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View Full Version : Dr Claire Weekes

11-06-05, 08:19
hi all,

I am a huge fan of Claire Weekes and I have her book, 'self help for your nerves' which is somewhat of a bible!
Does anyone have, 'essential help for your nerves'? How does this book differ from the first one and is it as good?



"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

11-06-05, 10:29
Iv got 'Essential Help For Your Nerves'. This is 2 books rolled into one and I love it. Dr Claire Weekes goes into alot more detail in this book than in 'Self Help For Your Nerves' She tells you about a whole lot of anxiety disorders in this book. She also has audio cassettes which gives further help and a video for sufferers from nerves.
If you would like the address where you can purchase the cassettes from then let me know and i will give it you. But yes it is a fantastic book.:D
