View Full Version : Off to hospital this afternoon really worried - any mums?

04-11-08, 12:46
Hi Guys, me again im so sorry but i am going through a rough patch. Ok i am 29 weeks pregnant and have always been confident that the baby is going to be fine, i just worry endlessly about my self. Ok this is pretty morbid but the baby is very very active and since about 5 yesterday evening i havent felt him move or kick once. I feel really empty today and i dont know if its just me thinking about it too much but i know something is wrong. He usually wakes me up with his kicks but today is different. I am so scared the baby has died. The hospital want to take me in at 2 to hook me up to this monitor but i am so scared that my worst nightmare is coming true. I hate the fact i googled it and i cant stop crying. Has anyone else gone through this?


Cathy V
04-11-08, 12:53
Hi tash, yes i had this with my daughter at exactly the same time in my pregnancy. She was a really active baby and would kick at night mostly, though i could feel her through the day too, and then one day i couldnt and like you i was so scared. So they hooked me up and woke her up! she wasnt best pleased and kicked me double to get me back!

I think its quite common for an active baby to have periods of inactivity. I wont say dont worry coz i know you will, but everything will be ok tash you'll see.

Cathy xxx :hugs:

04-11-08, 12:59
Hi hun, :hugs:

Your concerns over your baby is only natral. When I was pregnant, my baby was very active, THEN, nothing, I like you was very worried and was taken in to monitor the baby. ALL FINE.

As Cathy says, this happens with babys, theY kick, get ther arm legs feet under your ribs, make themselves known their there, then, they stop and rest. AN unborm baby has to rest at times hun, just like when they are born, they do sleep alot. So, in the whom, they rest too.

I know its hard for you hun, but things will be just fine. Your baby is just resting.

HUGS :bighug1:to you hun.


04-11-08, 13:01
If I hadn't felt anything for about 3hrs I use to give my tummy a poke (I know how mean). We all worry when pregnant, for a long time I was afraid to go to the loo in case it fell out (bit of a daft thought for a nurse isn't it?)

Good luck for this afternoon:flowers: Tell us how you get on as we will be thinking of you.:hugs:

04-11-08, 13:08
Hi - hope all has gone well at the hospital. My eldest son used to keep quiet for a few days !! I'd be prodding away and rolling about and nothing..

It is a horrible feeling... As baby gets bigger they move less and it could be in a position where you just can't feel it moving....

04-11-08, 14:07
tash when i was pregnant with my 5 yr old i was very young and didnt really know much about being pregnant, when i told my midwife he hadnt kicked in 10 days i was rushed to hospital and had to stay in for a few days while they checked his heart beat.. turns out i had a lazy baby.. hes 5 now and is still proving this lol.. dont worry, its very noormal xx let us know how u go on.. she will be fine, just maybe abit lazy :-) xx

04-11-08, 14:12
Hiya hun ..........I had this with my daughter .....had 2 go 3 times 2 hosp as she didnt move .....even on the morning of my C Section they had 2 hook me up as I hadnt felt her move .........But she was fine hun ...You doing the right thing going 2 hospital 2 get it checked out xxxxxxx

Big hugs x:hugs:

05-11-08, 12:01
Hi there, try not to worry as this will stress you out and it is not good for your baby, who i'm very sure will be fine! My little boy was very active when i was carrying him (especially at night) but then.............nothing! I wasnt too concerned as my sister-in-law was two weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy and she too had experienced this. I was seeing the midwife anyway so she sent me to hospital to have the babys heart monitored. It turned out everything was fine. My baby had just grown bigger and was finding it difficult to move about as much (makes sense eh?). Infact, when i went for my twenty week scan the sonographer detected the heartbeat but couldnt get my baby to move so he had me on my hands and knees, rocking back and forth, walking about, rolling over, standing on my head etc... ( i felt like a dog at crufts). The sonographer was laughing cos the baby just lay there waving at us (yes! waving) but he refused to turn over.A babies movement changes throughout a pregnancy as they do have a little mind of their own & I am sure that you have nothing to worry about.

05-11-08, 12:15
hi tash

i had this with my little boy who is now nearly 11, he was quite lazy in the womb and nothing much has changed now lol.

i used to poke him if i had not felt anything but i also went to hospital to have him monitored.

i went into early labour at 28 weeks but thankfully it stopped i got to 2 cm dilated and i stayed thay way unti he was born 1 hour 20 mins after his due date and i was only in labour 20 mins, he had to have the injections for his lungs when it all happened i had 3 injections and after every injection he didnt move at all for 12 hours no matter how much i poked.

your baby will be fine hunny im sure, he is probably growing and like some of the others have said the room inside will be getting tighter now and he wont have as much room


05-11-08, 12:18
Hiya Tash!

I have two kids 3yrs and 16months and both had times when I couldn't feel them move for a while.

I would have a VERY cold icy drink of water and that would get them kicking fairly quickly! I would also lay down after I drank it as sometimes when you are going about your day bubs can be moving, but because you are two you don't notice it as much.

They are also growing so much that they don't have as much room to move in there anymore!

Can't wait to hear how you got on. All the very best for the remaining weeks - not long to go now!

05-11-08, 15:05
Hi Tash - yes, definitely! I went through MANY periods of worry about non-movement. And what's more, EVERYONE I know who has had babies has had the same thing. I'm sure he is fine! hugs xx

05-11-08, 16:57
Hello all, sorry for the delay my internet has been sooo irratic today and i am at home as have had a sick day as am soo tired. I went to the hospital and they hooked me up and listened for 20 mins and guess what baby was fine :)

I have a front lying placenta and its in the way shielding kicks. It may cause a problem for a natuaral birth but i dont care as long as he is active and healthy i have a midwife appointment 2moro so we will probably discuss it then. I do worry about the amount of stress i have put on him but i think he is fine. Yay and we picked a name too. We have decided on Ewan Taylor Male which i thought i would share as it has taken soo long for us to agree

Thanks for all your replies means a lot


05-11-08, 17:27
Glad to hear everything was OK:flowers:

05-11-08, 17:40

i am glad things are ok Hun i am sure it is a relief,i remember going through the same thing a few times

jodie xxx:hugs:

05-11-08, 22:52
WONDERFUL news lovely!

Cathy V
05-11-08, 22:55
Thats good to hear tash, hope you can relax a bit more now. Here's to Ewan Taylor :hugs: bless...

05-11-08, 23:49
Ohhh thats great news hunny, :D:hugs:

You take care, put your feet up :hugs:


05-11-08, 23:58
Hi Tash, so glad everything was fine. No matter how much reassurance people offer we can't help but worry about our little ones can we? Its more settling to see proof of a heartbeat for ourselves isnt it?
Now try & enjoy the rest of your pregnancy XXXXX

Oh and what a beautiful name your little man is to have! (lovin it!)