View Full Version : burning sensation when breathing in!

04-11-08, 16:30
I've suffered with General Anxiety Disorder all my life - OCD, phobias, avoidance etc etc. As a child and through young adulthood I ignored it and percevered! (Its amazing how you can change your life to 'cope' with OCD).

I recently had a heart palpitation for the first time which turned me into a wreck! I've had every symptom under the sun since and am sure that I'm dying from cancer!

I've battled through it - however I have a new symptom which has sent me stir crazy again with worry. When I breath in deeply I get a burning sensation in the back of my throat which scares me silly. When I breath normally there is no pain and as such I am shallow breathing to avoid the discomfort. I know this isn't healthy but breathing deeply is so uncomfortable.

Over the past couple of weeks my breathing has been very irratic and I think I have had heart burn which hasn't helped. As usual the mind is running riot and I have considered everything from throat/chest cancer, ulcers, pneumonia - everything!

Please put my mind at rest! Thank you anyone who replies.

04-11-08, 17:35
hi it does sound like heartburn to me ,as i get it alot but its always best to get checked by gp

take care amanda

04-11-08, 17:35
Have you ever been in a hospital and they put and oxygen tube on your nose and you find that it burns? This is along the same lines. If you have something like an irritant that you are breathing in it will burn a little. If you have a scratch or anything like that in the back of your throat that could be it. If you have been coughing too much that could also cause your throat to burn when you breathe in. I wouldnt worry too muc, (easier said than done), if you get too freaked call your doctor and have your throat checked. Take car and try to relax.

04-11-08, 21:14
It does sound like heartburn, i used to get it quite a bit. A warm glass of milk always helped relieve it for me or you can get gaviscon that works wonders! :) x

04-11-08, 23:37
Thanks guys. I'm off to see the doc tomorrow to put my mind at rest. As usual though - when I stop thinking about it the symptoms aren't half as bad! Isn't anxiety the most annoying thing!