View Full Version : I cant take this anymore I need help

04-11-08, 09:58
I am new to the forum and really need some advice.
since april this year I have been so bad. I have been having constant toilet problems ie frequent urination off and on, constipation sometimes, other times going 2 or three times a day but not the runs, churning, rumbling all the time, burning etc. I Lost my appetite, feel nausia most of the time although I havent been sick. on the odd occassion at night it goes away and I can eat.
the doctor has checked my urine, examined my tummy, blood pressure etc and they all appear fine, he doesnt seem to think there is anything sinister going on, but I am having blood tests on thursday. I am currantly taking 10mg cittalopram but they dont seem to help. I am going slightly crazy with worry and just want it to stop, I get momants when I feel like I need to rush to the hospital and demand they do tests there and then, because its so slow all the waiting, sometimes I want to run away from home because I cant cope anymore, my whole life is a nightmare. I am fifty one and havent had a period for over a year, so I do get the flushes etc aswell. what can I do I dont know where to turn anymore, I just feel so rough all the time. I just cant take it anymore.

04-11-08, 11:38

The main issue here I believe that is driving your health anxiety is your hormones are all over the place. It is commonplace to have these feelings while going through the menopause. Have a look at the website http://www.powersurge.com/educate/panicattacks.htm . On page 15 it explains this very issue. Also trust your doctor and just calm down as much as you can. Divert your thoughts to an interest if you can and just accept that your body just needs time to get used to the fluctuating hormone levels.

All the best

Natural Mystic
04-11-08, 11:44

The main issue here I believe that is driving your health anxiety is your hormones are all over the place. It is commonplace to have these feelings while going through the menopause. Have a look at the website http://www.powersurge.com/educate/panicattacks.htm . On page 15 it explains this very issue. Also trust your doctor and just calm down as much as you can. Divert your thoughts to an interest if you can and just accept that your body just needs time to get used to the fluctuating hormone levels.

All the best
I agree, I think mine is down to the menopause too. I'm only 40 but my mother started hers in her late 30's and they say you follow your mother.