View Full Version : My Story.....

04-11-08, 23:09
OK well my so called anxiety started about 1 month ago i was over a friends house and i had what i think was a panic attack my heart was racing i felt spaced out my legs where shaky and i thought i was going to pass out of have a heart attack. The next day i woke up and was still spaced out and everything still felt like a dream. So i went to the Doctors who gave me a blood test and ecg which all came back fine and put it down to a panic attack.

I still remained in this spaced out/dream state a couple of days later i went back to him with concerns of a brain tumour he told me i was fine and it was just anxiety.

My symptoms then proggressed i was getting real bad nausea ( i was never physcially sick) was still feeling spaced out and was getting weird pressure around the side and back of my head. during this time i probally went back to the Doctors who advised i wasnt showing any red flag symptoms and it was the anxiety causing these symptoms.

I went to the opticains just as a routine check up and everything was fine. I even went to the hospital on one occasion and was given a very thorough look at she check the way my eyes were moving, checcked my reflex's and the way parts of my body moved, she again said there was nothing to worry about.

The doctor put me on Beta Blockers

Still a week later i was feeling like everything was a dream my nausea and pressure head aches had gone but i was still worried that something was going on in my head. I also started to worry that the beta blockers were stopping some of my symptoms.

Now the past couple of days my weird pressure in my head has returned and then iv been coming over a bit funny, its really hard to explain but i feel aggitated and i have a real bad fear im going to have what i can only put down as a panic attack, when this passes my dream like state becomes more intense.

I stupidly googled this and now i fear the panic attacks might be a form of sezuire / fit and there is something wrong in my head

Im going to go private to have an MRi done because i need to find out one way or another and i think its the only way il stop worrying

But im still so worried i have some terrible was just hoping to get some feed back on this and to see if anyone else feels or has feels the same way.

Thanks for you time :-D

05-11-08, 20:40
You are not having seizures & you really must not google (she says!)
It's so tempting i know but it will do you no good!
It does sound very much like anxiety/panic attacks and they arent nice. The trouble is that once you start having them you begin to fear them, then the fear can bring one on. You have to try and relax and learn not to feed the anxiety.

05-11-08, 21:05
Hey, I have exactly the same symptoms, have been getting them on/off for the past month. Worried myself stupid with it, I get the spaced out feeling, the head pressure, tension in the neck and at base of skull. My doctor has told me it's all anxiety related, he even felt on pressure points on my brow line and on my neck where shoulders meet. Hurt like mad !! but all tension. Please no internet search on symptoms it will only make it worse,(trust me I know) the best advice you will get is from your doctor :)

08-11-08, 12:34
I get the same had it for five weeks now. Just got back from A & E because I'm so dizzy. Sent me home with pain killers and muscle relaxing pills. So we shall see. I'm told it's a 'tension type headache', kept going by my anxiety. Just want to be free from the headaches now.

Keep in touch.

agent orange
08-11-08, 13:04
Yes I agree, googling is a very dangerous thing and can make us worse. If the Doctor say you are o.k and they are not worried then I would try to relax, I know this is easier said than done.
Take care.