View Full Version : What the hell are these symptoms HELP !!!

03-11-08, 22:57
Feel really really strange and it mostly happens after i have been out drinking the night before. I feel in a constant state of terror and panic, I feeel ike i am shaking violently inside and something terrible is about to happen almost like i am fitting inside. It really is the most horrific feeling that lasts for days i don't know if it is adrenaline working overtime but it feels like it is goin constantly , i also get rushes of blood to my head i cant sit still for a second at times i shake and rock as i just dont know what to do with myself. I am on beta blockers my dr says it is panic disorder but these feelings are so intense i find it hard to believe that this is just anxiety i feel like something more sinister is at work which could be lifethreatening. Is this a panic attack ?? I read Panic attacks last minutes but this is a constant state so do i have soe sort of disorder ? My blood suger level is sometimes low so could this explain ?
Does anybody know what i mean ?? Help

03-11-08, 23:08
Wow-you've described my symptoms for the past few days. I went out drinking with a friend Halloween night and since have felt a feeling of impending doom! My chest is tight, I keep getting palpitations and I cant stop twittering my leg. It doesnt matter if Im in bed or sitting I feel like I cant stop moving or I might die. I am having a hard time breathing because my chest feels heavy. I am pretty sure it is because I have anxiety but I cant help feeling like I am going to die any second. :weep:

03-11-08, 23:16
Its Horrible isn't it ? I had to go to work today thinkin i was goin to die any minute. I think the fitting inside is adrenaline goin overtime at lest i hope it is and not some deadly condition ha ha
Seriosly though i know how u feel drink provokes anxiety the following day my levels are through the roof.
Have u had blood tests

03-11-08, 23:35
yah thats why they say people with anxiety disorders shouldn't drink. It just really doesnt help. I don't know exactly why, but I know the after effects of drinking on me are killer. These symptoms ARE normal in panick disorders.

03-11-08, 23:44
i know i just dont know if these symptoms are just unpleasant or threatening ?? Just wish i knew what they where and maybe i could acceptthem a bit more.

03-11-08, 23:57
I have had several different heart related tests including monitors, stays in the hospital and stress tests. All have come back within normal limits. One cardiologist did notice that I get something called a "four beat" anomoly" and sent me to a rhythm specialist. After seeing pages and pages of irregular beats I was just dismissed him saying, "I didnt see what he saw".
I was told by my regular doctor that the mind can do odd things to a body and react to stress in strange ways, including giving the "fight or flight" response to the body from seemingly nothing. I am thinking my body is reacting to the slight guilt I feel from getting drunk and having a good time when I should have been at home? I dont know. Alcohol "thins" the blood Ive heard. It is scarey. I still feel "off" and its been since Friday night that Ive drank. I am thinking I just should give it up all together. I cant handle this. Maybe its the Celexa?

04-11-08, 02:14
Dont drink alcohol if ur taking meds guys that cud have caused the way ur feeling,do mean to rant but if ur already sufferinf frm panic and anxiety it is best to stay clear of alcohol.beta blockers and alcohol dont mix i remember my dad mixing the too not a gud idea.after drinkin alcohol is anxiety was 100 times worse.ave sum non alcohlic wine instead or sum juice for the time being. best wishes C.xxx

04-11-08, 12:28
Hey all,

I get the same symptoms from drinking, i start to feel guilty especially if ive over indulged which brings on my anxiety about what damage ive maybe done to my body, plus i just generally feel off.
I have heard that alcohol heightens the feelings of anxiety and panic and now have decided to just allow myself a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend if i go out , as im getting to the stage where the effects aren't worth it............take care all xx

04-11-08, 21:20
Im exactly the same when i get back from a night out im wide awake cant sleep, heart pounding etc. Aparrantley alcohol turns into sugar which feeds the adrenaline rush more. They do say if your going to drink then red wine is the best choice not sure why? Also if you have been drinking drink two pints of water before bed ive tried this and it actually helps. Hope your feeling better now i know how awful it is :)

04-11-08, 23:19
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

When I was acute, I stopped drinking because of these types of symptoms, I told myself, NOT forever, but just for now, just untill I could get my head around what was going on with my mind and body.

