View Full Version : Afterlife??

Sal x
04-11-08, 22:39
hi everyone........

Not sure how this will go down, but does anyone find that believing in life after death helps them cope with the thought of dying??

I am sceptical about this issue but have suffered from health anxiety for a few years now and personally think that proof in this matter would help.

Only problem being, that i would be too frightend to see anythig.

whats ya thoughts on this???

sal x:noangel:

04-11-08, 23:05
i am sure there is sal

12-11-08, 16:41
Hi Sal,

Thats quite an interesting post actually. My health anxiety started 9months ago - absolutely paranoid about brain tumors, cancer, dying, missing my little girl etc so I decided to read into what I was most scared about -dying. I read a book called transformed by the light. Its about what people claim to have seen moments before they 'nearly' die. Its an amazing insight into what actually could be waiting for us on the other side. I couldnt put this book down and I became so interested in the subject I started going to the spiritualist church. Its a very peaceful religion (a religion is what it is recognised as nowadays) but anyway i then read the second book saved by the light. NO-ONE in these books are scared of dying and I must admit it definitely lifted my fears about dying. I am no longer scared of dying coz I believe we go somewhere far better than here but I do still have health anxiety and am quite scared of the way I might die. I also learnt that I am actually more scared of my little girl being without me than what I am of passing over. But im not scared to be dead

12-11-08, 18:30
Hi Sal
I am a christian and believe in an afterlife. I know I will see my mum and dad again when the time comes. Death is just part of life I Know but I have suffered with anx/depression for years. Its not death that I fear I think it is the thought of suffering before hand

12-11-08, 18:33
I definately believe that there is a life after death but it doesnt stop me from being terrified of dying!

Can i have the names of those books please hun as i think they would help me no end!

Cassi xxx

12-11-08, 18:44
God I hope not, once is enough

12-11-08, 18:48
Jaco - your so funny!!

I am terrified of dying and am more terrified of there being an afterlife if that makes sense as anything paranormal really scares me

12-11-08, 19:30
Hi Sal
I am a christian and believe in an afterlife. I know I will see my mum and dad again when the time comes. Death is just part of life I Know but I have suffered with anx/depression for years. Its not death that I fear I think it is the thought of suffering before hand
I wouldn't be scared of dying or suffering but it's leaving my children behind that scares the hell out of me. When I know they are grown up with lives of their own I won't be scared anymore.

12-11-08, 23:15
If you had asked me last year i would have said i didnt know but then in Feb this year my beloved Nan passed away. I held her hand through her final hours and urged her to go and see my grandad, her mum (who passed away when my nan was a toddler) and her big sister (who helped their dad raise her). I felt so sure that she was going to move on to a place where everyone would be waiting for her and where she would no longer be ill. It wasnt just that i wanted to believe this, i did believe this and i still do. My Nan was very religious, she had been from a very young age and attended church regularly. The vicar came to give her her last rights and it was the most moving thing i have ever heard. He too was telling her that people were waiting for her and that god was waiting to accept her in heaven. I am not religious but my Nan so much wanted me to be, she was an amazing person, truly inspiring and i honestly believe that she has gone on to what religious people call paradise or heaven. She is there, and with us, and everywhere that she wants to be.
My cousin went to see a psychic the other month and 'Oh my gosh! the things she told her were unreal, She said that my nan had been waiting for someone to contact her (sounds about right), she wouldnt let anyone else speak (that was so her) and she described the place where my nan lived and where we were all brought up to a T. There were other stuff which just blew my socks off. I am convinced!

13-11-08, 00:30
I agree with Dotcom and Jan, the thought of dying and leaving my little girl feel me with the biggest fear and sadness, but i have to say that the death part is not what gets me it's the whole pain issue and/or suffering before hand that i find scary.

13-11-08, 01:31
I recon no arfter life and leaving the earth seeming like you never existed scares me just like and ant or a germ might seem strange to you guys but that's why i got in to graffiti in some way leaving a mark on this world cheap fame :(

13-11-08, 09:17
Yeah sure the books are called 'Transformed by the light' and 'Saved by the light' both by Dr Melvin Morse. They are really exciting reads. I have had several 'messages' at the psychic church where I go. They tell me private things that no-one could know.
It was mentioned in a post before about how you would feel better if your children were grown up. I feel like that too - I believe that all this will be over for me when all my children have reached 18 and I have done the job I came here to do! Until then?

14-11-08, 10:28
There are good reasons, from an evolutionary perspective, why people cling to notion of life after death...yeh it is comforting, but not intellectually rigourous!

And a brain gives you your mind, so when the brain dies, I don't see how "you" carry on...ya'll a bunch of nerves, impulses, etc etc. But its comforting in a way..."you" won't die because there WAS NO "you" in first place! Which is a bit Buddhist I guess.

14-11-08, 12:28
Man, now I know what it's like to be stoned.

14-11-08, 16:35
yeah i think there is for sure something after we die in this life .

jodie x

14-11-08, 16:51
i hope so so i can see my mum but im in 2 minds if there is or not