View Full Version : My never ending good luck....

04-11-08, 16:21

I am in EXACTLY the same position i was in THREE years ago when i was first supposed to have my knee operated on.

I've got FOUR badly decayed and infected teeth which i am currently taking antibiotics for and if on Sunday i am still in pain they can't operate. They said as i am already fighting one infection, if i happen to get another, it would be harder to get rid of. I am thinking MRSA!

I'm on a waiting list for a consultation at the sedation dentist, but thats not until 11/12 so i am thinking at the earliest, it will be 6 - 8 weeks before i get these friggers out. I think maybe it will be best to hang off the operation until the new year. I am not in pain with my knee at the moment and i don't think (in fact i KNOW) having teeth pain (which currently i want to rip my head off i am in so much pain) i couldn't cope with both! The painkillers i was taking bung me up and the pills i am on now, make me want to chuck up, so i am going with putting up with pain until its SO bad, i have to take them

This happened (as i said) 3 years ago...bad teeth, swollen glands, fever...cancelled operation.


04-11-08, 16:44
Awwww really sorry your in so much discomfort. hope things get better for you soon chick.
Take care

04-11-08, 16:56
Awww hun :hugs: I feel for you, I really do! I had horrendous tooth pain myself earlier in the year...I literally resorted to smashing my face into the wall repeatedly as I was in such agony and didnt know what to do with myself :lac:Randomly, one day the pain just disappeared and *touch wood* hasnt returned since! I really do need to sort it out and some point though anyway. Just try to be strong, youre doing so well! I'll be thinking of ya hun :hugs:


04-11-08, 17:36
Hi and thanks.

I really know what you mean. I cannot sleep, the pain is NOT subsiding! I tried to get a cancellation, but they said that the next appointment is not until 3 weeks after mine :(

Don't know how i am going to cope.

05-11-08, 13:23
Oh Belle I do sympathise about the tooth ache, I have four back teeth that need to be taken out too and I am currently on the waiting list to have them removed but I have skipped the sedation they are just going to knock me out with a GA I am that phobic and I have been in the most horible pain with them and nothing seems to help ease it. I really hope that your knee op doesn't get cancelled as a result of the tooth infection.

Hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: