View Full Version : going to docs for the 1st time

03-11-08, 15:42
Hi everyone, thanks for all the advice from my last post...thanks to all ur advice ive managed to organise a docs appointment this week about my depression.
This will be my first concerning axiety and dep, so hope he/she will understand and wont push me too hard. I am really scared about it, because ive always had bad experiences with doctors, they alway seem so stuck up, and never really feel like they believe what your saying.

I also have a interview for incomesupport which im also scared about...not sure if i can cope with an interview when im anxious...but i'll have to try because they said its a must.

oh well i just hope the doc can help, as its been 4months, and i was hoping it would go away with time..tried 5htp, and kalms..none worked, so now im on my final option (the doctor).
i even get anxious when family come round....oh i really hope i can get through this...i really hope and pray.

THanks again for all the support, any more advice would be great..how do u guys get through inteviews etc when ur soo anxious??

plus which medication works best for u guys when it comes to anxiety and depression with least side-effects...i'll talk to doc about it.

03-11-08, 18:18
If I'm going to the doctor and I'm feeling a bit worried, I find it helpful to write things down. Most GP's that I've seen don't mind this at all. It means that you don't end up leaving the surgery thinking "oh no, I should have asked them about....".

Hope everything goes well. Take care.

Baggie X :hugs:

04-11-08, 11:45
thanks everyone i'll keep praying and believing i'll be fine...i'll let u know how it goes.

04-11-08, 18:34
Hi, i'm new to this forum but suffered from panic attacks and depression for the last 13 months.
I found the hardest bit was booking the first appointment and making myself go, I really hope that you are as lucky as me and have a really understanding doctor.
You have to believe that its the first step to feeling better.

Take care

04-11-08, 20:01
I'll echo what Baggie said - write it down. I develop an annoying stiff upper lip otherwise and tell the GP I'm fine or play down my symptoms.

Well done for making the appointment, its a big step in the right direction.

:hugs: Hope it all works out for you.

06-11-08, 20:39
hi everyone, thanks for the messages. I'll update u on how it went.
Well i was seriously nervious and anxious..but thankgod i got thru it without having a panic attack. The waiting was hard, but i seemed to be able to control myself well.

The doc was ok, she was understanding. She didnt seem to know much about counselling though, i want to try phone counselling..but she didnt know of any that did any. She prescribed me Citalopram 10mg, anyone elsse on this, does it work?

She commented that it will have neg effects to start with, but it should get better in time. i go bk in 4 weeks to see how it goes. Unfortunly there aint alot of meds that i can have because i also have asthma, so im just hoping that this will work wonders.

i could wait to get out the room, but im glad i went...it took guts..but i got through it, and like u gys say its the 1st step to getting better.:yesyes:

06-11-08, 20:58
Theres something about sitting in that dreaded waiting room, then taking those jittery steps towards the G.P's door. Its like walking through a nightmare isnt it! Thing is, once we get in there its such a relief to off load our anxiety. To have the doctor reassure us that there is nothing seriously wrong, and to walk out feeling alot calmer.
I think that once you have been to see your GP and given them a full account of how you are feeling you will feel better. Standing up and saying 'eh, i'v got anxiety, i'm feeling depressed, what you going to do to help me?' is half the battle. Well done for making the appointment!
You have tried (like us all) to deal with it in your own way but anxiety and depression are strong characters and two against one is not a fair fight. Having someone else on your side can only make you stronger. Good Luck!

06-11-08, 22:10
Well done on getting through the appointment. It's not easy admitting that you feel the way you do, so you should be really proud that you've taken this important step. That's what my GP told me when I went to see her after taking my first panic attack.

My Mum was prescribed Citalopram for depression/anxiety and she says that these tablets helped her enormously. I hope that they will help you too.

Good luck with everything. Let us know how you get on.

Baggie :)