View Full Version : New Lady: Me, Maxie. :)

03-11-08, 22:01
Hello ::waves::

This forum seems to be a Godsend to me! I can't believe I've found it. :)

I need to come back tomorrow and have a good read, but from what I've seen already, this place looks like it's going to be a real asset to my nerves!

I just wanted to say 'Hi' and thanks for building this site. xx :bighug1:

03-11-08, 22:22
Hi Maxie

:welcome: to NMP

You'll find lots of help and support here.

Karen xx

03-11-08, 22:27
:welcome: to nmp hun..this site is really helpfull..the forum..chat..the links on the left..the people...all of it is great!!everyone understands how u feel and no1 judges... feel free to message me hun...chat soon..xxxxxx:bighug1:

03-11-08, 23:02
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

03-11-08, 23:17
Thank you all :) I was going to go to bed, but can't stop reading the forums. I never knew that so many people had the same problems as me. It's a real eye opener. xxx

04-11-08, 08:41
welcome to nmp hun. xxx

04-11-08, 11:19
Welcome to the site :hugs: I am the same, it has been a great help to me makes you feel like you're not alone. Hope it helps you xx

DJ Trace
04-11-08, 16:24
Hi Maxie,

Welcome To The Site.

Today Is My First Day Here Too.

I Hope To Chat Again Very Soon.

Stay Safe and Well.
Love Trace Xx

04-11-08, 16:25
:welcome:Hi Maxie, I myself have come across the site only 2 days ago and people are so friendly and so much support available!

06-11-08, 00:16
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx