View Full Version : HELLO

11-06-05, 08:48
Hi everyone,

I just firsty wanted to say sorry for not being around much anymore and not posting much/replying much. As some of you know, things at home have improved 'BIG TIME' so that side of my life now seems sorted, thank goodness.

Also, some of you know that I have been feeling so much better over the last couple of weeks, then suddenly yesterday, WHAM loads and loads of missed beats all day and still got them this morning. I wish I could understand them because they still worry me. I know there are lots of us on here that get them but I do feel so alone with this symptom, mainly because it is connected to my heart and I am, to be honest, still worrying there is something wrong with it.

It has been skipping and fluttering and it is really scary.

I feel really guilty asking for advice/help again as I haven't been around much to return all of the help, but I would be so grateful if you could help me again. I have got propranalol from the doctor now, but up to now, I haven't used them. He gave 40mg to take if I felt anxious, but to be honest, I think he gave them to me to shut me up!! Not in a bad way but he really doesn't think I need them for my heart. I am still taking my chinese remedies but haven't bothered with the accunpuncture, I just can't afford £30 a week at the moment its a lot of money. I can't even put them down to the time of the month this time, because I am at the week where I usually don't have any.

I don't understand why I'm still getting them, even though everything else seems better.

Also, does anyone know anything about holistic cures. I have found a beauty therapist who also uses crystals to cleanse your auras and stuff and I'm trying that on Monday. She only charges £10 and you don't need to keep doing it, like accunpuncture.

Thanks again all of you and I do still think of you all and please feel free to pm me or e-mail, I will always reply.
Take care,

11-06-05, 10:18
hi Linda,

I would really suggest taking the propanolol if I were you. My boyfriend takes them sometimes and they really help. The main thing that they help him with are palpitations and missed beats. He takes them whenever he wakes up and knows it's going to be a bad day. They can't hurt you and you don't have to take them the whole time if you don't want to..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

11-06-05, 10:45
Hi Linda, yes I agree with Sarah,I think you should take them, you think he may have given them to shut you up but he must think you need them too as he wouldnt give them,I think Im going to give them a go after all my heart is not calming.
I know what you mean about thinking you are the only one like this, Ive got up this morning and thought yes ill go on the site and Ill read but nobody feels as bad as I do today,nobody can possibly have all the symptoms I have, deep down I know they have but I dont want anyone to feel like i do if that makes sense.I dont want people to be suffering.
I dont think you need to apologise or feel guilty that you have not been around much, I think it is something to be proud of, you feel better and that is great.
Well done, you are doing so well take care linda, love Alexis,x

11-06-05, 12:24
Thanks you two, I might give the propranalol a go, I thought I would need to take them 'long term' to get any benefit from them?

So far, since I last posted, I've only had a few missed beats, not as bad as yesterday. I just don't understand them!

Thanks again,
Love, Linda.xxx

11-06-05, 13:37
Maybe that helps show its anxiety?? Youve posted about them so feel a little better knowing people are going to reply and you will get reassurance, only a thought as I know I feel better after posting, even though mine is still in overdrive today, i will probably pm you later Linda as I think we have a few things oin common even though mine is quite a new thing . take care love Alexis,

11-06-05, 13:45
hey linda
glad you to hear you've been doing so well!
i don't know anything about propanolol but if you can take it to help yourself feel better then i think you should - it'll make you feel better and it doesn't mean you have to keep taken them.
henri x