to much thinking of it??

03-11-08, 11:29
All i want is to get my life back on track however ive been getting loads of strange symptoms and im convinced i must be loosing my mind. I feel spacey and floaty also like when im writing words or listening to people speak it sounds foreign to me yet i am able to reply?!? i also keep thinking what is normal and cant remember what that felt like. this in turn is making me very anxious. i feel now that ive thought about all these things i will make myself loose my mind or go mad is that possible?? will i ever break free from this?

03-11-08, 11:37
Hi Cheeky, I just replied to one of your threads over on the Panic forum. Have you spoken to your doctor or therapist about the way you are feeling? It might be a good idea as you do sound very anxious.

Derealization and depersonalisation are really scary and horrible anxiety symptoms - but they can't really hurt you and they won't go on forever. The best thing you can do is try to relax so that your anxiety doesn't make the symptoms worse. Try occupying yourself with an absorbing task - even just a puzzle or game or movie. It might be hard to focus at first but it might help to stop your mind going over and over your symptoms.

It sounds like you've been suffering from anxiety and depression for some time - what meds were you on before, and what have you been prescribed now, if you don't mind me asking?