View Full Version : Blood test results not quite normal!

03-11-08, 17:50
I had two blood tests 3 months ago which both returned normal. For the last three months my panic and anxiety got so bad, I wasn't eating. For the last three weeks I have steadily got better, and now have fewer panic attacks, less anxiety and have become part of the outside world again. I was advised to go and get another health check, just to put my mind at ease.
My doctor was very understanding and gave me an ECG and blood tests. I have just returned from the doctors in a complete state as he told me that one of the enzymes in my liver was very slightly high and that I would need another test in a month. I have now freaked out and can't stop thinking about it! I am trying to rationalise my thoughts, by saying that this is something to do with all of my (anxiety) tummy troubles and that I did, ten days before my blood test, have a really bad bout of eggy burp kind of sickness and you know what!
Please help if you can offer some words of advice.
thank you:weep:

03-11-08, 18:44
Hi anna

Ok i have had the exact same resluts as yourself. Trouble is, i drink probably more than i should do. :blush:

Infection/virus can also cause this result too. I wouldn't worry too much about it because the Liver regenerates itself and ones the cause is located, it can be easily treated. They may not even need to treat it.

Try to stop panicing hun! you'll be fine
Love Lisa


House fan
03-11-08, 19:50
No need to panic Anna66, it's actually quite common for liver enzymes to get a bit high sometimes. It could be a virus, or it could simply be that you haven't been eating properly (fruit and veg) recently. A few years ago my mothers liver enzymes were sky high due to an addiction to Solphadine, and I mean SKY HIGH! I asked her to take milk thistle supplements for a month, and when she returned to the doctors for her follow up test, her enzymes were absolutely normal.
The liver is a fantastic organ, more than capable of healing its self, so please don't worry too much babe.
House. x

03-11-08, 20:25
I had very high levels 3 years ago, and a friend suggested Milk Thistle, i took it and my levels came down within weeks!!

04-11-08, 08:26
Thank you so much for your replies.
I had the tests done to ease my mind, now that Im on the road of recovery, yet I wasn't expecting this!
I was overly upset and worried last night and this morning feel quite nauseous through it all.
Im going to try and ignore the mind demons and crack on with getting better.

04-11-08, 22:29
Hi again,
I have had an awul day, just haven't been able to stop crying and shaking, even the odd thumping sensation in my chest has returned today. I have tried so hard to rationalise what everyone here has said, yet I feel like I am not meant to get better, one step forward, three back. Its the 'what if's' creeping in again.
Why can't I stop thinking about it? One measly little raised enzyme!

04-11-08, 23:15
which enzyme was raised? i can understand how you feel, ive got a slightly high enzyme too, just the one though. Causes me no end of worry.
I can tell you that all youre feeling is Anxiey

05-11-08, 10:40
All I remember him saying was that if I had too much of this particular enzyme it would turn me yellow.
It is so annoying that I have been feeling so much better, coming to terms with the weight loss, panic, anxiety and every other little symptom, getting my life back on track, to be told I do actually have something wrong with me. To what degree, my brain is trying to work out.

05-11-08, 14:53
I had some blood tests and the doc said that my liver results were a bit high. I had to have a laugh because as I have not drunk any alcohol for 23 years I thought that organ would have been safe.

I did worry about it though and when I had the bloods done the next month it had calmed down and was normal again.


06-11-08, 17:09
Just a quick update.
I was in such a state that my fiance decided that another chat with the Doctor would probably help. Usually, he has accompanied me on my visits but this time he wasn't there, and this I think left me panicked and unable to digest the information.
My fabulous Doctor was kind enough to return the request to phone me today and then relay all the info to my fiance that he told me on Mon.
Now that he has been told that I am not seriously ill, in fact the level is not worth bothering about at this point in time (if ever), he is able to rationalise everything for me.
So I have learnt a valuable lesson.................for my own sanity I must NOT visit the doctors alone again!!!
A HUGE thank you to my Doctor too!!