View Full Version : dizziness (brain tumour fear)

04-11-08, 04:09
hey, i'm so scared i feel like crying. the past few days i have been getting dizzy spells that come on really suddenly and it feels like the room is spinning and i am going to fall over, i actually feel sick from them. i'm having a dizzy spell now and i feel like i'm gonna throw up and i'm so scared i have a brain tumour. i havn't been feeling that anxious lately either so i don't think its that. any ideas? please please help.
please reply ASAP
Luv Louise

04-11-08, 07:37
Dizziness can be caused by all sorts of things - anything from an ear infection to low blood sugar, from a to a sinus infection to BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.

The best thing to do is get yourself off to the doctor and get yourself checked out. It's the only way to find out what is causing your dizziness. I would have thought that dizziness caused by a brain tumour wouldn't come and go because a tumour doesn't come and go. Make a docs appointment :).

04-11-08, 07:42
My vertigo is caused by arthritis of the neck I take Serc 18 three times a day.

06-11-08, 17:13
Hi Louise.
Don't panic!
When i was 16 i woke up one morning and felt really dizzy and odd. I went to school as usual but ended up having to go home. The dizziness got worse and worse and after about a week it was so bad i couldn't walk, even when i was lying down still the room appeared to be spinning and it was making me vomit.
After going to the doctors he couldn't find anything wrong with me, i didn't have any ear problems and blood pressure was just a little low. He ended up giving me sea sickness tablets just to ease the vomiting.
These helped a lot and the dizzyness passed but it came back a few weeks lately, lasted for a week or so and then completely went all on it's own.
I'm just trying to let you know that these things sometimes come and go without any real explaination. I've spoken to other people who've had it just like mine it went on it's own.
I hope this helps :)