View Full Version : I'm sorry I googled and I really shouldnt have!

03-11-08, 20:28

Hey guys, really need your help I feel sick with worry at this moment in time.

I have health anxiety and I have been fairly good these last few months, however, I was sitting at work today really bored so I started to play around with my fingernails.

I noticed a really thin reddish-brown splinter type line on my little finger nail. I have had these appear before but never really thought much about them. However, since my health anxiety was diagnosed I have been really tuned into things going on in my body and I decided to google these strange lines in my nail......


According to what I found, these splinter type lines are a sign of heart problems (mainly an infection of your heart) I nearly fell off my chair and immediately my heart started to pound and miss beats and I felt really lightheaded (which made me think that I had heart problems even more so!)

I am really worried about this and am now obsessed with the health of my nails.

I had an 2 ECG's and blood tests December last year when I first started to get anxiety and panic attacks. The tests were all negative. Do I need to go back to the docs and ask for more tests on my heart?

I wish I hadnt googled I am really stupid for doing it :weep:

But, I really am scared that something is seriously wrong. Please Please Please, could any of you lovely people give me some advice?? I'm shaking like a leaf! :weep:

Thank you millions


03-11-08, 20:48
Tut tut tut

Vicki, what a schoolboy error ;)

You can read forever about symptoms on the internet, and have anything from A through to Z by the time you are finished.

If you have had all those tests less than 12 months ago then your heart is fine.

Trust me, as a HA sufferer too, google always kepted my in a spin worrying about what I had looked up.

I have had the lot from google, dodgy ticker, liver, brain, legs, been pregnant and a loads of other stuff I can't even spell.

Don't google, I never heard of anyone yet being correct after googling.



03-11-08, 20:48
Hiya Vicki.
I can´t tell you what to do. But I would say, you can always go to the doctor just to put your mind at rest. Otherwise your anxiety will carry on increasing. Yes that is one possible explination but there are also many others. Here is another explination i found for this: they originate in the matrix (begin at the cuticle line)? If they are tiny black/red lines that just seem to appear, they are more than likely splinter hemorraghes and are nothing to be overly concerned about. Please try not to worry. With health anxiety you will automatically look for the worst possible scinario. Only there are many others. I´d say go to your doctor and see what he has to say. but worrying will only worsen your symptoms. Take care

04-11-08, 20:47
Thank you both for your replies xxx :hugs:

I have booked myself in to see the doc next week and I am also going to stop by my local nail salon to see if they might be able to shed some light on this weird splinter thing in my nail.

I am still really worried about it though. Has anyone else ever had these? Or does anyone know what they could possibly be? I really hate myself for worrying so much but when you have anxiety, everything is a big deal - know what I mean??? :wacko:

Maybe one day I will finally find some peace with my body and be able to get on and enjoy my life again!! :yesyes:

Vicki XXX

09-11-08, 17:01
I have these splinter things all the time, i would say, one a week, in fact i have one right now! I mentioned it to the doctor before and he wasn't concerned.

09-11-08, 18:32
Your heart is not infected with squat! My mom permanently has one of these on her thumb. It just never goes away. I have one too and it's on my right index finger.

Google is an evil!!!!!! Block Google and Yahoo from your computer or your brain somehow. STAY AWAY FROM THOSE DA*N SEARCH ENGINES! They're a menace.

You're healthy.

10-11-08, 11:00
I know its hard but please stop, i am off with a bad cold at the minute. but google confinced me on friday that it was acute HIV! You will be fine, your heart is fine, its just panic!

10-11-08, 11:45
never ever google , it causes so much anxiety i too have had so many horrible diseases just through googling,

you can see what its done to you already..........weird thing on finger nail..........google it..........arrghhh panic heart pounding........lol its got a lot to answer for, you'll be fine but mention it to your doctor at least it will put your mind at rest


10-11-08, 13:41

i have brown lines on both my thumb nails and so does my daughter on one of her thumbs my mum used to have them when she was younger too. i have been to the dr numerous times after google convinced me it was cancer, but we have always had them for as long as i remember, i can remember having them in senior school when i was about 13 and im now nearly 31 so i have started to relax where they are concerned