View Full Version : nearly lost it!!!

04-11-08, 11:52
Today i had a asthma test at the docs (not for depression, thats on thursday), and well i was hopeful that i would be ok...i mean its just a stupid nurse appointment! but for some reason i just kept getting anxious, i think its the waiting in the waiting room for ages, and the heater being on (even though its freezing today in UK!). But anyway i did have a few moments where i cudnt breath very well, dizzyness...but fortunately i didnt have a full blown panic attack (havent had one yet..but anxious it will happen soon)

I found it hard even when i went to see the nurse...i couldnt keep eye contact..found it so hard to keep my eyes focused on hers...so keep looking down. I really makes me feel so upset though...i cant even have a normal appointment at the nurses...how am i going to be with the docs on thursday for my depression, i just cant deal with it at the moment.
I'll try anyways...Anyone else find it really hard keeping eye contact with someone when talking?

let you all know how it goes.

lots of love

04-11-08, 15:25
Hi gudheart,:)

I can totally relate to your post. When I first had anxiety & panic I used to so dread going to the doctor/nurse. I thought that I wouldn't be able to speak I was so nervous. I think sitting in the waiting room leaves you more time to dwell on the anxiety. I used to read the magazines there to try and take my mind off how anxious I was feeling. Somehow I was always able to get through it - and so will you. I know it is so difficult to go anywhere when you feel anxious but I have found that the more times that you do something or go somewhere the easier it gets. You can think 'I've done it before and I can do it again'.

I also have terrible difficulty with eye contact when I'm talking to someone. It makes me feel so uncomfortable. I seem to focus too much on what I'm doing - 'Am I looking down at the ground?' 'Should I be looking more at the person I'm talking to?' etc.. I think with me it could be something to do with being afraid of someone noticing me being anxious & a fear of being judged.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling. I hope your appointment goes well on Thursday. You can do it. :yesyes:

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

DJ Trace
04-11-08, 15:56
Hi Guheart and Patty,

I too have been through the same thing as you guys.

Trying So Hard To Be What Others I Guess Class As Normal When Im Out In Fear Of Judgement.

I Taught Myself The Same As Patty To Distract While Being Out (Anything To Take The Focus Of Thinking I Might Have An Attack At Any Minute).

I Have Counted Flowers From Peoples Gardens As I Walked Up The Streets Or If I Had To When On A Bus Even Counted Chimney Pots And It Really Works For Distracting The Mind And Taking Your Focus Of The Attacks.

Remember What You Think About You Bring About.

I Too Hope It Helps You To Know You Are Not Alone My Friend

Stay Safe And Well.

Have A Great Day.

Love Trace Xx

04-11-08, 18:32
Hiya all,

Yes I am very aware of my eye contact. I can look at someone if they are talking but then if I talk my eyes are either down, or looking everywhere except the person I am talking to. I have self confidance and esteem issues, I am not very accepting of myself and feel a freak a lot of the time. I do think people are thinking alsorts about me so I dont like to look at them sometimes because I can see that they are looking at me. It's weird isn't it.

I also think that because my eye contact is not good they might think I am lying.

I would just say, go with how you feel, I freak out every time I go to the Doctors I think he is used to me now!! eye contact, stuff it, it is how you feel that is important just let it spill out as much as possible on Thursday. I know it's really hard, but I used to be a nurse and worked with GP's and hospital docs all the time now I am just a bumbling idiot that runs in and out of the Doc's surgery so fast I don't have time to look at him.

Good luck, and let us know how you go on.
