View Full Version : Hello everyone - advice please!

04-11-08, 12:10
Hello Everyone!

I have been having panic attacks for nearly 10 years and recently they have been getting worse. Today my boss asked me if I was able to go to an all day seminar about about 45 mins drive from work. I said I'd think about it. I am filled with terror. If I say yes I'll look more professional now but I'll probably be so ill on the day I'll make a complete fool of myself in front of my colleague. (she's also keen for me to go and is waiting for a response right now so she can book it). If I say no I'll look like an idiot and feel like a failure I've been so depressed lately and crying for no reason. I just don't think I'm in a strong enough place mentally to face this.

Please help

Cathy V
04-11-08, 12:18
Hi there Rhian. You say youve been having panics for best part of 10 years, are you on any meds for this? If so maybe a chat with the doc to talk about whether what you take now is actually working...maybe doseage is wrong?

If you dont take any meds and dont really want to, thats fine too but there are things you can take just now and then when needed. There are herbal remedies if you prefer natural meds, or the doc can give you a single dose of something like a betablocker, which relaxes you enough without knocking you out.

Alot of celebs take them before going on stage to sing or whatever, and people take them sometimes if they have to fly. Might help you get through your meeting, but long term i think you shouls chat to the doc about your panics getting worse.

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

04-11-08, 13:47
Hi Cathy, I am not on any medication at the moment. I have taken citalopram on and off over the years but I haven't taken any now for about 2 years as I thought I was feeling better. As well as panic attacks I also have IBS and agoraphobia and a phobia of always needing to have access to a toilet at all times. All of this seems to link together and make me worse and worse. My world seems to be getting smaller and smaller and the number of places or scenarios where I feel safe is lessening daily.
I am in the process of registering with a new doctor as I moved house a year ago but never changed doctors and continued to go to the old doctors near my parents house. Even having to change doctors I am finding very stressful and keep putting off going back to hand the forms in. I have a very supportive partner but no-one else knows how bad I am and I feel like a burden to him. I'm sure everyone would be better off without me.

04-11-08, 13:51
hi rhian and welcome to nmp, mayb if u feel this bad then say no, otherwise u may make yourself feel worse.

i also think at some point facing our fears are the best way to conquer them but also with support, if now is not the right time i would not go hun.
hugs xxx

04-11-08, 16:15
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

I would suggest a quick trip to the docs for something to calm you down for the actual day after that Id go back and see what can be done long term

Pooh x

06-11-08, 00:17
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx