View Full Version : Anyone remember the pain from wisdom teeth???

03-11-08, 18:24
Hi, roughly 10 years ago I was advised by dentist that my wisdom teeth are fully grown inside my gums and wont grow through. Since then one wisdom tooth started to appear and has grown through but at an angle and the last few days my jaw on the side of the wisdom tooth really hurts.

The pain is not constant sometimes it will go away after I have eaten.

Does anyone remember the pain when their wisdom teeth grew as I am starting to panic.

03-11-08, 19:38
Hi Jules

I had nothing but problems with my wisdom teeth. My top ones cames through but I had to have them extracted in the dentist.

The bottom ones didn't come through as they were 'impacted' - grew side ways. One developed an absess and was extremely painful. I had to have antibiotics and then go into hospital to have it removed under anaesthetic. The other bottom one is still there as they don't want to remove it unless it causes problems as the x-ray showed it is sitting on a nerve and would be tricky to remove.

Are you getting a lot of pain? Could you see a dentist? Wisdom teeth often do cause problems but if it is just that it is coming through it might settle down but it might be an idea to get it checked out.

Karen x

03-11-08, 19:55
yeah I remember the pain it's bloody horrible! Don't worry though, they is light at the end of the tunnel, it doesn't last forever. Hope you are ok. xxxxxx

03-11-08, 20:00
Thank you for the advise but I am terrified of the dentist, I went a few months problems with another tooth after two visits on the same day and every two weeks for six weeks after that. I was in agony for the whole six weeks I didn't make the next visit two weeks later as the pain started to ease and haven't been back since. I mentioned my wisdom tooth on one of the visits, after an x-ray she said the only problem is there is a nerve and trailed off - probably because she new I was nervous. Since that visit I have been worried thinking the worst although I don't know what the worst would be!!!

Although I am in pain it isn't anything like the agony I was in before but I am still scared.

I wish I was brave!

Thanks again, Jules x