The mind IS a powerfull thing, it has ways of telling us there is something wrong or we are doing something it does not like right now, I feel, for me, this was my mind telling me that just for now, stop drinking, so I did.

Hunny, your right in saying that the shaking is the andrenaline, you know, this is a commom symptom of anxiety.

As for the feeling of something terrible is going to happen, this is a feeling of independing doom, yet another symptom of anxiety.

The feeling that there is something more sinister happening this is Mrs Anxiedty playing with you, she NEEDS are fear to surivive, we can, in this mode of anxiety, put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5, Mm, the worse thing we can think of are minds and imaginations are powerfull.

You say this happens most when you have been drinking, hunny, listen to what your body is telling you, listen hard, it may be saying, please, just for now, stop drinking.

When we drink alcahol it stimulates the brain and can make us feel good, BUT, if you suffer acute anxiety, ohhh boy, the morning after our minds can over react to the hangover feeling and we can feel like sh*t for the next few days, are thoughts become unfocused, we find it dame hard to find positives, all we see is negatives.

Hunny, these symptoms ARE very unplesent and very scary, BUT, they are harmless, they are anxiety symptoms.

You symptoms are very common with anxiety, please look up each symptom on the fourms, you will find you are not alone with this.

Nic has put a great advice page on symptoms, please read this hun, it will help you understand a little more.

It is true that panic attacks last for minutes, but high anxiety can last longer, when I first joined this great site, I was in fear 24/7.

It sounds to me that your anxiety levels are very high, they may drop to a lower level at time, it seems to me your anxiety is wavering, YOUR NOT in full blowm panic all the time, its anxiety hunny.

My heart goes out to you hun, I know how scary these symptoms can be, please, hun, read all you can about panic, anxiety, its such a complext thing with lots of symptoms, some commom some not so common.

It seems that alcahol is a trigger for your anx, we say NOT to avoid things when we are acute with panic anxiety, BUT, THIS ONE is defo to avoid, just for now, just untill you can get your head around whats going on with your mind and body.



agent orange
05-11-08, 19:24
I just wanted to say that my anxiety levels are quite high and have been for seven years and I experience this internal shakes almost all the time. I had never come across anyone else experiencing them until I found this site. I believe it is a anxiety symptom.

05-11-08, 19:29
You've posted several times before about how you always feel so bad after a night out drinking, and each time people advise you to cut down (or stop) drinking.

I'm not being funny, but looking back over the past threads you've started:

It was always after a night out on the ale....

My symptoms turn horrific after a night on the beer....

I went to a wedding last night and drank a skin full. Whenever i do this the next day and sometimes longer i het horrific anxiety....

Do you see the connection?

So why do you continue to drink, if you know it makes you ill?
Would you say you have a alcohol dependency problem?

05-11-08, 19:50
i can relate to you i drink to feel beter, then feel poo, then i drink again to feel better ,do you have a alcohol problem i know i do and cutting down is easier said than done belive me ive tried im on the verge of a dettox now i feel unless people drink themselves its difficult to understand , yes we know it affects anxiety but sometimes to us dependant on it helps feel free to pm me if you want


05-11-08, 21:16
Hey there

All those symptoms you discribed after you have had a drink i get those too - not all the time but often. had a lovely cold large glass for rose wine last night to relax after a hard days work, then BAM - FEEL LIKE SH#T today, all shakey, spaced out, tired,. nervous its awfull.
Iv heard alcohol defo doesnt help anxiety but also its to do with your blood sugar going up coz of the drink then hitting a low afterwards and thats what makes you feel awfull. So some drinks are worse than others. iv also had the intence anxiety after indulging in a large bar of chocolate one evening then the next day and for 3 days afterwards had the awfull feelings. coz the blood sugar went so high then dropped so low again

Hope this helps

06-11-08, 10:25
I have the same symptoms when i've been drinking and I find it hard to leave the house for a couple of days until I feel 100% again. It's like a vicious cycle for me, I feel anxious/depressed bored so I drink to make me feel better, then the next few days I'm feel even more anxious and depressed and this cycle has been going on for months.