View Full Version : HADS Test?

03-11-08, 22:14
Hi All

Has anyone done the HADS ( hospital anxiety and depression scale) test?

Pooh x

04-11-08, 12:50
hey Mrs, can u explain what HADS is in more detail please? do u mean fear of hospitals? Iv never heard of this technical term hun. xx hope u ok xx Mo

Cathy V
04-11-08, 12:56
Is it similar to the depression questionaire they give to women after giving birth, to test for PND?

04-11-08, 14:08
i did it a few agos by a speacialist nurse who then told me im very depressed

04-11-08, 14:17
The only trouble with having this kind of "emotional" test is that if you are having a bad day you will feel worse by getting a "seriously depressed" result.

Going on a good day you could be told "you are just mildly depressed".!!!
Best wishes

04-11-08, 17:06
the hospital anxiety and depression scale test (hads)
is a series of questions posed to assesss your anxiety and depression eg I still enjoy the things I used to enjoy and you cirlce either; definately as much, not quite so much, only a little, hardly at all.

At the end a score is tallied up to give an indication of anxiety and depression levels.
Ive done them loads lol they are used commonly in the county I live in. what made me ask the question was that my bf was at docs with chronic fatigue ( we thought it was his asthma) and it turns out he scores pretty highly on being depressed. He felt really shocked by the results. wait ya see we'll both end up on anti d's and I told him just cause he lives with me its not my fault hes feeling depressed lol lol

Pooh xxx