View Full Version : Just some problems I've been dealing with.

Master D
03-11-08, 21:45
1. Im always tired.

2. I'm always out of breath.

3. My Throat always hurts

4. Always getting a painful headache

5. Fear of getting a stroke.

6. Fear of getting a heart attack all the time.

7. Fear of death

8. Fear of going crazy

9. Unable to control my thoughts

10. Cannot stay awake for school or anything

11. Inability to do any kind of work in school.

12. Living a rerun everyday.

13. Constently on the computer for relief.

14. Inability of doing homework (lack of concentration)

15. Wondering about how wierd i'm acting in front of people.

16. Chest pain around the heart or the opposite side in the middle, my armpits, or ribs

17. Always feel like I wanna cry.

18. Stressing about my failing grades.


20. My high blood pressure still scares me

21. Fear of my throat swelling up and choking me.

22. Scared of after high school and about life.

23. I'm sick and tired of medication.

24. I just want my life back.

25. I also feel like i'm trapped like this and will never get out of this fear or the pain.

26. My eyes keep playing tricks on me.

27. I get so stressed and paranoid that hygene is hard to maintain.

28. My life is a mess.

29. Tired of the tinglyness in my face, hands and arms.

30. My life feels like a game of Puyo Puyo or Kirby's Avalanche.

31. Hate thinking about terrible past events.

32. I hate that crying feeling or me about to cry.

33. I hate saying I'm going to do something and it gets pulled off till later or never.

34. Tired of always checking my tounge to see if its real white or even purple.

35. Everything is changing nothings the same anymore and I want it to be like it was before

36. Always thinking that Im losing weight weight because of a medical condition and not by a diet and im just wasting away until something serious happens or even I die.

37. I can never remember things once in a while or even blank out on what I was just doing and it makes me feel brain damaged.

38. New doctor and that makes me scared even more

39. Work still stresses me mentally but the problem just worsens my symptoms

40. Always having a hardtime feeling my heartbeat.

41. Tired of going to the theripist and thinking it isn't working.

42. Please, Please why do I have to keep suffering why cant it be like it was before. If it really is a symptom of me having a heartattack or a stroke symptom just srike me and get it over with. Im tired of living like this since June. I'm tired of failing school, Im tired of crying, Imtired of acting wierd or not myself in front of people and feel like im gonna die or even feel like a complete wierdo and a baby.