View Full Version : Please help me,...... i feel sick.

Piscian Daydreamer
10-06-05, 18:56
Please, someone has to help me.
Tonight things have made me physically sick, i am absolutely horrified by what has happened.

Ive been at uni for the last year and things have been hard. Ive really missed my friends back home and ive been pining to see them for weeks knowing that they would be returning from university today! However, when i got home tonight my other friend told me that they had all come back and gone on holiday to magaluf straight away! About 8 of them, they hadn't even told me, or the few others! Even worse, i was only speaking to them all at the weekend about them coming home and i was telling them that i cannot wait to see them again! They all agreed with me and led me to beleive that with everyone back we would be all meeting up tonight! They had planned this holiday all along and never told me or the others! I cannot understand why, i feel absolutely sick, like someone has ripped my heart from me..

These lads were a snidy group anyway, i couldnt ever really trust them properly, but doing this has caused by anxiety to go bananas - i feel an all time low tonight. I feel every emotion now, hate towards them, absolutely sickened. I have been desperate for the summer to start and desperate to see these guys again.

After they have done this, i just feel that there is no way back now, i can never be friends with these people again. BUT ITS NOT AS SIMPLE AS THAT. i have 14 weeks off now in the summer, i have been hanging with these people all my life - without them i have absolutely nothing!! I go insane without them during term time........ i need them....... but now i found out what they have so deceitfully done to me and the others........... I AM ABSOLUTELY SICKENED.

Please, tell me what i should do..

I have nothing anymore.

10-06-05, 19:09
What a horrible thing for your friends to do to you!! No wonder you feel so hurt - I would be too. Do you know how long they are gone for? Maybe you could talk to them when they get back and explain how rough what they did has made you feel. It could be that they didn't think it through..Chin up!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-06-05, 19:46
No wonder you are upset over this - that was not very nice of them to do that to you.

Would you have gone if they had asked you?

Could it be that they thought you weren't able/wouldn't want to go ?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

10-06-05, 19:49
Oooh, I agree with Sarah, what a crappy thing to do, but perhaps they didn't mean it this way?? I think it definitely merits a discussion.

You mentioned that a few others also weren't informed about the trip...why don't you spend time with them? May be a smaller group than you're used to, but not full of people that you're angry with at the moment.

Hope you're able to relax a bit, how about renting a good movie and just pampering yourself? Just get your mind off it...you never know what exactly has happened, so no use dwelling on it!


Piscian Daydreamer
10-06-05, 20:27
Thanks for the replies, i do feel slightly better now.

No, i wouldnt have gone because i aint the same as them in terms of 'clubbing it big in magaluf' - they all went in the summer too.


what is killing me is the fact that they were so shnidy about it. Why, just why didnt they tell us they were leaving? Just days before, when i was desperate to see them and they knew it they would not tell me.

I just don't understand,.... although u lot are helpful there is no way any of u can fully understand the situation and people involved.

In truth, i have real socail and anxiety problems at the moment. I honestly feel i have nothing to look forward to. I just cannot stop thinking about what all my other mates are doing.......... my uni mates will be away with all their home friends during summer,,, and i wont have anything.

Thankyou................ :(

10-06-05, 22:30
Hi, I think some of us do know what your going through, although every situation is different some of the feelings are the same.
i think you should talk to them when they get back as said by Sarah, i still think it is totally unfair, so called friends dont do that, they at least tell you they are going.
A lot of us have social and anxiety problems, but its got to be worse for you at the prime of your life.
At least mine didnt start until I was a lot older,
Try to enjoy your break, meet up with others and have a pamper as Lisa says.
Try to not let it worry you, take care , love Alexis, xx