View Full Version : How Many People Experience This?

04-11-08, 17:16
When my health anxiety is at its worst I have myself convinced that I'm dying and then I can't function at all. I don't want to leave my home, I can't really concentrate on anything, I can't really do anything other than ruminate on my fears and I spend my time in terror. Does this just happen to me or do others experience this?

04-11-08, 17:18
I feel like this alot of the time, although i usually can make myself function so maybe not quite as bad as you. I have never had a full day where I have not worried about my health in some way.

It really is a terrible affliction!

anx mum
04-11-08, 18:11
Hi my name is Bev i feel this to ive only been out in my partners car scared something will happen.

Natural Mystic
04-11-08, 18:48
When my health anxiety is at its worst I have myself convinced that I'm dying and then I can't function at all. I don't want to leave my home, I can't really concentrate on anything, I can't really do anything other than ruminate on my fears and I spend my time in terror. Does this just happen to me or do others experience this?
I seem to have several good or ok days and then have a few dark days such as you describe. My heart goes out to you because I know what you are suffering :(