View Full Version : scared of possible brain problems!

05-11-08, 00:08
Hi everyone!

Pleasure to meet all of you, and as you can tell from my title I too have Health Anxiety problems. Normally I am one to not really think about it much, but this time I am pretty freaked out.

Anyways, a couple weeks ago I was very depressed. Depression is something I have been battling for years. I went to sleep sad and woke up feeling stressed and sad. The depression went away but I was still pretty stressed (a lot of family problems and stuff I've been dealing with for years). Anyways, I decided to try a healthier diet than normal to help get healthier again since I had gained weight. So about a week ago, I tried this new diet. I had nothing but raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. No sugar, dairy, meat, salt, or anything like that. Let me add, that was the most nuts I have eaten in my entire life, since I don't care for them. lol.

The first day I ate it, the foods tasted fine, although I hated the taste of the almond milk and almost vomited when I first drank it. The next day, I woke up and my eyes were inflammed which happens when I am allergic to something, I felt groggy, and my head felt weird. I think I was also somewhat dehydrated when I did this diet and didn't drink much the following day.

My eyes aren't swollen anymore, and my grogginess is gone somewhat, but my head still feels a bit funny. It doesn't hurt or anything like that, I just have pressure on my temples, forehead, and the top of my head. I also feel some tension at the back of my neck and what feels like my scalp. Anyways, I haven't been eating much since for the past few days I've been crying like crazy because I thought/think I have brain cancer or a tumor.

I've been to my doctor. I went to her first because she was the only doctor who was able to tell my sister she had a blood clot in her brain when for years, other doctors didn't know what was wrong. I've had blood work done, and everything came back normal. My oxygen levels are fine, but my blood pressure was high, which ironically is something that runs in the family. She is pretty much sure I don't have brain cancer or a tumor and don't need an MRI (not like I could afford it anyways). I'm tired of being afraid!

Yesterday, I spent two hours talking to my counselor about my concerns, and she even assures me that I don't need an MRI and it's just stress and tension from what's going on. She also says I may have been allergic to something I ate, since I ate A LOT of it. So to her its a combination of allergic reaction and my anxiety and stress over it. My family is tired of me complaining about it and I am tired of the fear. Am I seriously ill? I am feeling better than I first did, but still not 100%.

Anyways, sorry about the long post but I am happy I have someone to talk to about this.

PS: NEVER look at Google. Googling screwed me over...seriously. I am also going to be doing Qigong to help me with my issues.

05-11-08, 05:02
Hello everyone. I just got back from my second doctor's appointment and we went over the blood results..and basically found out what happened. Everything was normal except my Eosinophils were high. I had a SEVERE allergic reaction to one of the nuts I had eaten (more than likely almonds like my mother). So no tumor, no cancer, no dying. :) Just allergic reaction. So now I am going to go to the same allergy doctor my mom went to, to see what foods I am allergic to. :)

11-11-08, 23:39
Bless you. I am suffering at the moment from headaches which are really worrying me. Been to Doctor's several times they say it's 'tension type headache' that I am keeping going through my anxiety. How the hell do you get around that one.

It's driving me mad.

So glad you have found out what's wrong with you.


06-12-08, 02:04
Bless you. I am suffering at the moment from headaches which are really worrying me. Been to Doctor's several times they say it's 'tension type headache' that I am keeping going through my anxiety. How the hell do you get around that one.

It's driving me mad.

So glad you have found out what's wrong with you.

Hey there Kathy,

Well, my headaches come and go now. They aren't as bad as they were, but the moment I get a little stressed. BAM, back again. Right now I am going through it right now. A couple weeks ago it was really bad. Had to lay down and calm myself down. Then after a few days it got better. I contribute a lot of my issues that's going on now to stress and awful posture I've had for years, but was too dumb to change it. Found out that posture can bring about tension headaches. Also eyestrain (which I get A LOT from using the computer for WAY too many hours a day. That's what I get for being addicted right?) brings about tension headache. I checked out the cancer (brain) website a while ago, and basically they had a risks thing. It isn't very common at all but they mostly found it in people (men specifically) over the age of 70 and children age 8 and younger. Also depending on where you worked could increase or decrease your chances along with whatever race you are. Gender is also another one, with males developing it more than females. So basically if one is 70+ year old white male, then you have higher chances of getting it.

My doctor also told me to "de-stress" and that she felt it wasn't anything like a tumor. Oddly enough, I only started having these weird sensations after my major allergic reaction. It happened more than a month ago, and I am still not 100% from it. Needless to say, still makes me nervous, but I guess I just have to deal with it.

I am sure your's is the same thing (only a tension headache). I think we should just trust the doctors. One thing I have started doing is meditation (QiGong) which has helped me calm down and sleep better. Like I said before, I'm not a person that can afford an MRI anyways...which can be good or bad.

I hope you feel better Kathy!:hugs:Message me whenever you would like to talk.