View Full Version : All mixed up...

03-11-08, 20:04
I'm just so mixed up at the moment, I don't know what to do with myself!

You may remember I posted a thread the other day about my nephew being born...I haven't seen him yet, they discovered he is seriously ill and transfered him to a specialist hospital at the weekend...he's having major surgery today :weep: I feel so helpless! I found out just before I went along to my Mums 50th birthday and then had to hide it from her while she excitedly told everyone about her new grandson all night...it tore me apart! This has all sent my anxiety levels through the roof...I'm so stressed out it's unreal.

But then on the other hand...I managed to go to her party...and then onto another one afterwards (despite being very much NOT in a party mood), which is a MAJOR big deal for me. Then today, I went to big Sainburys with a friend...the first time I've been in a supermarket in over 2 years!! I was going to wait in the car but then thought 'no, I WILL do this!'...and I did :D

I'm really all over the place today *sigh*


03-11-08, 20:17
Hi there. :)

I had to reply to this because I don't think it has sunk in just how much you have accomplished!
First things first, I'm really sorry to hear that your nephew is unwell, hopefully the surgery will be able to put right whatever is wrong.
Now then..you managed to keep this to yourself for your mum's sake even though you were probably climbing the walls with worry..it tore you apart but you coped with the challenge when the easiest thing to do would have been for you to share your worries.
You went to two parties, although you didn't feel like it, you did it.
Then after all that, you managed to do the nightmare that is Sainsbury's?
Give yourself some praise and credit where it's due, you coped brilliantly. :)

03-11-08, 20:53
Aww, thank you so much hun!...You're right, I geuss I just didn't think about these things being such an achievement what with everything else going on being more important. I am especially proud of managing Sainburys...and it is a nightmare isn't it ;) It's basically all my panic triggers rolled into one...and I did it, but most importantly...I was ok!! :) xxx

04-11-08, 11:26
You have done loads, you should be proud! :hugs: You have accomplished so much in one day and it's a big step forward.

I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew I really hope he feels better :hugs: xx

04-11-08, 12:01
Im really sorry to hear about your nephew, i really hope the surgery goes well.

Well first of all, you are my role model...my sister inlaw's party is in 4 weeks and i really dont know how im gonna cope with so many people (at least 70) in one room, and the long distance travelling (tend to get car sick).. but hearing ur story that u managed to go to not only 1, BUT 2 parties was a huge huge accomplishment...seriously well done:ohmy: :D, and has given me some confidence.

How did you get thru it...any advice, im really nervious about my sis in laws, and the last thing i want to do is embarase my family by having a huge panic attack.:wacko:

Well done :yesyes: and please can u give me some advice on how u did it! cheers.

04-11-08, 13:11
Thank you so much guys :hugs: I still can't get over the fact I did all that!!...6 months ago I couldnt even open my front door!

Aww, good luck with the party hun...be brave, I'm sure you'll do great :yesyes: I really have no idea...sheer bloody mindedness and determination I think lol, I'm not gonna let this thing beat me!! Also, I had my safety blanket with me...my water bottle, in which I put some rescue remedy (my new favourite thing!!) I think it really helps :) Perhaps if you start to feel a bit panicky, just go hide in the toilet and splash your face with water...it can be your time out place hehe. I find hanging my head out the window and listening to music is a good distraction on car journeys :) Let me know how it goes!!

Just an update on my baby nephew, he pulled through his op...it all went according to plan apparently :) He's still gotta have another 3 in the next couple of months...but it's looking more optimistic!

xxx :flowers:

04-11-08, 13:15
That is great news about your nephew.... I hope he continues to do so well.

And well done for all your partying !