View Full Version : My hair is thinning/loosing hair and freaking out

04-11-08, 12:42
Hi everyone....im having a really bad few weeks, right now my anxiety has hit the point where i feel like im just gonna hit rock bottom.
I feel shaky, week, my heart is pouding im having hot flushes and my breath is caught in my chest. i dont want to eat, my stomach is in knots. im consumed my it. i want to cry my eys out but trying to keep it together at work.
Basically i noticed a few weeks back my hair really thinning out...im loosing loads of strands in the shower and i can literally pull the ends of my hair lightly and 5 or 6 strands come out. im freaking out. the sides have also got really thin like theres a thin piece of hair just covering my scalp. im scared to brush my hair or wear it down for fear of loosing anymore. There is hair everywhere when i vacuum theres loads..normally any sign of anything and i run to the doctors but im too scared to tell anyone, i just dont want it to be true. ive always had long thick lovely hair...its a family joke how thick my hair is...if i lost it all well i just cant contemplate it.
Anyone else suffered from this? i dont kow if its my anxiety making me just completly paranoid..its obviously not helping...of course im worried is it due to an underlying illness or is it all down to stress...Im scared im going to loose it all by xmas. if i do make it to the docs i know i will completly break down, i have dealt with this alone for 2 weeks, im so scared....
Any advice would be great


04-11-08, 13:19
Oh Skye hun..we all can pull our hair out [in more ways than one!!]And folk with thick hair lose more too..it can block the sink ..my sons did!Stress can cause hair loss ..yes ..but really you must see your dr..if you break down..so what..you need help on more than one level obviosly hun..you will feel better for the reassurance he can give you i am sure:hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxx

04-11-08, 15:14
Hey hun.. i have the same problem and at one point i was the same as you couldnt eat with worry etc..but anyway i went to the hairdressers for a trim and i told the hair dresser that i was loosing hair she said my hair was normal and that beleive it or not everyone can loose upto 100 hairs a day..some people notice it others dont..of course us with anxiety notice it and make it worse..:doh: but after my hair was cut and the hairdresser told me that i stopped worrying. i still notice it but dont worry about it now..keep that in mind hun..xx:bighug1:

04-11-08, 21:07
Hi ya, I know how you feel. I lose lots of hair throughout the day. It drives me nuts!! When I get out of the shower, my hair covers the bath!!:ohmy:

I have long dark brown hair so when I lose hair, it really notices. It is pretty normal to lose between 100-200 hairs a day and if your hair is very brittle (like mine!!) then you will also have hair that breaks away at the ends and this looks like you are losing lots of hair when really you are losing half a hair strand.

Also, sometimes if your lacking certain vitamins or are stressed out, this can cause hair loss.

I wouldnt worry about it. I asked a few women who I work with whether they lost a lot of hair and they said they did.

Hope this helps

Take care


04-11-08, 21:32

I have the same thing. I was convinced it was unnatural, but my hairdresser said my hair looks fine. I also have a lot of thick hair and I felt like I had already lost half, but then my hairdresser said she's struggling because I have so much. I definitely lose more than 100 a day (I counted once).
So apparently it's normal...:flowers:


05-11-08, 08:42
Hi guys, thanks so much for your replies, made me feel much better. I have just this second booked a docs appointment for this afternoon...scared but its defo thinning out on the sides theres patches if i lift my hair up and sometimes bits of scalp are showing through...not sure what they do but cant keep worrying myself sick about it either, so wish me luck! Poor doc will have to sit there with me sobbing my heart out im sure lol. x

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 08:54
Did you know that we lose hundreds of hairs a day. I have thick hair but honestly my brush is always full of it, I have lots when washing it and there are always hairs on my carpets etc.. Have you just not noticed this before or is it really a lot more

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 08:56
I'm also suffering as you are, with regards to that constant tight knot in the tummy (especially at night, it wakes me up several times) and in the past week I just don't feel like eating.

I wonder if it's the time of year for us all